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Tenebrae Invictus

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Tenebrae Invictus

  1. It really depends on the skill of the artist. I wouldn't take one over the other simply because of a different medium. You have amazing, well executed sprite comics and you have really amazing hand drawn ones that blows everything out of the water.Oh, there also isn't just "hand drawn" or "sprite" comics. There's been various other mediums for Bionicle comics, and I don't see why these two always have to be pitted against each other.(side note: I've done both too)
  2. The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News
  3. It's a recoloring of the picture for the opening chapter of Marathon II. I've used it since I first donned this username.
  4. Say, I did listen to "Black Market" by them a while back. I really liked it. IIRC, that's the first one with Jaco Pastorius.
  5. Deep In The Motherlode by GenesisThe working title was Go West Young Man
  6. I've had Civilization II for a looooooong time. Ancient game, but still really fun.
  7. Yeah, I thought of how you were actually crazy before I posted that. Lunatics in my hall these days.

  8. Congratulations on entering the 10,000 posts club. It's pretty tough no matter how fast you post.
  9. The Great Gig In The Sky by Pink Floyd
  10. Say, speaking of Chuck, his other band Control Denied is still working on releasing their second album. I hope it turns out as good as their debut.
  11. If they had stayed they same after Dark Side, they wouldn't have been cool. I think the first of three concept albums in a row is an amazing album - in my opinion it's Pink Floyd's best - but Roger took much more control in the music than he should have. I mean, everyone's seen what the Final Cut says. A Requiem For the Post-War Dream by Roger Waters, Performed by Pink Floyd.
  12. Shine on, you crazy diamond

  13. A very interesting "harassment". They were somewhat humorous, but... what's with making Private Messages... not private?
  14. I got it on CD in December. Much more convenient. Heart of the Sunrise and South Side of the Sky are my favorite on that one, but the others are all great. Maybe not Long Distance Runaround.
  15. I was planning on listening to Fragile first, actually.About 90125... I'm not a big fan of the opening song, "Owner of a Lonely Heart", but I'll give the album a try nonetheless.No! You must listen to what I said as well! I started listening to Yes first! It took Xin a long time before he finally gave in to listening!
  16. The Yes Album, Fragile, Close to the Edge, Relayer, Drama, 90125
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