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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Its slow because he is not Cloud Strife. ~AA
  2. I blow off most of it up until the second semester. Trust me, DO NOT follow that road. Ok, I won't!
  3. I hate admitting this but I was apart of five fads. ~AA
  4. He just copied that from Wiki! So -KW-... ~AA
  5. Roger is Brittney Spear's first boyfriend. He his currently a member of the Blue Man Group.
  6. Today went off well. Aside from my teacher repeatedly and seriously telling me and y friend that we suck (we weren't doing our work because our brains were on sleep mode as you can say) it was fine. I come home at 4:30 PM after getting off the late bus. I didn't bring my cell phone because I'm not accustomed to it yet. Mom and sister were a bit annoyed wondering where I was. The day went on, I've beaten the first Kingdom Hearts using a walkthrough a couple days ago and have moved on to Kingdom Hearts 2. Played that for an hour or two (could be three?) as I didn't have any homework. Quite an entertaining game might I say. Around 9 o'clock, my mother and I decide to watch The Bourne Ultimatum and I say good movie. After brushing my teeth, I step out the bathroom door. I give my mom a hug and a kiss as notice that she's about to cry. Obvisously I'm curious as to why but didn't ask because for all I knew, she did this every night. I'm shutting off the lights in our apartment and was about to say good night to my sister. She calls me over. On the internet, there is this Brazilian Web Profile Site, and on it was a picture of my sister's friend's church all together taking pictures. Then I see my father. Then I see the 9-year-old boy. Then I see the woman he left us for. With his arm around her. My sister has watery eyes. I know my mom is crying right now. Yet why do I have little emotion? I am emotionally stronger? I have been through the same battles, I have been through the same pain. I've cried in bed praying to God for things to get better. But right now, I feel some anger, some disappointment. But I do not know why I have no true emotions flowing. That is why my anger is rising, becaue I can't cry with them. I feel like a monster. I feel like a beast. I feel ashamed of my existance.
  7. Where? I can visit you. Maybe get an autograph. ~AA
  8. As if age matters anymore... When I was 7, my friends were talking about how 'Child's Play' was a scary movie (Duh) but he was 7! Course the doll haunted me in my dreams for days after I watched it... I Am Legend is a good movie, and only suprised me ONCE. I don't get scared often if at all. ~AA
  9. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. This new song came out and in the R&B/Hip-Hop World, its already considered a hit. It isn't stereotypical as some members are convinced. Its a love song. Its has a great rhythm and clean lyrics. Going out to Bionigirl... With You by Chris Brown. ~AA
  10. Maybe they'll make a name for themselves in a clean fashion, like Britt's sister. I have a feeling she'll actually be a good mother...
  11. In school right now... its 8:08 AM here and today is going to a breeze with my school schedule. Study now, History (favorite), Spanish 2 (zzzz...), Gym, English. Still not used to the 5-period process, old school in my hometown had 6-period. Anyways, the proxy to go on the WWE Homepage ain't workin'... hmm... Got one that works now... Oh! News Time! A NEW Las Caras/Los Dudes! And in other news, Brittney Spears finally lost custody of her kids and visitation privledges. If I had the chioce, would've given the kids to K-Fed the second this pic came up. Grillin'! Apparently Dr. Phil came by to tell us something we all thought months ago. "She needs medical and phychological help." ...Duh. Happy Monday everyone, tomorrow's Tuesday and you know how I feel about those... ~AA
  12. Scary? ...When I get my license, first thing I'm going to do is gun it on the Mass. Pike! ...Then the boys in blue stop me... Ah well. That lady's crazy. I think someone should ram her to teach her a lesson. (Wouldn't you think that getting hit would be scarier?) Soon to crash into Omi once I get my PERMIT. ~AA
  13. ... Do I know you from somewhere?

  14. Good point Brave Dragon...
  15. It all comes down tonight... Waiting for either a Blog Assistant or Toaraga to put up the winner. Number 54... Feels kinda scary... like its not here, but I feelit coming. I have plenty of doubt...
  16. I know that. Just the attitude was uncalled for.
  17. Tomorrow is the 54th Weekly Blog Award I've been aimming for for weeks. Its going to be a heart-pounder... The passed two days have no been fun... at all. All except getting my uncle and aunt from the Logan Airport today then eating at a Brazilian Buffet was the most exciting thing I've done. Although, there was this one incident yesterday. That morning I was running very late. Just got the amount of sleep I needed to get through the day without taking a desk nap (meaning sleeping during school) but with one problem. I had 15 minutes before the bus left and I needed to shave with the add-on I didn't check for everything I needed for the day. Making a good shave in the morning (being as tired as I can be and trying to be aware of the clock too) is a good 10 minutes at least. I don't shave at night cause I don't like 5 o'clock shadows. 5 minutes left. At least I got my clothes ready. Grabbed my watch, jacket, money, body spray, deodorant... "Where's my freakin' wallet?" My wallet contains no money. Nothing valuable unless you want a High School Discount Card and a CVS Extra Care Card. Maybe the American Eagle Points Card thingy. But the one thing I need the most... The keycard. You see, if you are reading this post for the first time, or have just started reading this long and emotionally distraught blog from start to finish, then I guess I should tell you now that I live in an 3-bedroom apartment. Hard to find, hard to afford, trust me, borrowing 6 grand and slowly paying it back isn't easy. But the important thing about the story here, I live in a freakin' apartment. If you ever been to an apartment complex before, whether visiting a friend so you could use their pool pass during the summer or you actually live in one, then you know that you either have a code to punch in to get in or a keycard to swipe so the door would be unlocked temperarily. I, my friend, leave it in my wallet. And I only misplace my wallet, never lose it (not yet anyways). I decide to forget about it and hope that the door stays unlocked after closing from the last person to walk inside (occasionally it happens) and go on ahead to chase the bus. I don't make half-way before I see the bus taking off. I go home, kind guy leaves the door open for me as he's stepping out, I tell madre, she's irratated, and in an hour, I head to school. Fast forward, I get off the bus, an the entire time, I'm worrying about how to get in. I hope the door is open in that rare state, or I come around just as someone's coming in. Well, no such luck. I'm in the lobby entrance hoping for someone to come in or head out. Finally, a car goes inside the garage. I sowly get out of the lobby, wait for the person to get close to the door. Its a reddish-hair elderly lady. Not majorly old, but plenty old enough to be under the catagory "More-Life-Expericenced" so my mind automatically sets to much respect for her. "Excuse me, could you open the door for me?" "Why?" "I forgot my wallet in my apartment, which has my card." "What apartment?" "122." "Well, your name should be on the list." "We haven't lived here long, and they didn't change the papers." We are referring to the list on the wall of the last names of supposely everyone that lives here along with a number to call to that person's phone. We go to that list in the lobby entrance and of course, my name isn't there. "Your name isn't here." "Ma'am, I have my key right here. I live on the first floor. I just forgot my card." She looks at me with these eyes, thinking she knows I'm lying, and says in a voice that people say just to tick another person off... "You don't live here." Slap to the face! Thats just rude. She then said the following. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you in." You see, if she only just said that, that would be fine. But no, she's right, I'm wrong, end of the line. She walks out of the Lobby Entrance and goes through the Garage Entrance just to make sure I don't go in. I understand why she didn't let me in, but to speak in an attitude like that is inexcusable. Lesson for All: Never become that person. Song of the Day tomorrow...
  18. ... The Last Train Song you suggested to me to hear?
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