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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Arch-Angel

  1. About time! Good thig my last comment reminded you
  2. *crawls out of a crypt in the desert of Austrailia* Who are you?
  3. Another gift. I got a Trogday present if you want, I dunno if its your taste... BTW, talk to Taki. He's on the List of Soldiers on my blog. His sister left for college also and trust me, what your feeling is an all too common occurance t him.
  4. Janus and his hunger... @ Biomech: XD
  5. I am proud to inform you all that today is Trogday! This day (or week) marks the 5th year of Trogdor's creation by StrongBad, who isn't trilled because we killed Trogdor like we did with Zombies, Ninjas, Pirates, and StrongBad. No, I do not know how long it lasts or how long its been going on but bottom line is, its Trogday! Happy Trogday!
  6. Painted it mysel. [/sarcasm]
  7. Use a proxy to get on. Some features will be unaccessable, but at least you'll be able to post blog entries and replies. Google search 'proxy' and use any link. I perfer 'web unblocker'. Google search that too if you wish.
  8. Happy Birthday, where ever you are.

  9. Unique content blocks. Make sure you keep them unique. Orginality is cheap.
  10. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. This song was brought to you by ♥TAKi♥. ♥TAKi♥, Japan's Number 1 Teriyaki Chicken Sauce. Buy it at your local iMarket. Last Train Home by LostProphets
  11. Don't you love that? I freakin' love beng in the circle...
  12. In my old school, I was a bit of a flirt. Not majorly, but enough to show I'm a flirt. Why? Because I've had few girlfriends in my life to commit to. The only true commitment I've had was with my last ex and my current girlfriend, Bionigirl. My relationship with my last ex didn't last long because she was going too fast and I couldn't keep up with it, and I wasn't even sure I loved her. I kept her in mind, but not at heart. After our break-up, I began to think on how girls thought. Yes, I've made huge discoveries, and I'll tell you, the difference between a boy and a girl in attraction... is slim. Looks, key. Buddy, when was the last time you seriously considered dating a girl that was less attractive then that beauty in your English class? You can tell by the statement above which group of girls I aimed for. Time goes on, I change my look. Not just clothes, but physical appearance too. When I hear a girl that carried some extra baggage lost some pounds, I immediately look for that girl and I see the difference. Even if it wasn't that much, I look at her differently. Like she still made an effort to look better, and thats attractive. So I do the same. The girls in my target range liked preppy clothes. Mostly Hollister and American Eagle (Hollister gets too expensive by the time I look at the sweat-shirts, so I stuck with shirts) and I got jeans, sweat-shirts, and sweaters from American Eagle. Heck, I have a watch from there. First one without a digital read too. I gel my hair everyday, watch my own appearance everyday, and especially watched what I said. Make sure that joke is actually funny to everyone else, or you look like a fool. Time goes on, and I am known in everyone's mind as at least a friend throughout the grade and soe in the upper and a lot in the lower classmen (especially the freshmen because I'm still famous for jumping off the dock and into the sea in the 8th grade field trip) Soon enough, I am forced to move. Surely, I don't go without litterally leaving my mark. But thats another story, in a past entry, look for it. Too many smileys... Anyways, I move into this 'new' town and I start from square one. Its bigger, more students, very diverse, and half of the students don't know the kids in the of their grade. But of course, I still make friends... with girls. Then an old friend of mine comes along. A girl that thinks deeply and has a lot of expericence in the toils of life. A girl that I can truly love, and love back. Bionigirl. Fast forward to this month. She's on vacation. So I continue my daily routine, wake up, sometimes miss the bus, get to school, sleep, get out of school, take the bus home, play Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 an continue to count down the day. ... But I've beat Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 already. So what do I do? Start making friends! The ones I should avoid! The pretty ones, the pretty and artistic ones, the pretty and very literate ones, and the very pretty ones... BUT. I hold myself. I stop my auto-control from getting into flirting. Today especially. Plenty of times to do it, but never flirted. Because I wait patiently for her return. And what do you now? She's right here.
  13. I'm practically counting down the hours I return home and wait to talk to Bionigirl offically for the first time this year. In fact, I'm risking it by going on AIM Express right now just to talk to her. Alright, she may not be on, but thats alright. As long as I'll talk to her sometime soon. This week in school, we're reviewing for the mid-term exams which are next week. Of course my memory is blank of all things Biology, though I'm thankful to still have history still in me. Well everyone, I'm in school so now its time for 'In Other News'! In other news... no news. Study over. Bye... ~AA
  14. Arch-Angel

    About Time!

    After hours upon hours, world after world, characters after character, keyblade after keyblade, I've beaten both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II! Ugh, about time! You see, I've been wanting to play Kingdom Hearts since it came out back in te 5th grade 5 or 6 years ago. Of course, that Christmas I got my first ever straight from a package game system... a PS1. The game is obvisously a PS2. I lost interest, up until Kingdom Hearts II came out, grew a bit more in interest in it, but still had no PS2. It wasn't until the last offical Christmas with my family that I got a PS2, Christmas 2005. By then, Kingdom Hearts loomed in the back of my mind... So I covered it up by playing other games, and enjoying a growin social life whic met its last days before I moved. I am bored. I go to school, come back, wasted the hours of my life that I would've spent with my social life on BZPower. Sure in benefitted here but I needed to do something then roam BZP with my Pepsi and my 2 Step! Then I walk into a local GameStop, and I see it. The key to all my boredom. Kingdom Hearts. Soon enough, I'm playing the game here in my room and gettng ticked because I still hven't gotten off the Destiny Islands. Time goes on, I find a walkthrough and I beat the game when others say it was impossible. 2008 rolls around, I get Kingdom Hearts 2, and today, I've beaten it with a boss I can say kills Sora twice before, third times the charm! I beat it. The past few days I haven't posted a blog entry have had nothing else to include except the hours I've played the game. I've finally got it off my back, now I can enjoy life! *crickets* Better start getting a social life...
  15. You've offically earned yourself... (Not an Award) (Is an Award)
  16. I think you should, it being (or was) your b-day...

  17. NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. Today's song is one that I enjoyed listening too. Suggested by my friend Jack_Skellington, I truly love this song. Its late so I won't give you my thoughts this time, just know, its a great song. These Walls by Teddy Geiger.
  18. Arch-Angel

    Cold Pain

    ... I'm sorry, but are you crazy?! BUddy, get your dang leg to a hospital. I don't even have health insurance, yet if it was that bad, I'd get it checked out. Get an MRI. I know it sounds uncreditable coming from a 16 year old on the internet, but anyone with a dash of common sense would get that check immdiately.
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