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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel


    I hate being the only one saying to go to his parents... Get a Brazilian (like yours truly), and I'll ask you if you what Plan A, B, or C. Plan A, I superkick his teeth down his throat. Plan B, I give a Capoeira kick right at his jaw. Plan C. There. I feel more manly. Also on the napkin trick, if he hasn't been doing it for a long time, wouldn' it appear lightly on the napkin?
  2. Six years ago, I didn't have a life.
  3. This is the reward of surfing the internet movie database people. Info. MAJOR SPOILERS Don't want to get yelled at for no warnin' ya, ight? And something probably at the back of your mind... You can thank me later, right now I'm gonna get ready to run with the monster starts headed North after eating the Yankees. He's gonn want a bite out off the Red Sox soon. *Flies to St. Louis and Chicago to get Bionigirl and Taki* And for those of ou begging to knw what the monster is and only followin what others describe t you or the 'lion' theory thing, here's the pic. SERVED MOVIE NOOBIES! Alright, I'll give you the real pic. (Lean Back, Brush Your Shoulders Off...)
  4. On the 1-18-08.com thing, I heard it was the monster eating a whale and its leftovers washed up on shore. Notice the bite mark on the top left corner of the pic? Yeah.
  5. Yes, but they leave your blog with memories...
  6. MAJOR SPOILERS Cloverfield. My gosh. When Critics say that this was the movie-expericence of a life-time, and I've seen A LOT of movies, they lie to you not. This movie single-handly blew me away. The movie starts out differently. Characters Rob and Beth are introduced. They are, lets say, more than friends. It cuts over weeks later, his brother Jason reluctantly is put into the job as the one to record people's goodbyes during the going-away party Rob saw coming miles away. Before this, Jason convinces Hud, Rob's Best Friend and 'Main Dude', to do the goodbyes. He spends most of is time trying to flirt with his love interest. She is not interested. Soon, Beth comes through the door. Only with another man. This other man, Travis, is not important other than the fact that he's BETH'S NEW BOYFRIEND. Rob, is of course, hitting rock bottom of rejection. You fnd out that they haven't talk for weeks since... you know what... and once Hud finds out, he tells everyone. Doesn't help. Soon, Rob and Beth talk outside the apartment, and argue. After the arguement, Beth leaves with her boyfriend and Rob drops an insult as they step outside the door. Jason and Hud goto Rob's room to try and talk him into forgetting Beth because she's not good enough for him. It starts. Brief blackout across the city, and the lights go back on. The new reports the a Oil Tanker capsized near the Statue of Liberity. They know tey aren't far from the location and they go up on the roof to see if they could see what caused it. The trailer shows you what happens, so you aren't excited at all except waiting to see the monster and see everything come to play. Once outside, Statue's head flying, yeah yeah yeah, and then you see the Empire State Building collapse. This is where you are hooked. Nothing except your life being threatened could tear you away from this. The story goes on to tell you Rob's intention to save Beth from her apartment without dying. On the way, both Jason and Hud's love interest die. Jason because the monster smashes the Brooklyn Bridge and killing Jason right there. Hud's love interest because the little monsters that come off of the original monster bit her. The process of the little monsters making their offical appearance is trilling and heart-pounding. They run into the subway because the monster is literally right over them and the military can't do jack to stop the thing. They stay there and Rob weeps over his broter and Hud's love interest brings up the possiblity of Beth being dead judging from the voice message. After a few minutes, Rob sees the tunnel map and finds out if they take the tunnel up, they'll be a few blocks from Beth's apartment. They start making their way when they notice something. The rats are haulin' their furry butts the sam one way direction. They hear a noise behind them. Rob turns on the night vision on the camera, and Hud is stunned. He tells them quietly to run. They want to know what he sees. Rob looks into the camera view. "FREAKIN' RUN!" Lots of heart-pounders in this scene. They reach a mall where the military is using it to care for injuried victims and track the monster. Once we see her bleeding from her left eye, the soldiers grab her and take her to quratine where they explode her head behind the curtains with a powerful gun. You only see the shadow of her death, and Hud, Jason's girlfriend, and Rob are left there. Rob constantly asks to get to the area where Beth's apartment is. Though the General tells him not to go, a soldier reluctantly tells them where to head, but with a warning. If they don't leave the island by 0600 hours (6 AM) through the evacution, they'll be stuck in the middle of bombing the holy heck out of the monster. Skip this amazingly long-to-describe part, they get Beth and try to leave as quickly as possible, because you get a full body view of the monster itself. It skips the scene of going down over 50 flights of stairs and cuts straight to them running outside. The military set up their forces there and fire whatever they got at the monster. Of course, the monster takes one step and full-body crushes a tank. They escort Jason's girlfriend into a helicopter where we never see her again for the next 15 minutes of the film. Hud, Rob, and Beth make it to a helicopter as the monster takes care of the force directly to their right. Cut to the scene in the air. The watch the monster's rampage as he walks destructively through Manhattan(sp?), and Hud catches a B-2 Bomber (or Night Hawk) fly over them and drops a row of bombs on the colossal creature and gives the idea that the thing is finished. Out of the smoke, it rises, nails the helicopter and brings it down. They crash-landed. Everything's quiet. Everyone in the theatre is wondering, "Is that it?" and talk as the camera stays in the same position for at least 30 seconds. At this point, the guy in the front watching the movie for a second time goes... "The movie isn't ###### over!" Everyone laughs and the movie goes on. Everyone but the pilots survived, but with plenty of injuries. They are in Central Park. They crawl out of the helicopter. They try looking for cover, but the monster appears. Hud has fallen. He points the camera directly at the monster. It looks down on him, breathing. For a full ten seconds, Hud is whispering 'Oh my God' over and over again when he should've gone Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Jack Sparrow style and say ' 'ello, beastie.' He comes down on our camera man, chews on him and kills him, and as it does, it must have been attacked by the military because he's spat out and the camera glitches a bit, trying to focus. Rob and Beth run over and know fr a fact, Hud's done. Rob takes the camera, runs under the famous bridge in the park and say their final goodbyes to the camera just in case they die. I'll end it here. Just so you know, I haven' ruined the whole movie, just telling you the parts that'll freakin' blow you away... READ THIS In the camera's final flashback with Rob and Beth on a date at a carnival, the camera looks out to the ocean. BOTTOM RIGHT SIDE, you will see somethng in the distance shoot into the water and rise the water shockwave style. Don't miss the moment. EDIT: AFTER THE CREDITS Its been reported that audio is heard at the end, which is believed to be Rob whispering 'Its Still Alive.' Don't miss that. This movie is the greatest I've EVER EVER seen. I recommend it completely, and you will not be disappointed. this movie gets the impossible rating of... 14/10 Good night, or morning, everyone. Funny, at this time, the Coverfield Monster starts his havoc...
  7. Arch-Angel


    I couldn't do it without swearing. You gotta agrue with him. He'll see what its doing to himself and others. But if you're really concerned, trying reaching his parent(s) and see if they care or know. Unfortunately, its easy to start and hard to get off. Just make sure you yourself stay straightedge.
  8. I think its Jak... Anyways, working on a remedy like that wasn't easy! You can put it in my gift section.
  9. Hey Beautiful... I think we should go for the comedy. It'd make a great theme for the blog, right? Might even win the BotW Award With you 'til death... (and I plan to live forever, so far so good)
  10. Name: Arch-Angel PM Address: ...Arch-Angel? Fanishness to me(Dalek): 7 Like of ducks (Very important to membership): 6 Like of Llamas (Important to membership): 8 Like of Turakii (Very VERY important to membership): 9
  11. ...You have to play it back? Possible you got the Prequel with you? Via PM please.
  12. I'm in the process of doing that. Now apologize to Paul.

    *sees Toaraga* Oh and... meh.

    *walks away*

  13. Major spoiler in the end in my blog entry on it. I recommend this review more then my own, but take my MUST READ section. Easter Egg times 40.
  14. As a friend, I'm working a remedy. I hope it works...
  15. Arch-Angel


    Dang it! >< I hate benefitting you...
  16. Arch-Angel


    XD Thats the only way I know its you!
  17. Umm... Thanks? The broad shoulders I think are genetic, I dunno. I just got them. I do work out... Just so you know, I'm with Bionigirl, so I don't want to start down my father's road. Might lose my wings.
  18. If thatentry alone doesn't put youhigh up on chances to get Blog of th Week, I dunno what will.
  19. Its another Friday, and another time where my father wants to spend time with me. Fortunately, I use it to my advantage. I plan to watch the long-awaited Cloverfield, as is like... every person thats seen the trailer. I've actually advertised it in my homeroom when I write the date on the board for my homeroom teacher. I think I should've put it down so when I get to the theatre, the tickets aren't sold out. BUT, I have a counter. I'm buying the tickets, getting dinner with him, then, go watch the movie. Time I buy the tickets? Hour or two before! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I feel smart! Omi, go to the AMC in Framingham/Natick, got it? Though, there are chances my unfailable plan could fail. So, I will watch 'Atonement'... an hour and a half after Cloverfield starts. (Cloverfield - 8:00 PM, Atonement - 9:25 PM) Well, we'll see how that'll work out. This morning in homeroom, we got our new schedule for the second semester... yay...? History (of course) Biology (of course) Acting (New!) Spanish 2 (wait, what? I'm not suppose to be taking that this year!!) Geometry (of course) English (of course) Health (must-have, unknown where the heck it is...) Only updates this morning, so I'll be seein' ya... ~AA
  20. Arch-Angel

    So Close

    I'm scared about my theatre being sold out for the 8 o'clock...
  21. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. Because none of you PMed or IMed me with suggestions (because there are only like, 5 or 6 of you?) so I had to do to it the old fashion ay... pick it out myself. This song of the day is a song I thought would've been here eariler considering its one of the feel-good sons with a message that seem somewhat pessmistic? Anyways, I deem this song a remedy to sadness just on the way it flows... Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer.
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