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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Arch-Angel

  1. This song goes out to sister and my mom, because I'm pretty sure this applies to BOTH of them now. If you read any bit of my blog before, then yu know what happened to my mom. But today, it came like deja vu to my sister. Her boyfriend went to Brazil, and within a few days, lied to her and went out with his ex-girlfriend. Her heart is in agony right now. Reason why I didn't go to the mall like I said I would last entry. This goes out to them, and any girl thats had to deal with a cheating man. Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood
  2. What a two days its been. I'll start with Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve RACING. Thats the one was that can describe me in the Natick Collection. I'm running around, trying to buy presents or gifts or whatever for my Ba-humbug! sister. Mom told me "Get a 50 Dollar Gift Card at Abrecromby or Hollistr or whatever" and see handed me two 20s and a 10. So after she butchered the names of two popular clothing lines, I went to Abercrombie & Fitch (Mind you, I may be a prep, but I hate A&F), got the Gift Card, use my mom's cell phone (still don't have my own, yet I'm 16. I see 7-year-old girls making calls to see if they can sleep over Jill's house or whatever...) to call my sister at our meeting spot, RAVE. Get there, 5 minutes later, I get a call. She's gonna spend another 15 minutes or so in there, so I bounce downstairs to CVS, look at a few fitness mags for a couple exercises, then go back up. Then I realize I haven't got her anything with my own money, so I'm looking through the little stands and buy a small bear and an ordament with 'I heart my sister' or something. Fast forward passed getting home and all, now I'm getting ready to go to my friend's house. I'm getting aggravated intensely because my sister is taking way too long and argueing with us every chance she gets, especially going over to my friend's house. Finally, after continuing to argue with her through the ride to his house, we get there. Suddenly she changes from pain in the neck to happy cheery Christmas goer. We have dinner, I go upstairs and play video games (mostly Kingdom Hearts which I just got, and wanted since the 5th grade) then gave a few presents to them, and finally bounced. Its about 2:30 AM, Christmas 'morning' and after annoying me, my mom and my sister convince me to open presents right there. I'll list what I got. 1. Giorgio Armani cologne with after shave and shower gel, 'bout 70 bucks. 2. Rubik's Revolution 3. My first cell phone I'm gonna return for a Razr. 4. Kenneth Cole new york After Shave 5. American Eagle Watch 6. Hollister Gift Card ($40) The first three weren't the best. I think I made my mom sad when I didn't like the cologne. Why? Its 70 bucks. I don't want her to spend that much money on me for cologne. I decided that I'm going to return it and use the cash to buy a jacket from Hollister. Sounds selfish to me, but Im going to make it up to her. The Rubik's Revolution, again from my mom, wasn't really so much a gift of love, but a gift as a joke. Plan to return it too, which didn't bother her at all (I think) The cell phone was from my sister, and she's okay with about anything... now. Christmas Went over to my friend's house, his dad served me and my mom breakfast (sister didn't bother to come, she had friends coming over), played Kingdom Hearts yet again. Basically all we did, I slept over. Yesterday, or Kwanzaa, or Post Aftermath Christmas, I dunno... Kingdom Hearts AGAIN, man the game's addicting... Well, my friend plays, I watch. I gave up after a while from giving him the control. He sleeps over my house this time, and guess what game we play til 1 AM? ... Yeah... Today Finally, after a boss that aggravates us too much, we have put down the control and turned off the game. I mean, the tab for the hints and tips is still on this window, but at least I stopped watching him play and see the storyline unfold to type up this blog entry. Going to go the Natick Collection again today. Maybe buy something with the gift card or something. Well, got to go get ready,
  3. The following is a Order of the Four Members of the Government of Party-Poopers. Four Members of the Government of Party-Poopers: *In unison* In everyone's blog, they say the term 'Merry Christmas'. You should not say this. We do not want to offend the people that do not celebrate this holiday. By order of the Four Members of the Government of Party-Poopers, we demand, not suggest, that you use this term from now until end times. 'Have a Happy Non-Denominational Politically Correct Government Approved Religiously Indifferent Holiday Season.' Arch-Angel: *Come in* Hey! The Four Members: OMG!!1!! Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member One* Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member Two* Arch-Angel: *Sees that Member Three is preparing for AA's Superkick* Heh. *Slaps Member Three across the face* Member Three: Hey! Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member Three* Member Four: You won't get away with this! :angry: Arch-Angel: Wanna bet? Member Four: *Pulls out wallet* I got 50 bucks saying that you won't! Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member Four* Gambling is a sin! *Before walking out, Arch-Angel turns around and take the 50 bucks in Member Four's Wallet* Arch-Angel: I'll pay you back later... *end credits goes up screen* *Background shows Arch-Angel under a a fallen Christmas tree with a dead cat and a knocked-out Santa at his side* Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree... Why have you fallen on top of me? You scared the dog, You killed the cat, You hit the fatty in the funny hat. Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree... Why have you fallen on top of me? Merry Christmas everyone.
  4. Don't go to the Omi part. Don't go there. Merry Christmas!
  5. Super ULTRA Awesome fresh. Wait, thats taken too... Super Mega Awesome?
  6. I don't know what to celebrate anymore. I mean, I'm more than happy that I celebrate a holiday for its true meaning about the Son of God coming to Earth to save us and not a jolly old fat man that should be charged for breaking and entering every year on the 25th of December. You'd think that if we know where he's going to be, we'd catch him by now. ...What? The point is, as a kid, Christmas would be a great time of year. Warm cozy home, comfortable, family love... Now cold apartment, uncomfortable, chores, family torn apart by sorrow... The background music of a day at the beach playing on my new, bought used, Kingdom Hearts game I got myself yesterday at Gamestop... Makes me want to go throw rocks at Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. How do you freakin' get off this island?! (Kingdom Hearts) Well, Merry Christmas everyone. Cause mine won't be. Where's Karley?
  7. I remember getting that a few years back writing my a chapter in my comedy AND a short story entry for a contest.
  8. This started out as a simple discussion yesterday that somewhere in the middle ended up as an interview. NOTE: He wanted me to correct his chat-speak for this one. Just so you know, Toaraga PMed me. Speaking of the Moderator, Toaraga's B-Day is.... TODAY!
  9. Though I'm going to be out for the day, I'll advertise my new shop! Big, ain't it? The link is in my Blog Wreath, along with the one above. Have a Happy Non-Denominational Politically Correct Governement Approved Religiously Indifferent Holiday Season!
  10. Just so you know, the spoiler tag didn't work.
  11. *Is EXTREMELY jealous*
  12. You don't sound selfish. You just have to let it out is all.
  13. I had plans for the blog that I completely forgot, and the days without BZP have been a bore... So, my B-day (Wednesday, the 19th) went well I guess. Got 100 bucks, and so far got a Hollister Shirt and American Eagle Sweatshirt. Had some Ice Cream Cake and all, watched a movie, would've spend the day on BZP, but EVERY YEAR something happens to me or BZP that refuses my access to it. Last year, I went to New York City, and the only place I could find with internet was a Burger King near Ground Zero. Before that, big virus on my computer. AND before that, somehow my entire internet froze. Well, at least I'll have Christmas here. Interview with Omi soon to be posted, maybe Song of the Day,
  14. Tomorrow (and of course, the day before my b-day), my sister's boyfriend leaves to go back to Brazil. They've been together for a year and a half. How do you think my sister's taking it? She went too sleep last night at 4 AM, because she was too busy crying in complete sorrow. Heck, I went to sleep at 2:30 to finish my book for school. I'm in her Community College right now. She's taking a test in Economics. No time limit. I'm in the Computer Lab typing this up right now with my Should've-been-Birthday-or-Christmas-gift beanie hat from quiksilver that has a one ear headset, which I find pretty cool. Heck, I'm listening to 'Shawty is a Ten' and soon 'Because of You' right now. Being an immigrant is hard, and you have to lose a lot to have a new life. Start over with, without, or few family members, in a different country where things are run differently, different culture, and different language. He couldn't handle the pressure, so he's decided during the summer to move back to the family, leaving his girlfriend. Well, I just ask you all pray for my sister. The 'Love of her Life' is going back to Brazil and doesn't know if he'll come back. Over and out... ~AA
  15. Hi Gracy! Don't get banned! *everyone glares at me* What? I've been banned before, jut wanted to givethe warning before-hand. <.< BTW, congrats on havin a sister the won Blog of the Week! P.S. Lady Ranna, congrats on winning Blog of the Week!
  16. Hey, check out my latest Song of the Day (#10) I thnk it'll fit a Avatar Music Vid.
  17. Thats 10 in Ten. Exo, quit trying to steal my idea! *Clears throat* Today's song of the day is about peace and love, and at the same time, makes you want to raise the volume up to Max. and today, it rises to Song of the Day. Rise Today by Alter Bridge
  18. Can't say I didn't see that coming...
  19. I'm Me! You're You!

    But we're the same!

  20. You plan to come back to the CLRPG? We could use another RPer with expericence as yourself.

  21. Arch-Angel

    Moderator Baiting

    *Looks at you* *Looks at Valenti* *Looks at you again* ...Well, I've been using MSPaint for a long time, and I make some great banners from what I can se and others that I make them for. Not to mention a program called sTile. *Looks at Valenti again* *runs*
  22. Is it true if you shoot at a certain part of the head, it will explode?
  23. This one is for no particular reason. Its a good beat, feel, and its pretty well-known to both genres it covers. Alt.Rock and Rap. How can this be? Fans have been a war about which side is better for almost a year now. Well, mi amigo, look closer. If you like the band, you'll like the son. And if you like the rapper, you'll like the song. If you hate the other, well, sorry. You're gonna like the song anyhow. Numb/Encore By Jay-Z and Linkin Park
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