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Premier Blog Assistants
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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. Gotta get that boom boom pow, Jane!
  2. Sometimes the staff do not use a closing post in a topic. If you feel suspicious of a member, please report them to the staff instead of speculating what his or her motives may be in regards to the site.
  3. I like that you describe your ring as pretty. (please wear all of your rings and be a bling reporter gangster)
  4. Last I heard from Black Six, is that we'd be doing premier perks for at least a month, if not until the end of the year as a thank you to members for going through all the down time. You'd have to ask him to find out specifically, because I'm not too sure myself.
  5. You're welcome! I will do so, but first things first. If you read the rules, there is a lesser chance of you breaking them and me going on a rampage through your blog.
  6. You're good for now, but once premier perks for everyone go away (which at the latest, should be the end of this year), you will not be allowed to use your blog. If you would like to get premier perks after that, you may go here and follow the instructions to purchase either six months, one year, or lifetime premier membership. The blog rules and guidelines will answer a lot of questions in regards to how to do things in the blogs. If you're really lost on how to do something, feel free to message me.
  7. I need sentences for my drawing final. I'll take a few of them that I like, and create them into finalized drawings. Guidelines: -Make up sentences. They cannot be from a pre-existing book, magazine, movie, poem, etc. -No established characters if there is a person in the sentence. If you're going to have a person in it, make them up. -Nothing inappropriate (i.e., follow BZP rules here) These are some examples from Chris Van Allsburg's book The Mysteries of Harris Burdick that kind of follow a rough idea of how I want to do this project, with a very narrative feel: Under the Rug: Two weeks passed and it happened again. The Seven Chairs The fifth one ended up in France. Thanks!
  8. These pumpkins! Spritz cookies in the shape of pumpkins! First Thanksgiving away from home, but my friends Christine and Jon had a Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of people who weren't able to go home or live here and didn't have a Thanksgiving dinner in town to go to. While eating, we watched part of Madagascar 2, part of Elf, and all of The History of the World Part 1. And then we yelled at commercials for being silly. I made the aforementioned spritz cookies (which turned out very spicy and warm and quite different from what my mom makes) as well as cranberry sauce again. Except the cranberries didn't pop like last time and it's much more liquidy. It was kind of weird. But it tasted good and everyone really liked it, so no complaints here. I came out of last night with half a ham. So much ham. Delicious ham. I am hamstuck.
  9. Voted for Catwoman, because I think Catwoman is awesome, and DeeVee portrayed her in a fantastic fashion in this MOC. Not only is the MOC extremely well built, the proportions are stylized but still feel extremely realistic to the female athletic form.While the Batman MOC is interesting, it seems rather visually messy. There is just so much going on, and it feels like it needs to be refined more. The proportions are also kind of wonky. While comic books love to portray extreme visions of the human body (i.e. hulking body builder muscles), this one doesn't really capture that idea, or even a stylization of that. His torso is overly huge, while his hands are downright tiny, and his arms/legs seem too thin in relation to his torso.Flash looks like a slightly altered Bill Furno, which bites, because a Flash MOC could be really cool! I initially thought that this was a Hero Recon creation when I first saw it, as it seems to err on the overly simplified side, where minimal time/effort was put into its creation.
  10. My guess is The Tumor or another fenestrated wall (possibly one Jade+crew will bust through?), but I haven no clue as to how he would have gotten his hands on the codes for either of those objects.Or the tallpants are really just that tall.Also, I saw a theory that UU could really be Aradia's ancestor, based on UU's symbol doohickey having that green zigzaggy bit that to a degree matches the green zigzaggy of the Handmaid's outfit, and that the Handmaid probably would have the time powers to pull something like that off.At the same time, it could just be another reacharound that is so farfetched, that even Hussie wouldn't go for it.Actually, it's clearly Umbra. He probably got bored waiting around on Voya Nui.
  11. The track team is having a Thanksgiving dinner tonight, so I decided to make a dessert. Except they had cranberries at Grocery Outlet for really cheap, so I was like "Oh man I bet I can totally make awesome homemade cranberry sauce and it will be awesome so let's just ignore that I've never made it before". So, I'm sort of basing this off of the recipe on the back of the cranberry package, and then another I found online. The final product was supposed to be made of: -1 cup water -12oz bag cranberries -1 cup sugar After reading comments from people who had made the online recipe, it became: -1/2 cup water -1/2 cup orange juice -3/4ish cup of sugar -12oz bag cranberries -1 cup blueberries -An unknown amount (possibly half a teaspoon?) of cinnamon Boil liquid and sugar together, then add cranberries, continuing to boil and stir them until they burst. Reduce heat to simmer and stir in cinnamon and blueberries. Remove from stove, let cool until room temperature and chill it in fridge. It is so delicious. It is kind of tart but still sweet, and it is this super pretty mix of reds and blues that smells super cinnamony. The recipe line of "boil until cranberries burst" needs to be rewritten to "boil until the cranberries start exploding juice at you and you start to question whether it's really worth getting flying boiling liquid on your hands to make this food." Anyways, does anyone have some favourite Thanksgiving/holiday foods they like to make or like to eat?
  12. Nukaya


    Zach went four for four in his medals! He just had the craziest kick in the last 50m of the 400m and snagged the bronze!! I am so excited to eventually see him competing as an Paralympian.
  13. My friend Zach raced in the 800m and the 100m wheelchair races (T53 category) and placed second and third respectively, and he just qualified for the finals of the 200 this afternoon, and is ranked third going into the finals! It is really cool and super exciting, because he's also ranked fourth in the world for the 100, which means that he has a pretty legitimate chance at making it to the London Paralympics next year, something that would be just awesome, because he's has worked his butt off to get from where he was in high school track to where he is now in college.
  14. Nukaya

    Oh Bzpower

    Crazy....like a FOX!!! Woopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoop!
  15. I will never be able to escape. The neon green of the blogs has me locked in for good.
  16. Nukaya


    Amplive-1940 (Submarines Remix). I wouldn't consider a sad nor a happy song. It's kind of this weird middle mysterious ground that has a hint of positiveness to it. Mika-Grace Kelly Marina and the Diamonds-Oh No! Des'ree-Gotta Be These other three are all happy/positive in some way, though, not in a crazy obnoxious in your face sort of way.
  17. I have to have my graduation application turned in by the end of this week if I plan to graduate next June.
  18. What are you shooting with? Also, are you shooting with manual controls?
  19. There is this magic thing called knowing how to use your camera and this other magic thing called manual focus. I changed the depth of focus to be a very narrow area while making sure the mask and weapon were lined up together to be in focus. It's quite simple when working with a SLR camera. Thank you! I didn't make the eyes transparent. That is just how that light neon yellow is rendered on black and white film. I believe you are referring to the grain caused by the silver in the 400 ISO film, as well as a bit of after printing spotting I had to do due to dust in the enlarger. I wish I could get some 100 ISO 35mm film, as that would lend less graininess to the image.Thanks guys and gals! -Nukaya
  20. Nukaya

    To Google!

    That was glorious.
  21. Nukaya

    Blog Q&A

    I'm not entirely sure, especially as there's no real reason for any blog to be pinned right now other than the BlogAlert one. I fixed the issue now, though.
  22. I'm not sure why there were a bunch (seemingly random staff) blogs that were pinned. I fixed it though. I don't know if it was a glitch or something else or what, but the problem is currently solved!
  23. Was it Chris Farley and Adam Sandler? Well yesterday's meatloaf is today's sloppy joes..... SLOPPY JOE, SLOPPY SLOPPY JOE. -Nukaya
  24. If that had been the case, I think my absolute terror would have been lessened ever so slightly at that update. I'm glad that there was someone else that was hoping for that, though! I feel less silly now. Also...-Nukaya
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