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Blue Fire

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Everything posted by Blue Fire

  1. People could be horribly banned by Ninjo and can somehow feel good about themselves.
  2. True, but: Soda were $0.05 back then. Due to most major textbook events not happening by then (WWII/Vietnam/Event of choice), there would be less studying No TV/McDonalds, therefore, we could actually run around for hours on end without going "Ahh! Heartattack!" Plus, the propaganda was more fun back then too, and with the proper modifications, can induce heavy ammounts of fear and/or hilarity.
  3. The person who doesn't stay away from the two clearly angry people.
  4. Blue Fire

    2 Movies

    Ah, but he saw one again, therefore, he knew what was going to happen before it did, therefore, he may have saw 3, but he only saw 2 that were new. Confusing, is it not?
  5. Blue Fire


    Bacon Donuts! Bacon flavored marshmallows! Bacon flavored butter! Bacon flavored soft drinks! Bacon flavored ice cream! Bacon flavored M&Ms!
  6. You forgot to mention 2012 five more times... My uncle corrected the History Channel once. I can't remember about what, something on a type of weapon that the British or German Mercs use during the Revolutionary war. Either way, if you can correct the History Channel, this truly proves how far it fell. I'm sticking to the Military Channel, textbooks, and BBC.
  7. Oh joy. A sarcasm society. Let us clap our hands in happiness and sunshine! *Very slow clap.*
  8. That's why I get my Christmas Shopping Done in March.
  9. For me, replace work with school, and you pretty much have my week by week basis right there.
  10. Blue Fire

    Why 2012?

    My calendar ends on December 31, 2009. Since it ends there, i'm going to assume that the world would end that day. THE MAYANS WERE WRONG!
  11. Blue Fire

    It's A Conspiracy.

    At least you get weather. I onnly got one snowfall since the start and it already melted two hours after. Stupid Sunlight. Ruining my December.
  12. Securing Afghanistan is not impossible. It will be really difficult, but if you've learned anything from history (aside from the multiple invaisons of Afghanistan), it's that anything can be achieved with determination, and proper leadership. And no matter what, I will support our troops, and the Afghan people who fight alongside them.
  13. Though I agree I despise Twilight, I must say it's a waste of a perfectly good book. Instead, hollow it out and place inside food, guns, something Stephen King/other horror writers stories inside. Or recycle it or something. Think creative!
  14. I know, it sucks, but what can we do? I mean, it's not like we can speak into the Cell-Phones, and have our voice reach the ear of the person we wish to be speaking with...
  15. Blue Fire


    First one was the only good one, it had an ending no one saw comming. After that, it was pretty much a copy/paste fest, with a new guy/girl being the Game maker, and after the first, it became an M. Night Shymala like series: there's always a twist! And after the first, everybody can see them comming before even hearing of the next one.
  16. That dude was awesome. Shame he didn't have any grenades though. Or an automatic weapon.
  17. Blue Fire

    Jon & Kate Plus 8

    Jon & Kate Plus Negative Eight Anybody can make the news, and get their own reality show. That's why we have certain channels dedicated to them.
  18. Family Guy: Makes fun of anything and everything that Seth McFarlane disagrees with; his animated blog on Fox, written by manatees. South Park: Makes fun of anything and everything. They made fun of Family Guy, which has yet to retaliate.
  19. I honestly did not see that comming.
  20. Yeah, there's no way you're serious. As for playing on the PS3, if you're playing a game that involve killing, kill something for me will ya?
  21. I don't know the names of the episodes, but Mine's the one where the clones are trying to figure out who practically sabotaged a mission. But if there is one thing that keeps me from actually liking The Clone Wars, it's Asoka. More annoying than Anakin (Pequel Anakin at that), and I'm eneraged that since she's apart of the light side, she can beat Grevious, a four armed lightsaber weilding manic, who killed hundreds of thousands of jedi/clones, but he can't kill a freaking apprentice. Which brings me to the bounty hunter episodes. Very good quality episodes, minus the hutt with the voice that reminds me of a depressed, suicidal car with GPS voicing or whatever. For once, in the entire Star Wars series, did the light side not succeed. The light side and the republic should not be winning all the freaking time. The CIS won a few battles too. So yeah. Those two.
  22. Blue Fire

    Football Referees

    I saw a play where the handegg (why don't we call it that instead of Football/soccer so that nobody gets confused anymore? It's allot more fun to say, and it may give me an intrest in the sport for once if the announcer said 'Are you ready for some handegg?") was 6 inches away from the guy, and the referee said it was in the guy's hands.
  23. Aside from a few spelling errors, I'd say it was good. I believe this part: Summed up what you were saying about heros. Just getting this out there: In your blog, there's always something I can agree with.
  24. Blue Fire


    Needs more face-melt... and and more action. Darn it, why can't more WWII movies be based on the propaganda and not the real thing?
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