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Blue Fire

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Everything posted by Blue Fire

  1. Read "The Kite Runner" last year for school. That was a good read. I'd recommend it.
  2. Blue Fire

    Pink Floyd

    The movie or the CD, cause I got the CD for Christmas as well.
  3. I did, and I was very disappointed to find no rants about how Christmas Breaks don't exist.
  4. If Johnny has 3 apples, and Davey has 2, why can't they both shut up and eat the darn things?
  5. I'm moving from FPS/TPS to RPGs/Horror, simply because the FPS genre has resorted to lackluster SP and skilless multi. The TPS genre has just resorted to making a 30 hour plot with only 3-6 hours of actual fun, at most. I swear, I'm probably gonna quit gaming in 5-10 years, simply because the RPG/Horror genres are having multiplayer added when it isn't really nessecery.
  6. Blue Fire

    Justin Bieber

    I read on a news thing that Justin Bieber is one of the top 50 women on the internet, ranking No. 7. I kid you not. I cannot tell you how much I laughed that day.
  7. Unfortunatly, I don't have a gamer tag. But I'm working on that though. =D

  8. Blue Fire

    Shooting Games

    Call of duty World at War had this in it, and I loved it. I can asure you it's not the technology, because DOOM (the first FPS ever I believe) had mass amounts of gore and blood in it, and it came out in 1992. Compared to other modern games, DOOM is WAY outdated. Wolfenstein 3-D, was one of the first (1992). Doom was 1993. But they both came from Id, so either way. [/Nerd] I like blood and gore in my games, just as long as it isn't over done. Shotguns, RPGs, certain Sniper Rifles, and grenades are understandable. But pistols and SMGs should not be equal to M82s in the gore department (I'm looking at you Gears). Assault Rifles depend on what type of bullet.
  9. Same. Heck, I'm still buying games for my old Xbox, and PS1.
  10. Sad news is, my moronic friends will buy it, and think this one will be better than sliced bread (just like they thought W@W would be... and MW2... and Black Ops), and still believe that good graphics=good game. And then there's the kids who think that the Tar-21 was developed in Russia, and the Desert Eagle in the US (here's the thing, though, they were both developed in Israel). And don't get me started on this kid who, no lie, really thought you could respawn in the military. Well, who's laying down money on this one's release date? $10 says 11/11/11.
  11. Blue Fire


    I recall only two Trick-or-Treaters ever coming by my house. That was two years ago. Not one trick-or-treater ever since.
  12. And the Number 1 Threat to America? BEARS.
  13. I have failed the urge to not say "What a twist!" If M. Night Shyamalan made 1776, it'd turn out the Founding Fathers were brothers, and that King George was George Washington's father!
  14. Halo: Pros: - You actually get some changes in the game. (Forge, Theatre, armors). - Huge plot. - The little things (namely, being able to see your feet.) Cons: - Your Face isn't seen/doesn't speak much. - The games don't show what happened between games (how many kids actually read First Strike, then didn't make a crazy theory on how Johnson got off Halo?) - Crazy Fanboys Modern Warfare: - Made modern shooters popular. - Easy to follow - Intresting moments (Nuke, All Ghillied Up) Cons: - Swiss cheese/shotgun hole filled plot anyone (MW2)? - Makes the SAS seem invincible/can take on the world. - Your face is hardly seen at all (Ramirez, Allen, Roach) and you don't speak (Ramirez, Roach), even though you were pretty chatty throughout the rest of the game (Captain Soap). - Apparently, masks+voice=character development (Ghost). - UnknownMidEastCountryistan is not the same as Iraq/Afghanistan. Don't care if it was for political purposes (See WWII). - Make two-three tiny changes max (WWII-Modern+Modern stuff) Both Pros: - Provided some awesome memes (Ramirez, fight the Russian Army with this spoon while Dunn and I eat at BurgerTown!/I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eH fights aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.) - Excellent music. Overall: Halo.
  15. An efficent way to prevent stuff like this is to make a transparent logo in the background. I also recall a topic a few years ago about a situation similar to this, where BZP Mocs were being copy/pasted onto the Lego Boards.
  16. Need a nice, cold, pan of grease to wash it down?
  17. Blue Fire


    1. Watermellon (One of the best party fruits) 2. Oranges 3. Lemons (For me, everything tastes better with some lemon.) 4. Tomatoes 5. Limes (practically the same as a Lemon. But green.)
  18. Is there anybody out there, who plays video games for the story, and not for the multiplayer?
  19. I cannot bring myself to read Tom Sawyer again. I fell asleep reading it three times, and got multiple headaches from reading it. The only reason why I kept on reading was for school. If not that, then I would've stopped reading after the first chapter. It was just so... boring.
  20. I could've sworn someone asked this very question months ago. I cannot give a fair view of who to vote, seeing as I have played only one series.
  21. Blue Fire


    "The square root of 906.01 is..."
  22. Maybe he wanted to support BZP?
  23. Blue Fire

    Mass Elevator

    It makes it when moments when Shepard has gun out out while in the elevator worth while. Plus, we learned some interesting things about the characters, like Tali's Immune System: A Shotugn.
  24. Took me around 10 of 15 tries. Then I got it (thank you internet!). How long did it take you?
  25. I heard they did it for the reasons of public safety. How does public safety even come into this?
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