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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. Look, up in the server! Is it a spammer? Is it a member? No, it's a flying munkey, and he's about to fly into the 10,000th Post! *Splat*
  2. And here's to what a great, umm, person you have been and stuffs...
  3. Dang! A few minutes late! Well, I missed out... Shame too.
  4. Shame I wouldn't be able to make it to Brickfest Binky, what with me residing in Australia and all... Anyways that DVD-ROM situation for BZPower seems to be going swimmingly, so great work Binky!
  5. Umm... Good work? Seriously though Doks, it's a great effort.
  6. Ellipses! Has the world gone crazy? Nah, it's just me Actually...I think it's the world...
  7. *Jots down notes* Bi-On-Ick-Le Own-Ly... Seems easy enough.
  8. Here in Aussie, it's been snowing, and we've had STACKS of rain, considering we've been in drought for 6 years (And Victoria for 10) But blimey, I'd hate to have been in England that day.
  9. How did you get into my house and take'em? Anyways, they look quite stylish
  10. Umm, congratulations you sad, sad person I beat it in 1997
  11. I got into trouble lately
  12. JIM! Uhh, I mean, Keep on dustin'!
  13. Aww, not another staffie illness. First we had Kex and his Tufitus, and now it's the resident munkey to get an illness :/
  14. Aoran


    1 : Either too much, or not enough. 2 : Since when did Turakii have a brain? 3 : Nope. I'm Aoran. Who are you?
  15. Egads! It looks like the reinamiated body of Kongu is out for revenge! Hide your children! *Dives under bed, sucking thumb*
  16. If only this was posted 10 hours ago... That would have been kexcellent.
  17. Hurray for Zune. Sorry iPod fans, but the Zune is just too cool. Oh, and excellent work in getting one Wa2!
  18. Aoran

    Sign The Petition!

    We all know he won't *Eats petition*
  19. Cows do fly. They fly the same why like Lemmings do. Over cliffs...
  20. Aoran

    Date Announced!

    I'm not sure to be glad or disappointed... Great to hear you'll update it every week, but sad to hear you won't procrastinate.
  21. Aoran


    Somehow, it seems to resemble you, a lone wolf... Sorta... I hope you get a new tat soon!
  22. I still can't believe HT is now a DVD Image. Oh yeah, everything else is great too But how awesome is Hapori Tohu on a DVD?
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