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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel

    Pop Quiz #number

    1. They all kick butt. CAN YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL... WHAT THE ROCK. IS. COOKING? 2. The profession of bringing anything with power now, which is also a belief. 3. Goatee 4. Your mom. 5. Brown and black? 6. It matters? 7. It was good. Nothing you need to truly know...
  2. A lot of his t-shirts on the WWE have a Christian background in them, especially the latest one.
  3. The Blog of the Week 54 attempt is right around the corner. Today is 53, and I plan to take the Award for the first week of 2008 (hopefully my streak of luck on the first week is better than usual. I told you about my attempt here first. I'm still going for it. With that, I plan to make the next week as interesting for this blog and its readers as much as possible. Also, I'm doing a little remodeling as you can see. Though the Yin Yang Symbol at the top of all the content blocks bothers me intensely. I know its my theme, how my life goes for bad to good and good to bad, but its still a symbol of a religion. My beliefs don't stick to that religion. I'm a Christian, and I'm proud of it. I may not have gone to church in a long while (since my move back in late Oct.) but I still have the Holy Spirit of God in me. So I ask the Blog Assistants or Leader(s?) reading this if I could replace it with a Jesus Fish, Dove, or anything (not a cross). Its all I ask. I want to earn the Blog of the Week, but this means more to me than that.
  4. Arch-Angel


    Heh... Funny, cause when I think of my cousins in FLorida, I think that they're cooler than me. Well, they're all half-Jpanese, the middle one is the only boy and has a record for street racing (my kind of cousin!), the youngest one is older than me by a year, I treat her like a friend whos my sister, and the oldest one already grew up and got married. Miss her though... Can't wait to see anyone of them though. Could happen...
  5. I'd get lazy and copy/paste bit of it all over.
  6. You know the Shawn Micheals is a devout Christian?
  7. We've lost one to the dark side... Nah, I should jst say "Everyone's entitled to their opinon" but who doesn't say that? So, YOU'RE WRONG! I'm having too much fun with this freedom of speech thing...
  8. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. This song is short, not many verses, but enough to get straight to the point. Life ain't easy, and its not suppose to be, and 'how we survive, is what makes us who we are'. So I hope you all enjoy this one... Survive and Rise Against
  9. Thats in General Discussion. Yeah, I know. I'm a CoT Guy. My post count is at 1418, and I practially make 10 legit posts a year now! Maybe I'll make it a new year resolution... get to 1500! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  10. "Yippee kay yay mother lover"

  11. Arch-Angel

    Four Years

    *Is Jealous that I've been here longer and you're more popular* I remember you as a newb. ...
  12. I clicked this topic thinking I would be offended, but you only made me laugh. XD
  13. I've written a successful comedy called Bionicle Dodgeball a year or two back... The ending was so epic, I never wrote it. Thats around the turning point of my life... sigh... The good ol' (noobish) days... But I was really good! I look back it and I crack my older more mature self up! If only I knew what the Littlest Pet Shop was... Holy Woo's, I just got an entire half chapter in my head. ...Think I could do it?
  14. Arch-Angel

    Read This.

    Rap, Alternative Rock, Rock, occasionally metal... so many to choose...
  15. ...Are YOU kidding?! Find the trailer. Google it.
  16. BAD NEWS I am so sorry to inform you all that I have just seen the trailer to this movie not to long ago, and again somone let loose the 2 of the 6 writers from the Scary Movie Franchise from their cage yet again. With movies like Date Movie and Epic Movie left in their path of destruction, we can't expect this one to be any different. Sorry King Leonidas. I truly am sorry...
  17. XD XD XD XD Oh gosh... aw, that made my day...
  18. Two thngs I want this coming year. No, not a mexican wrestler! A replica of the World Heavyweight Title Belt! No it has no use except falsely exclaim to the world that I am a World Champion. Either that or the WWE Title Belt: Most likely the above pic... or the pic above it... I don't know! Either one! Help me choose! But what I will be saving up for this entire next year is a car. Okay, maybe not that Mustang. Not that Mustang either. Something like this. First, I must take Driver's Ed. Which will definitely help so I don't need to get my license at 18. Before that, my permit. Some of you might ask, "Why didn't you get it on your B-Day?" For a simple reason. I know the rules of the road, I know how to use a car. Turn signals, all that stuff. But I want to be 100% sure before I go ahead and grab my permit. Or not, I'll just go over to the RMV (or DMV you might call it there) and grab the permit easy after lon lines and the growing urge to kill myself. (RMVs will do that to ya. I know, sister's permit, LONG.) But the future holds no promises. And I have to work for everything. (Thats why I'll be earning 300 bucks a week full time during the summer!)
  19. 3, 10, 11, 13! Looks very nice in my blog...
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