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Tenebrae Invictus

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Tenebrae Invictus

  1. Status update

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. iPenguin


      Mange I love you and I want your babies.

    3. Tenebrae Invictus

      Tenebrae Invictus

      @Scanty Demon: Response


      @Peng: I'm sure you do, but never get close to me or my family

    4. TMOAG
  2. I have a feeling this is going to be really bad as a live action movie. It just can't work...
  3. Leave a message...

    1. Mushy the Mushroom
    2. Tenebrae Invictus

      Tenebrae Invictus

      Most absolutely not. On your page the profile feed box said "Leave a message..." So I did!

    3. Mushy the Mushroom
  4. What's on your mind?

    1. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      Why you wanna know?

    2. Tenebrae Invictus

      Tenebrae Invictus

      It's what the profile feed box asks if you type nothing in it. :P

    3. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      I was just being funny. :D

  5. Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good! by Megadeth

  7. Happy Birthday! I think I remember when you were staff. Or, I've known for a very long time you were staff at one point.
  8. The way the metal is played and the traits of the sound determine what genre it is. But hooray, another thrash fan. We need more of those.
  9. If you're going for Cynic, try some of their demos and maybe their first album. I'll admit, I know almost absolutely nothing about them, but you're looking for death metal it seems. I can assure you Traced In Air and later is not death. :PBut Traced in Air and Carbon-Based Anatomy are good either way.
  10. The Man You Always Wanted Me to Be by Yes
  11. It's actually Castellorizon. :PBut anyways, Castellorizon is from the album On an Island.Island of Domination by Judas Priest
  12. Yes, I heard there was a worker there who screwed up the creation process and they made a deformed Matoran. The Turaga said it couldn't do any work, and the worker's only response that day was, "Sorry, it's my first day on the job!"On topic, like people have said earlier, creation is a deliberately mysterious process that is done only by will of Turaga.Ah, these topics always come around.I don get it...What don't you get?The post Tenebrae quoted was a play on "Hero Factory: We build Heroes". I'm assuming his commentary was as well...The first remarks were a reference to Ordeal of Fire.
  13. Happy Birthday. Did anyone ever answer your call?

    1. Tenebrae Invictus

      Tenebrae Invictus

      Happy Birthday x2

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