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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. Aoran

    One Year Already?

    What about me? Didn't I do something for you? Nah. I'm not that nice
  2. You so lucky Not only do you get an Anime Convention, but you get noticed! *sulks in corner*
  3. Aoran


    Blog about the awesomeness of which is squirrels and coffee and coffee-addicted squirrels and Llamas. ... Or not.
  4. Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. The fine Lady said my poll! Foxtrot! Woo! As for delays... So what? They're here now
  5. Aoran

    Alpha Two One Niner...

    If you ask me, they should ditch Greek names and replace them with notable BZPower members... Imagine... Poll Aoran Poll BZPower etc... And when it comes to Z, they become animal names!
  6. Aoran

    Gold Dollar

    Down here in Aussie we have gold dollars, so stop yer yappin'... Hamburgers eat people too!
  7. She's a puffin. What can you expect? Plus, since she had no fingers she must use her beak... Very hard, eh?
  8. A guy cuted your hair? *Shrugs* Anyways, glad to hear you have no new spiffy hair Even if it is recoloured...
  9. *Shrugs* Could have used something to do with coffee, or at least me... But what ya gunna do? Oh very funny Binky, giving me a BANNED T-Shirt... *Walks away*
  10. Aoran

    Thank Mata Nui

    Huh? Wha? Must be another American thing... *Runs off crying*
  11. Or the Cuddlefish? I shun you. Shuuuuuuuuuuuna.
  12. Aoran


    No they ain't. They're simply tired of serving you all the danged time.
  13. You're still entering when you said you have zero chance of winning? Well, at least we know who's daring
  14. Aoran

    The Empire Grows

    My Cookie Troops are for Roa to command! What? I'm not going to overthrow the BBC Empire.
  15. Aoran


    Yeah well... Trademark™, so bleh to blasphemy.
  16. Aoran


    Well, at least I'm not the only coffee addict here... Say Binky, thought of any good recipes including coffee? I got one which is awesome!
  17. Aoran

    Liek Zomg

    Bleh. I've seen weirder. My siblings are playing cricket with a flag... Weird.
  18. Aoran

    Royal Flush

    Now he's got killer looks!
  19. Aoran

    Tuesday Fiveness

    * Good ones. * I'm a rooster, if that's what you're asking... * I also talk to them. * I intend to purchase evry BIONICLE Book... If they got sold here. * Hey! That was my primary school! How'd you know that?
  20. Gimme some cash and I'll give you full use of the name SPIZ.
  21. Yeah Binky, we kinda mentioned that in BZPMonthly Still, if you can start selling them DVDs by May, I'd gladly purchase one for my birthday
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