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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. Not the catalogs job. They just show off the sets. Bionicle looks wonderful. -NotS
  2. Awesome eye-popping keyart! I love it when the official Bionicle facebook page teases us like this - first with that Mask Maker Contest video with the Mask of of Control banner and Uniter poster and now this. Mask of Control looks cool, don't know if it's quite how I imagined it would look in set form though. -NotS
  3. Looks so awesome. Tahu and his Uniter form just looks epic flying in that key art. The other Toa look great too, but Tahu is stunning. I love the composition of the poster and it really reminds me of the older G1 days. Especially with the Mask of Control in the background. Would buy a poster of this. -NotS
  4. Well, I mean it's kind of like clothing for CCBS characters, just the big Tahu Uniter picture ain't doing it much favors, but cool idea. More pamphlets and an easy way to get the Mask of Creation too! Sign me up... But man, I'm still waiting on that villain pack... -NotS
  5. That stop-motion is top notch. The way they did the snow was fantastic. Funny video too. Glad to see Bionicle popping up in other Lego-related advertisements. -NotS
  6. Very cool. Big fan of the set (last to get before I complete the 2015 wave!) and the combiner looks surprisingly good. John Ho and team did an amazing job in 2015. Glad they get to talk about the processes in these videos. -NotS
  7. Corvin is just awesome! His landscape mocs for these elemental months never seize to impress! The inclusion of Korgot makes this more charming, and the purple crystals make it so much more exciting than just grey. Amazing. -NotS
  8. Month of ice, that was a thing?! Man I really miss a lot. The art is fantastic as usual. Kopaka doing his thing... and the other Toa trying to fit in. xD -NotS
  9. What would have Afterman meant? I mean it sounds cool, but it doesn't really fit the story. Unless it talks about the creation of beings after a cataclysm... Interpretations? -NotS
  10. Missed this again, like last year. But I'm glad you guys are still going at it talking about new and upcoming sets. Might check out the archived video later for some cool discussion on next years Uniters. -NotS
  11. A little barebones (no pun intended) as far as the explanation into the nitty-gritty goes, but it's always a pleasure to see these kinds of videos, especially for characters as creative as the Skull gang. I do wish they went into more detail but its great we are getting these in the first place. Don't recall much of em in G1. -NotS
  12. Always a pleasure to see concepts for the art in the show. Simple, but effective. I really like the how stylized each environment works. Concept storyboards look great too. It's interesting to see that pre-production Kopaka art though. It's a lot more complex but still very effective. I like what we ended up with, but I'd love to see a graphic novel in that kind of more detailed style. Good find! -NotS
  13. That bird Rahi is awesome! I love the whole design of this moc. I somehow missed it when it was first shown... Great landscape design, fitting for Lewa and the Region of Jungle. -NotS
  14. So I missed this entire thing. The whole idea of it was awesome though! Great designer videos came out of it, awesome concept art and a fantastic prize! (Solid gold Mask of Creation? Drool-worthy). That art for the winning designs is amazing. I loved the concept of the mask maker contest though - build a Bionicle mask out of your Bionicle pieces? So meta! Very nice approach and the winners had some stunning mask designs. Great job to everyone involved! Oh and the 2016 poster they hid in the background was genius... -NotS
  15. Great idea. Good for people like me who have been out of it for large chunks at a time. Great seeing all updates on the 2016 side. -NotS
  16. Man it's been a while. Be prepared for a ton of posts, especially on the talkback sections as I catch myself up. 2016 is looking baller though. I'm liking the direction of the sets with the custom body and arm design. -NotS
  17. New pieces. New masks. New TV Show. New story. So much to look forward to. -NotS
  18. It's so interesting how much original Bionicle trilogy BTS is popping up recently. Respect to Roy Braverman, he did a stellar job with the sound design on the original trilogy (didn't they win awards for this?) As for the videos... Woah. The changes are really minimal, but just enough to be very uncanny. The Metru Nui destruction was cool, but I could see how it might have been too dark. -NotS
  19. Nice find! Now that you mention it, I do recall seeing these on the website back in the day. Wow, talk about a memory lapse! Some really cool combiners here. I like the Rahkshi ones, and the Bohrok Kaita aren't bad either. That Tahu/Korahk Kal though... Nightmare fuel. Thanks for the find! -NotS
  20. If the Stars were full-fledged sets, and we got a movie in 2010, it would have been an epic finale. As it is though, I think 2010 is fine. It goes to show that limitations and time-limits sometimes churn out some amazing work. -NotS
  21. Alan Swinnerton did a lot! Didn't get enough credit for his work... The first three years of Bionicle would not be what they were if not for him. Very interesting to hear the confirmation. Thanks for the read. -NotS
  22. My favourite comics were a tie between the Bohrok Saga, Ignition, and Battle for Power. Why did I like them? Because they told full stories, without ending on cliffhangers because the release of a movie demanded it do so. D'anda's art was perfect, and Sayger brought a new tone to match the steadying stakes present in the Ignition saga. And Battle for Power was just intense, with a style reminiscent to both D'anda and Elliot's art. As for my least favourite... Glatorian wasn't great but the Hordika saga was downright the worst. Messy chronology, throwaway side-stories and a cliff-hanger that just hung on by the tip of a web (pun fully intended). The only comics I liked were Shadow Play and the one with the Toa Hagah. Otherwise... boring year, boring comics. -NotS
  23. Haha, that is truly scary. Reminds me of creepypasta. If there was a BIONICLE-related creepypasta, I'd probably be having more dreams of them as well. Not the good kind. -NotS
  24. Yup. Pohatu's kaukau was always orange. It might have been due to cost-effectiveness... Trans orange parts were in ready supply but there were no need for trans-brown in LEGO's catalog. Making a new color for one piece seems a bit overkill. -NotS
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