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Everything posted by Katuko

  1. IC: Madrihk was curious. Another outcast? "I sort of estranged from my people as well," he said. "I had a disagreement with the Turaga, which ended in me leaving under rather tense circumstances. Haven't set my foot in Ko-Koro since." He, of course, chose not to mention that the "disagreement" regarded the laws about murder and theft. "So yeah, it's good to have company again."
  2. No, you are the evildoer. You (with some help) appear to have simply killed all three of the "The poster above/below" topics by constant back-and-forth spam. :/ TPBM is old enough to drive a car.
  3. Of course! I am just barely in the top few percentile of intelligence, according to the Mensa test. (Mensa is a Norwegian "snob-club" for those in the top 2% of IQ in the country. ) That said, I don't know if that test is meant to draw you in or not. TPBM knows how to play a musical instrument.
  4. Most likely, F would be a toggle between slashing/shooting. Charcters are set to use different carry/attack animations based on the attack style anyhow, so a toggle would be best. Then you could hold your Laser Crossbow like a rifle while running, for example. In fact, I might add this regardless of if the ability becomes toggle-able. EDIT: Speaking of animations, I began making some new ones today, like an off-hand attack for Rahkshi. Once I finish the new sprites, I can work on fixing the whole animation system to make it more flexible. I already got the mechanics of the system written down, so translating it into code will be more an exercise in patience than thinking ability. Here's some updated staff heads, by the way. I'm working on Disintegration, but it's giving me a lot of grief due the small size. Either it looks like a Staff of Poison (the one on the right was one of my attempt at Disintegration until I lengthened it somewhat), or it simply doesn't look right.
  5. OOC: Note that we're still in the Le-Koro topic, since we ran into a guy who might join on the way down the river. Sorry about the confusion. I've redirected everyone here. IC (Madrihk): "A deputy, you say? I hadn't thought of that..." Mostly because I was going to be the supreme leader all the time, Madrihk thought to himself. "I barely know any of you yet, though, so I think I won't name any definite second-in-command just yet. If we split up I hope you'll be able to get along well enough to not cause a total mess. Speaking of which... Xa-Koro is not the most friendly place, as I'm sure you know. The whole island chain is a harsh place to live, and in addition to the mutant Rahi there are a lot of shady people around. We'll most likely be able to get some good equipment off the market, but don't trust anyone." The Toa of Ice looked over his team. A thought occurred to him. "If there is trouble..." he began, "...make sure you're not the ones to start it. As lawless as this land is, the people here don't take kindly to troublemakers. Your mask might end up on some vigilante's trophy wall if you're not careful."
  6. *Magically flies from Le-Koro to loot the Charred Forest* Nah, just kidding. The resources would help our little expedition, though.
  7. IC (Madrihk): "Yes, we need as many people for this quest as we can get. As said we're going first to Xa-Koro and then to Makuta-infested lands, so if you're not keen on danger I suggest you hop off again by the next river bank. Le-Koro's just a few minutes away from here." He smiled a sly grin. "If our agenda doesn't scare you, however, I say welcome aboard." OOC: If you hop off, do so now. If not, we will all keep posting in the Kumu Islets topic, starting here.
  8. IC: Madrihk noticed someone on the shore and pointed. "Hey, who's that? He appears to be waving for us. Anyone know him?" Everyone else shook their heads. Madrihk furrowed his brow when he noticed it was another Toa of Ice. He didn't recognize him, so hopefully it wasn't someone who knew what he had done in Ko-Koro. The Toa didn't seem to recognize them either, so Madrihk waved back. "Ahoy! Can we help you with something?"
  9. It's... a spider web? I'm honestly not sure what it's meant to illustrate, though I guess it's law and natural order given the origins of the word.
  10. OOC: Just shoved off from shore. Le-Koro is essential built above the lake (it's where the swamp water comes from) so you will most likely see them go down the river. Draw our attention and we might let you on board. IC: The group leader listened to his team's conversation. "If you want Makuta, I can't give him to you just yet, but I can let you stomp some of his servants," Madrihk said, "that should be quite a kick for his ego."
  11. Yes, this laptop is mine, and I get fiercely defensive when anyone tires to touch it. ;)TPBM knows the feeling.
  12. Noob at what? Most likely I'm not a "noob", though, but rather a "beginner". TPBM thinks spiders are cool but are still afraid of them. (Like me! )
  13. Absolutely. TPBM sits in a comfy chair when using the computer.
  14. IC (Madrihk): "All right, we officially own a boat!" Madrihk exclaimed. His mind told him that he was acting a bit foolishly, but he was certain his enthusiasm would boost morale. And the more the team liked him, the better. "As the leader of this Island Liberation Squad," he continued, "I proudly name this vessel: Liberator." He stepped aboard, and they all piled into the double craft. As they shoved off from shore, Madrihk pulled out his map again. "Where the river splits, we will follow the south-most branch to the ocean. Then we follow the coast until we reach Kumu Islets. I doubt there will be any Rahi attacks until we reach those waters, but you never know, so keep your guard up." OOC: Madrihk and the Island Liberation Squad to Kumu Islets. We shall relocate to that topic once we reach the ocean.
  15. OOC: We are all being restrained. Lost cannot leave just like that, and Twiak is obviously not after what he's done. IC: Mevi glanced at the laughing mad Toa on the ground. "If you won't kill him, at least shut that creepy cannibal up!"
  16. (It's actually Mario as well, no kidding. ) I don't care for Homestuck at all, kind of like Darths & Droids, and have never watched Star Trek beyond the odd meme. TPBM has read 8-Bit Theater and wanted the Light Warriors to "win". (I did!)
  17. Now we're talking madness! I feel the tingling sensation of my brain trying to eat itself while gazing upon the dread form of the Great Cthulhu! It is... pleasant.
  18. Not really classical, no, though I like orchestrated music. I'm more "game remix classic" than "Mozart classic". TPBM knows Super Mario's surname (without Googling).
  19. Yeah, I can only figure this out via testing. ... By the way, did anyone notice yet that the laser weapons actually use DEX as their main damage stat instead of STR? I did it that way at first to explain why a weapon's projectile got stronger from your stats (it's your mad aiming/gun-slinging skills that does the trick), but I might make these weapons also have a set damage stat.
  20. Icicles form when water slowly drips down and freezes bit by bit. Draining heat to create ice would require liquid to be present in a decent amount, and you would not be able to control the shape of the ice at all with Fire. I think at most you would get some frost, not full-fledged ice. Don't overdo this secondary power thing. Using electricity to create magnetic fields is already "meh" enough for me, as is using magnetism to create electricity. I know that's how it works "in real life" and that it's listed as a possible power use, but BIONICLE usually separates elements a lot more than actual physics do. EDIT: Ah, yes, the guard finally does its job. I was reluctant to do that from Mevi's point of view, but I'm fine with it happening. Realistically, I would think the guard would have stabbed everyone to death already.
  21. Because its damage comes from sticking the chainsaw into someone, not from you actually bludgeoning them with the weapon.
  22. OOC: To clarify: A Hau can block any attack the user is aware of and can see. I once asked GregF about its effects, and he stated that it could block a gunshot, since even though you might not be able to even see the bullet in time your brain can still react to the trigger being pulled and the muzzle flash. However, you can not block mental attacks, since they have no warning. Neither can you block an invisible being's melee strikes, because you can't see the attack coming at all even though you may instinctively know where the attacker is. IC (Mevi): Mevi heard Lost's words and nearly lost it herself. "Fighting the same enemy!? This infected lunatic here stabbed one of our guardsmen and threw him into the lava! he then bit my friend here, who you may notice is bleeding to death as we speak! Lay down your weapon and we will might let you go easy, but I swear that if it's up to me your companion will meet a bloody end today!" At this moment, Ta-Koro's full guard force finally arrived. Everyone present were quickly surrounded and hopefully subdued by the skilled soldiers. "Promise me that if the infected one so much as blinks, you kill him," Mevi spat in disgust.
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