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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. Chupacabra duct tape Darth Vader's left sock Ice cream Boba Fett Look! An eagle! Purple purple purple orange Velcro Man!!! -Nukaya No 'NUKAYAISAWESOME'?
  2. Nukaya

    Heavy Metal

    Platinum, silver, aluminum, copper, lead, iron, and gold are all pretty cool types of metal. Alloys are pretty boss as well. -Nukaya
  3. Nukaya


    I heard that Jonathan Ware likes turtles. A lot. I bet he'd really like this exhibit. -Nukaya
  4. Ping Pong Toucan Dance Off NUKAYAISAWESOME PoundsignExclamationpoint Horrendous Space Kablooie Kablooie! Charlie Chaplin T-rex in a fighter jet -Nukaya
  5. Or, "wait, we just did all this work this term only for our professor to tell us that we're not going to have a gallery show because he didn't try to find a place big enough for us to display our work despite knowing that the original place he had in mind would not work even though they've done the Junior Seminar show there for the past several years? Awesome." My contribution of this Junior Seminar class gallery show that never happened was based on past memories and how memories go "missing", only to be recovered or rediscovered years or decades later due to some reaction or experience, and how memories can be re-written or altered in the process. (at least, that is my experience with my own memories). These are all rather small. I believe the biggest one (the third one) is about 9"x5" and the smallest (second one) is about 5"x5.5". All four are done on wood scraps I found in the theater shop area, and they are layered with acrylic paint, water colours, gesso, pencils, sharpie, and various permanent/ink-based markers, as well as scratched/gouged with an X-Acto knife and a pair of pliers.
  6. Nukaya

    My Knee 2

    Hey, sometimes cross training can actually help you come back to racing stronger than you were. One of our distance runners my freshman year had to do a lot of cross training in the pool, and she ended up coming back and running one of her fastest 800m races. What kind of cross training, btw? Stationary bike, swimming/running in the pool? Again ICE ICE ICE ICE ICE. And stretching. And possibly massaging it out as well, though from experience, trying to massage around the knees is more difficult than it should be. Also (don't call me an expert on this by any means) but maybe a patellar tendon strap would help? I've seen people make ones as well out of athletic underwrap tape since it's apparently a lot cheaper than buying one of the straps (but you have to I think make a new one each time you run since that stuff isn't the strongest), but I don't have any experience with that sort of knee problem or making one of them. I guess suggest the idea to your athletic trainer? -Nukaya
  7. Nukaya

    Vader Makes Toast

    Vader is the best at making toast. -Nukaya
  8. You could just update this, maybe? The members I believe were also told by others that they need to PM you about it instead of posting in another person's blog wondering if there were any left. -Nukaya
  9. Ok. There were some members in another blog wanting to purchase shirts, and I was going to link them to this, but I wasn't sure if it was accurate or not. -Nukaya
  10. Are the totals here for shirts still current? -Nukaya
  11. How to commemorate the 99th anniversary of the Titanic colliding with an iceberg and sinking the next day, causing 1,517 people to die: 1) Play "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion, because it's that one theme song from the Titanic movie, everyone knows that even if they haven't seen it, duh! 2) Play "Cold As Ice" By Foreigner, because, you know, everyone falls into the water and they are cold. Cold as ice in fact! 3) Play "White Flag" by Dido, because she's all "I will go down with this ship", and that's what happen to the people on the Titanic! 4) Laugh with evil glee as your radio listeners wake up to this three song theme. They are straight up one of the worst, most insensitive radio stations I have ever heard.
  12. Do you have a chiropractor or athletic trainer you could possibly go to? And yes, ice ice ice!! -Nukaya
  13. Nukaya


    Super hero cats! Oh man, that could totes be a new series of comics or something. -Nukaya
  14. Nukaya


    I guess that now means you could change his name to Daredevil and make him a little dark red superhero costume? -Nukaya
  15. However the motors in the fridges are generating heat and would likely nullify any sort of cooling that would occur from leaving the fridges open. -Nukaya
  16. The show's popularity has nuthin' t'do with this. She wanted reasons to why she should watch and that's exactly what we're giving her. Simply because a show is popular is most decidedly not a good reason. I can think of lots of popular shows that are complete rubbish. Besides, we, her friends, are convinced she'd like it if she'd give it a try. We're not being dictators. We're just encouraging her to give it a chance. Ain't nothin' wrong with that, is there? «Takuma Nuva» However, it is popular within your group of friends, even if it is just the three or four of you. You also stated that you "have been unable to convince" her to watch it, but now your claiming you're "encouraging her to give it a chance". Encouraging someone to do something and convincing someone to do something are similar but rather different things. Convince: 1. Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something. 2. Persuade (someone) to do something Encourage: 1. Give support, confidence, or hope to (someone): "encouraging results"; "I feel encouraged". 2. Give support and advice to (someone) to do or continue something: "pupils are encouraged to be creative" I never said you were or are being a dictator, so please do not elude to that. -Nukaya
  17. Watch it if you want to. Don't let other people decide and dictate if you view a show based on the popularity of it. -Nukaya
  18. Wait, this isn't about the character from To Kill a Mockingbird? -Nukaya
  19. Nukaya

    Little Kids

    You were a little kid once too. We all were little kids at one point. Just as obnoxious, just as ridiculous, just as in your face as the one(s) you're dealing with now. I'm sure there were people who wanted to punch you and everyone else in the face for being an annoying little kid at one point or another. Chill. -Nukaya
  20. Can't really be a so-called "Cryoshell wannabees" when your band started in 1995, theirs started in 2007, and you're completely opposite musical styles. -Nukaya
  21. Nukaya

    Who High

    ....I thought this was going to be an entry with details about a Whoville high school TV show. -Nukaya
  22. Check it. Seems to take a while to fully load (maybe to liken back to 1996 internet speeds?), but it might just be my computer. I am starting a wizards on bikes brigade. Put them in your signature, put them in your blog, wherever. Just make sure you follow the signature and avatar guidelines, especially the "signatures can contain up to ten images" one.
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