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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Arch-Angel

  1. ... I'm sorry, but are you crazy?!


    BUddy, get your dang leg to a hospital. I don't even have health insurance, yet if it was that bad, I'd get it checked out. Get an MRI.


    I know it sounds uncreditable coming from a 16 year old on the internet, but anyone with a dash of common sense would get that check immdiately.



  2. As if age matters anymore...


    When I was 7, my friends were talking about how 'Child's Play' was a scary movie (Duh) but he was 7!


    Course the doll haunted me in my dreams for days after I watched it...


    I Am Legend is a good movie, and only suprised me ONCE. I don't get scared often if at all.



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