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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. What about 'Question Mark'?
  2. Well at least it's not your brother who watches it while not wearing clothing 'cept underwear... Yeah, he watches it with my sister. And he's 11.
  3. Aoran

    Bbc 42!

    Well at least it's better than most of the thrown-together entries
  4. Aoran


    About me? Why, thanks. I am a big nothing. Thanks for noticing
  5. What about them? They're all official, and all correct
  6. Aoran

    Girl Power?

    Well at least you're not a Vortixx
  7. I comment, therefore, I'm nobody Hey, wait...
  8. Now if they could only bring BrickFest to Australia...
  9. Ta= Yyhan Ga= Creacia Le= Thalic Po= Eloloth Onu= Gryban Ko= Keperl Excellent MOCs, Roa McToa
  10. Aoran

    Brickfest Pix

    You guys (And gal) sure are an ugly bunch... 'Cept for Omi and Roa
  11. Aoran

    Ho Hum.

    New comic? WHOO!
  12. Aoran

    April Fools' Day

    You pity yourself? Whatever you say... Weirdo o.O;;
  13. Well, that ruined a good day
  14. Why can't they have Brickfest in Australia? Why? Why? WHY? Well, at least it looks like you guys had fun
  15. Aoran

    Award For

    Don't bag High School Musical. I quite like it, but that's ok if you don't like it. You just miss out, and that's a shame
  16. And yet none have anything to do with me... Shame I say, shame
  17. Aoran

    Woot Pens

    It's obvious, isn't it? He's the second seed to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but he did it the fastest
  18. Aoran

    Lego Sofa 0_o

    *Laughs* If I had that, I'd be branded 'Geek of the Year'... Still, pretty stylish
  19. *Laughs in hysterics* Still, you speak the truth, lady Tufi.
  20. Aoran


    HTML help? CSS help? D-Man, you should have just asked me! I make websites (Although I haven't sold any yet... Hush-Hush) and I know quite a fair bit about it.
  21. Oh come on, you forgot the lovable evil squirrel, me. *Crosses arms in a cute squirrel way*
  22. It's not so hard... Try doing 7 assignments for school in one night without the use of coffee to keep you awake... Still, you must be grateful you weren't Tufi or anyone for the BBC Polls... And thanks for the polls, Shmeagsy.
  23. I don't even know how to use a mobile phone, let alone manage to turn it on! Besides, they're overrated like iPods or Ligers. And about parents... Well, they seem to have lost their inner-child to eBay... Silly kitty.
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