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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. The last four years of college have led to me making some pretty ridiculous/awesome Halloween costumes, so I decided to make an entry that lumped all of them together with what I did this year. 2008: Sarah Palin! 2009: Newspaper dress! This dress successfully won me a mountain bike in a costume contest. It helped that I uttered the phrase "finally there's something good in the newspaper" to the judges. 2010: Nike, Goddess of Victory! Plus Steve Prefontaine, Coach Radcliff, and Kenjon Barner doing...something that leaves me perplexed. (it makes sense because it's the Nike company, and University of Oregon, trust me on this) 2011: Greyscale Audrey Hepburn! So much grey face paint. I am having problems getting it all off. Alternatively, Troll Audrey Hepburn: Necessary because Pat texted me yesterday with "Random silly thought. If you can't get a tiara made, you could be troll Audrey Hepburn", which was funny as I had thought the exact same thing the day prior.
  2. Getting skin to look a proper light grey is difficult. Especially when in a few days, it's going to be from my knees down and then my face/neck, and a good part of my arms/shoulders. I don't know if I can go with a spot on Audrey Hepburn either. It just figures that I have a tiara at home, but the whole cigarette tube/pearls/Hepburn-esque glasses(?)/black heels/get a wig and style it to make it big and poofy along with the lack of tiara is kind of putting a damper on this. (dear WalMart and Dollar Tree, please have opera gloves tomorrow and everything else I need, thanks bye)
  3. Nukaya

    21-31 L

    Three of my favourite photos I took during last weekend's football game at my college. Expect a lot more of this. I was hired at the end of September as the athletic department's main photographer for home games and whatever other assignments they throw at me. Sports are exciting, especially when photographed in a quality and visually compelling way. Go us.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Going to bed because "I showed up late to class because I was too busy flipping out over a webcomic update" is not an acceptable excuse to my professor.
  5. Nukaya

    Oh Right

    I kind of want to photoshop a super long beard onto your profile picture in celebration.
  6. I would assume Thirteen is easy enough to read. However, the blog rules specifically state "Do not post using chatspeak or leet". These are the rules that I am going by in regards to leet in the blogs. If you feel differently, please PM Black Six (who, as I state again, is not the same person as I am).
  7. I went grocery shopping today. Partially because I am hungry and partially because this is the only time during the weekdays that I can go. As I have no car and the distance from home to WalMart is not an ideally walkable distance due to headwinds both ways (which is a legitimate thing here), I take the thing that has been deemed "public transit" in this town, which is a bus that runs to several different stops once an hour that will leave you stranded if you are not precisely on time to the stop. I'm sitting at the bus stop outside of WalMart, when this guy rolls up on a beat up black mountain bike and says, "Hey, you waiting for the bus?" I said yes, because I am. He replies with, "Cool, I'm waiting for my own ride. It's the train. I'm heading to LA." On his bike's handlebars, he had a bunch of his possessions balanced between them in a sack. His clothes were ruffed and he looked like he hadn't showered in a while. He was overtanned, as if he'd been biking for months. A tooth was missing and had been replaced with a silver one. Based on his slight stumbling, he also appeared to be a bit tipsy. This man was clearly homeless, which put me on the slight defense. Oregon alone has one of the highest numbers of the homeless in the nation. Being from Portland, I've grown up seeing homeless people wandering the streets with their belongings piled into shopping carts, standing on the freeway offramps with signs asking for money or food, or sitting downtown with a sign that says "I have to be honest, all I want is a beer". It's a kind of sad reality of life. The town my college is in has trains running through it all day, so it becomes a sort of pit stop for vagabonds to stop in, get some food and rest, and then head on their way. This particular man was....something else. Usually, in my (thankfully positive) experiences with the homeless, they ask for any spare change or food you may have, accept your (often likely) rejection, and go on their way to ask the next person (though, Pat and I had a great experience with one homeless man who we shared the overflow of fries with we had gotten from a food vendor. He politely asked us for ketchup several times, thanked us for the food, and left). This one, however, did not seem to want food or money, he just wanted to talk. He said that he'd started out in Florida and had been going from place and was heading down to LA to see his two year old granddaughter for the first time. He asked me if I'd ever been to LA, and I told him I had been a few times and that it had been very nice. The train he'd be taking was going through San Fransisco, so he asked me if I recommended stopping and checking out the area there. I said that I'd also been there a few times, and it had been very nice. Then he asked me my name. "Maddison", I said. "Maddison? That's nice" he said. "My name is Paul, but you can call me..." He then pulled up his sweatshirt to show me the tattoo arching across his stomach. "Railroad." This wasn't just a d.y.i. tattoo someone would do in their bathroom with a bottle of ink and a sewing needle. This was a legitimate, went to a tattoo parlor, got a nice font for the letters, and slapped a considerable amount of money down tattoo. Paul, who I shall refer to as Railroad as he requested, asked where I was from. I said Portland, and he became very interested, as his train would be going through Portland as well! Would it be a good place to stop and check out? I said that I highly recommended stopping there, as it was an extremely interesting place. At that point, Paul said goodbye and was about to depart to bike over to catch his train, when he noticed the large truck parked on the street. A man was selling apples from it. Railroad turned around to ask me if it was the taco truck he'd heard about in La Grande. I said it wasn't and that I thought it was located on the other side of town. Railroad suddenly asked "have you ever eaten sesos?" I said that I hadn't and that I didn't know what that was. "Well, sesos is cow brain! I eat cow brain tacos all the time. They're so good and they really fill you up. I can eat one and I'll be set for the entire day. Not like those tacos they have at Taco Bell where you'll eat five of them and still be hungry." Just around this time, the bus pulled up. I said goodbye to Railroad, and we went our separate ways. And that was my afternoon shopping adventure. Have a safe trip getting to LA, Railroad.
  8. While there are many rumors that we are one and the same person, I am indeed my own separate entity. I am currently a blog assistant. He is currently an administrator.
  9. As far as I understand the rules, no leet means no leet.
  10. (click for larger version)Enlarged 35mm film negative, printed on 8"x10" gelatin silver paper This was the third printing of this I did. I had to develop four or five rolls last term for a project, so I did a good amount of one roll posing my Takanuva Stars set and some masks I had.Comments and constructive criticism welcomed.
  11. Click for topic. Please post all comments/criticism there!
  12. Trunx for life. It is a dynamic and highly compelling build that shows great personality and realism of the anatomy of an elephant.Also, dang my boyfriend knows how to build.
  13. My favourite edit. (not mine. From elsewhere)
  14. If you're planning on going somewhere like, oh, EOU, it won't matter because they will let any person with a constant pulse in. -Nukaya
  15. Lhikevikk says Nukaya is Awesome. -Nukaya
  16. Where did the pink one go? Oh well. I'll add an orange friend. Oh! There is pink one! You are starting to smoke. That's no good. Let's keep going! -Nukaya
  17. However, you generalized in your original post, saying: "The bullies who get suspended HATE school. They don't want to be there. Therefore, they WANT to be suspended. They see it as a REWARD. And what better a way to get that 'reward' than to torture an innocent fellow student?" The majority of bullies do not hate school, and in fact want to be there learning, and are lashing out due to other circumstances. While yes, some schools will take or attempt to take what is going on in a student's home life into consideration, that should not instantly become a reason not to suspend a student. Doing so also starts to tread in murky waters, depending on the situation. Imagine a teacher having to tell a parent that their son or daughter's bully would not be serving any sort of suspension or punishment because they were reacting in anger by hitting and injuring others due to a problem at home. Parents, more often than not, want to see some sort of action taken against the bully, if not out of defense for their own child. In the everyday world, if a person were to go out, attack someone, and then say "Oh, I was having a bad day", they would still end up in jail, and still end up serving a punishment. -Nukaya
  18. BZPower, are you unicorn yet? No? Ok. I come back later.
  19. Many bullies are often going through issues at home, such as parents divorcing, abuse, family crisis, poverty, etc., leaving them in an unstable emotional state. School is sometimes is their only escape from a dire situation. They don't want to be suspended, but they end up lashing out at others due to their home situation. Remember, hurt people hurt people. -Nukaya
  20. Nukaya

    Oh Bzp

    This place is still here?
  21. I'm afraid we'll have to write this recipe on your tombstone. Nah, only if I do make it and consequently die from it. I kind of get the feeling people probably wouldn't die from eating it though, based on some of the weirder food combos I've heard other runners eat. For Bill Rodgers when he was at the top of his racing days, I bet this would have been a light prerace snack. -Nukaya
  22. Ok. How about: Peeps. Dipped in chocolate. Stuffed into a Twinkie. Deep fried. And then wrapped in chocolate covered bacon. I don't know if this would work in reality and/or this might knock you out and/or kill you. -Nukaya
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