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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Arch-Angel

  1. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. Today's 'Song of the Day' was given by Necro via PM. Listening to it was awesome. Starting off slow, lyric after lyric, but inthe end, you couldn't help but love it. With an amazing solo taking half of the song (maybe 9 minutes altogether) you'll just want to listen to it again and again. Necro and I present to you... Free bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
  2. Focus on the real world, you get lost in its worst. (Drugs, Drinking, etc.) Because that is what the world does. Focus on the internet popularity, you achieve nothing.
  3. >.< They're both good... Las Caras... Los Dudes... Anymore or should I just get to the voting?
  4. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. Today's 'Song of the Day' was give by -MediocreMan- via AIM. I've listened to it, and you don't really know who's the narrator. It is a man on the battlefront, but what war is he facng? Thats for you to decide. Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin
  5. Yeah, I as looking for a group name. Individual names work fine, but a common name I believe will make them better known.
  6. No really. They burn. >< Haven't had as much sleep as I should've. Yesterday I got 3-4 hours of sleep, and last night probably 5-6 hours. In total, I got a regular day's worth of sleep from two days. Of course a New Years Resolution of mine is to pay attention and pass Biology. Lemme look at the schedule... Ahaha! Right after that is Gym! This ought to be a fun day! Ah, English... Should be interesting since my teacher broke his ribs in a car crash. Hope he's back and doin' well. We got some Book Project/Oral Report thing going. Apparently I'm voted 'Best Presentation So Far' by everyone in the class (who was there). Dang, Geometry... Funny class, but must do work. If I can't even open my eyes for it right now, it'll be entertaining to see me in there jumping in and out of sleep. Actually, sleeping in the class will probably make everyone laugh... been a while since I pulled a funny in class since this place has no heart for dry humor.... In other News... Um... Okay, actual news! Eight weeks of no show, and David Letterman comes out with an old dead racoon wrapped around his jaw. Thats all I got (for now). If anything worth telling happens, you'll know before my mother! ~AA
  7. Your welcome Philadelphia. I know, I'm amazing. Nah, just playing. Just fix that computer. I'm kinda stuck on where we are right now in the CLRPG... heh... Be seein' ya, ~AA
  8. Afew days ago, while talking to Exo via blog entry, the discussion of remembering eachother as newbs came up, and she (or is it he? I'm befuzzled) said that she remembers me as a newb as well. How did I reply? Her/His response: XD This image was created during Spanish Class last year in November. I didn't understand a lick of what the teacher said and considering we had these boards and eraseable markrs he handed out, it was born. Of course my classmates laughed. Its just random and is better than 'wat?' in any different ways. Not to menton the face. Eariler today (actually, 30 minutes ago) had a conversation with Sora on AIM. I made fun of him. His reponse: XD So, considering thse fellas brings the laughs out of us, I decie, why not name them? ... But does anyone gots a name for them?
  9. My scanner brke down too last night, even read my second-to-last entry in my blog. Scanners failing everywhere, huh? Though my sister claimed to have fixed it, I tryit out once the pizza feast is over...
  10. Phil, you made my day, week, and year right there. Thanks man.
  11. I've been in a foul mood at 11:30 PM, the last remaining half hour of 2007. The scanner is broken, I can't give my entry to Ranna's contest (and she'd need it), and I haven't talked to Bionigirl in what feels like ages. I make my plate of food. Yellow rice, black beans on top, with rosemary pre-made chicken from Shaws to the side. Nothng I wouldn't expect. Just glad to have black beans, my favorite. I'm giving attitude to my mom and sister as they sit (mom) and lay (sister) on the couch. Alica Keys performed her hit song 'No One' to the audience of the possibly hundreds of thousands of people in Times Square of New York City. The final 10 seconds come up as that passes and the CBS News Team of New York interview celebrities and A. Rod finally. Never like A. Rod. Never liked the Yankees. FOf curse I don't like them, I'm a freakin' Boston Red Sox Loyalist. Won the World Series, so you can't say we suck and prove it. The Half-Ton Ball flashing its lights starts its slow descent to the unlit sign of 2008, which is hiding in the darkness. My mom decides 'Why not try to be a family these last remaining seconds of this year?' so she makes us hold hands. I never found us to be a family since my dad left us almost 365 days ago, Jan 2, 2007 at 2-3 AM as he was treated to the shiny bracelets and brought back to the station in the back of a Ford Victoria flashing its lights of red, white, and blue. The ball is going to make it. My 2007 face is still on. The ball reaches the 2008 sign and it lights up brightly proclaiming that we have now landed in a new year. Introducing my 2008 face. My mind starts racing instantly. Every thought, every sorrow, everything, and everyone that I have ever made contact with that had any impact on my life goes through my mind. And I feel tears coming to my eyes. My stone heart is almost broken, but stays strong. I feel hate. I feel pain. I feel anger. I feel sorrow. Truly wish I could feel anything but. My eyes are watery now... Its a stupid holiday. Its a stupid waste of my pathetic time. And its spent my someone as supid as I am. I could punch a hole in a wall right now, and I hope I hit the person on the other side. I'm looking at the empty can of Pepsi in front of me. First one of the year. Freakin'... Have a good year everyone. I'll be here swallowing down the foolishness and misery of my being. Have fun... BZPower... For me.
  12. Oh yeah, almost forgot about my Quarter Map. Glad I still follow it. What genre of music will your band play? I don't have a good feeling about any of the top canidates cept the one with Chuck Norris helping out. Then again, we shouldn't discuss politics here...
  13. Whoa, what a year full of hate, Can't be looking forward to 2008. I'll be seein' ya guys next year...
  14. nah man, its cool. Just the repeated comments again and again got repetive.

    Necro said it on his own terms.

  15. I'm not saying thats all he does. He makes refercences to God and his belief whenever on camera, they even used it in his character gimmick where Vince McMahon tried to get him to admit he wanted revenge against a wrestler for giving im a concussion (which was complete storyline mine you. He had to have knee surgery).
  16. Not all Jesus Fishes havethe cross as an eye.
  17. It won't click in anyones mind until after we pay for it.
  18. Arch-Angel

    "green" Funerals

    What if they die of natural causes? Not every dead body in the cemetery and graveyard has been murdered by some way.
  19. I phowned you in your own blog! :o

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