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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. Aoran


    I feel the same, pal... Gosh, CLANS has been delayed oh for so long...
  2. You call that stalking? Where's Exo? Where's Spitty? Where's Evil Lord Survurlode?
  3. Aoran

    Creepy Pop - Up

    Well, at least it wasn't my face...
  4. Aoran


    NEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD... All done now, so resume to reading blogs...
  5. And yet there are no skins... So, how much will you be selling those for? How many can each member get? Do evil squirrel overlords get a discount?
  6. Aoran

    Crazy Purchases?

    Weren't you already crazy? Could have given me Kalmah though
  7. Some random things are funny, like the Chicken Word! (Hooray for blatant advertising )
  8. Aoran

    No More Food

    30 hours? Gosh, you guys are weak Down here in Aussie, we go for 40 hours, so beat that
  9. You're a Pinjing! (Pirate-Ninja-Viking)
  10. Aoran


    Now he realizes that? Gosh, you must have been living under a rock or a very heavy crab...
  11. Aoran


    You're sad over that? I thought you'd be weeping over me for being so totally awesome
  12. Aoran

    I'm An Uncle

    Oh cool. Can you give him a li'l kiss from 'Kap'n Skiz'?
  13. 45 farenhiet? Oh how I pity you I love this heat here in Aussie. Feels like... Not snow
  14. Aoran


    We've been waiting this long for THIS?!? Gosh, you guys haven't been doing much, have ya?
  15. Oooh, Ikki out-smarted the Boned One. That's rare. But nah, can't trust Kapura that much..
  16. Aoran


    D.Q, feel free to help out, as long as Shine is ok with it And Shine, I'm not your boss. I'm your evil squirrel overlord. I don't know who this 'Aoran' fellow is...
  17. I might, seeing as it's a great theme... And Exo, if you're entering, don't include Llamas.
  18. Looks like they need... THE SUPER S-T CREW FROM OUTER SPACE!!! Or you could just work super-duper hard...
  19. Aoran


    *Burp* Oh, sorry. I was hungry. And for the record, the great Survorload had nothing to do with this.
  20. I blame the media... Always trying to change our views on our beloved food. There, there, my sweet cup o' coffee. Nothing will try to drink you...
  21. Aoran

    Woot Lego

    Well, at least it's a minifig driving it and not Exo... And that's a good thing!
  22. Yes, you do need to do some real work around here... For example, the skins. Anyhow, it's lookin' good Binko, lookin' good.
  23. Aoran

    One Year Vahi!

    You post too much. Also, don't eat the mask. It's made of cheese.
  24. Aoran

    My Dwelling.

    *Shows mum* Now she has no reason to say I have too much LEGO
  25. Aoran

    You're Kidding Me

    Wait until you see 5 members online. I did, and that's scary... Of course, there were about 300 guests
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