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Everything posted by Nukaya

  2. Two of four images for a food project for studio photography. I started out initially with my theme being different black and white foods, but it became focused on Oreos as well. The first image is my close up, and the second is a mid shot. The third and fourth images (a place setting and an "unappetizing" but visually appealing") will be shot later this week once I get deep-frying Oreos down. Part 2 is here.
  3. It's very possible to draw hands. It just takes practice. Also, I know one hand is going towards the viewer and the other is at a similar state of angle, but the mitten-hands look too small here.
  4. Nukaya


  5. To contribute something beyond my first post, I think one thing I would have liked to see is having different poses to match the different light patterns, in a way. For example, in the first image, the pose Breez is in and the light swirl complement each other perfectly. The pose does not change in the next image, and while it's not detrimental, it would have been nice to have some variation. Same with Takanuva - for the second image, I can picture his being positioned sideways and posed in a way to imply motion to complement the blur in the background.I am still in awe, by the way, that this is all even possible to do by hand. It is truly incredible.THANK YOU WINDRIDER.Anyways, yeah, I would have changed the poses but it was getting late, my deadline was looming, and I was running out of wine. Future plans of this will involve changing the poses.
  6. [Ray]: Retrieve leg-wait, no. That's not how it goes.
  7. In this setup I'm using a makeshift "infinity background", which is a cloth set up so it gently curves up from the table to where it's attached on the wall. This gives a sense of a never-ending background, as well as a clean look from no line being where the wall and floor meet. You can see in most how the texture of the cloth slowly fades out to black. The way that I lit the scene as well made it so the least amount of light was falling behind the figure, which makes it appear even darker.In a sense, the background of the second Breez picture was added, because the lines of light make a temporary background that separates her from the black cloth behind her. I set up the lights to trigger right at the beginning of the exposure before I begin. Whatever shows up in that flash of light is what you see as permanent, and then the light painting is added in during the remaining exposure time. I make sure to wear dark clothing and I continually move my hand around, even if I am only lighting a specific spot, or my hand will show up as a discoloured blur. The longer the image exposure is also means there is less of a chance of me appearing in the image. You can kind of see in the Jetbug images what happens when my phone is in one place for too long, as the image on my phone slowly starts to appear, such as near Jetbug's foot where you can partially see me sitting on a rocking horse.I think I might have to post more about the technical aspects of this and show examples of ones that I didn't use where the flash goes off and my hand is in the way, what happens when I stay in one place too long, an example of an infinity background setup, etc., just because of some of the reoccurring questions.
  8. 153 years of awesome. Also, my light painting project got on the front page. Go check it out!
  9. When the cops come by and tell Stringer to turn the music down, he says no, because he is the music and he is the law. And then everyone parties.
  10. As I stated, I did not use a program beyond Adobe Photoshop for minor colour correction, levels, etc. after I had made the images. When it comes to the lights, it is all done by hand. He's closely lit from behind his head in that one. The transparent pieces appear to glow when combined with certain types of light. Challenge accepted.
  11. New art. Go check it out.
  13. Nukaya

    Superbowl Predictions

    Krum catches the Snitch but Ireland wins. Wait....
  14. Nukaya

    Don't Read This

    Sorry, saying "Fine. Don't comment then", counts as a comment drive entry. Entry locked.
  15. I'm not opposed to making more photos like this. They're really fun and very different from my usual work! Doing this with multiple figures interacting, as well as creating and mastering using light stencils attached to a flash could be really interesting. It could even become recreations of certain high-action/battle scenes in the movies or comic books. I'd have to get some more of my sets from home the next time I'm there, and more types of light sources, but it could definitely be done.
  16. This was for an assignment in studio photography where we were required to alter pre-existing light and mix it with other light sources to create a series of successful and compelling photos. Each image is made over a very long exposure time (think 8-25 seconds) by triggering several strobe lights, and then moving LED lights and my lit -up cellphone around. Some of the sets appear to be moving (Furno and the second Jetbug photo) due to the figure being shifted to different spots during the exposure.The only editing on the computer was for minor levels editing, slight exposure correction, dust removal, and a tiny bit of colour correction. Everything else is created by hand.
  17. Nukaya


    Hearts hearts hearts hearts hearts hearts hearts.
  18. Nukaya


    Yeah, his BS01 topic doesn't have much beyond that he likes to hum to himself, so other matoran would avoid him, and he seems slightly hesitant about using his powers, especially in relation to the OoMN. I mean, there is some stuff about what he does for the OoMN, so maybe you could get info personality-wise from that? Or go and read through some of the stories he has parts in. They might have something.
  19. Nukaya


    Bink is so cool. I forgot he sent me this.
  20. Those were supposed to be secret! Now I'm going to have to think of something else to test them with.GLaDOS's test chambers? (From Portal)Please. That wouldn't even qualify as a warm up practice run.
  21. Way to not mention The Trials. Nobody gets on staff before passing those.
  22. Nukaya


    It's a joke because DeeVee never logs on to AIM. He knows what it is.
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