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Everything posted by Katuko

  1. Yes! A comment!Tell me which things and I might be able to explain. I have a tendency to just sketch with no real concern for what it is I'm drawing.
  2. Regarding parts of the previous few pages: I was under the impression that the five-word rule still counts, just to mention that. Also: The point of this game is kind of to not just blandly state what's in the sig, but also comment on it in some way that gives the exercise meaning. I see a raccoon that apparently tries to stare into my soul. It may have worked... if I had one.
  3. Ah, that's good. By the way, regarding this gold mine of loot you have suddenly found: Don't go overboard. even if it's an NPC merchant, I doubt he would happy with you taking everything. Also don't take more than you can conceivably carry. Trakuda's already pretty weighed down, y'know.
  4. My main beef with Gravity, personally, is the whole stream deal. It's almost impossible to miss with it, and it's got a lot of effect for just a glancing blow. Expect to see it become burst fire instead, with the stream reserved for other things. Maybe I could make it white and call it Sonics, that would save me some spriting... Hunger does work well against groups, but bots don't scatter or even care about you as long as there is a closer target. I think it's safe to say that real players would be much harder to successfully drain. ... Which is why I need to hurry up with that multiplayer already. Yadda yadda yadda.
  5. I can see him carrying the swords and the knife by his hip, then the axe and spear on his back with the disk hung on like a shield. Since his Pakari is powerless he would get some real exercise out of it, though. By the way, wotsiznum, does that sprite suit your tastes? I went with a "Metruan" sprite because they looked the most similar to what I believe a Matoran would be (compared to the "midget McToran" and the kinda blocky rebuilt versions).
  6. @Pirok: Piruk? Ah yes, that's right. Sorry 'bout that. I should probably Google those names and sentences to understand what you're on about, but until I do I have no idea.
  7. Your signature is 200 pixels taller than the limit. I recommend you change that ASAP. As for the content: One raccoon in a tree, one sigfad, two quotes, links to your BZP RPG characters (two of which have the same name, and both of which share that name with an official character. Might cause some confusion...) and your comics. But yeah, it's too much, unfortunately.
  8. Light Up the Night - The Protomen
  9. Not really, no, though I haven't seen much of it apart from the spread on this forum. TPB should really be doing something else right now.
  10. I just started coding again, and these are the current changes: - Lightning should now count kills properly.- Stun time reduced from 2 seconds (whoops ) to half a second.- Shadow no longer blinds bots (until I can fix the issue). It still drains EP on hit. For the rest of your concerns: - Stone doesn't stun for that long (1 second). The problem really lies in that the rock fires at that interval, and it's rather easy to hit with. I've tried making the cooldown longer, but that makes it almost useless without me being forced to ramp up damage even further. Removing stun would remove half the point of Stone's passive power as well. It's meant to smack you about something fierce. Once I fix my knockback system I might remove stun and simply make powerful hits fling you around, though. - Gravity is indeed a bit overpowered. You can hit someone with low gravity (forcing them into the air) then jump, float and push them down again. Fall damage easily kills them then. I was thinking of making Gravity less of a stream and more a burst (like Magnetism). That will force you to actually aim your attack instead of simply streaming the power. It would also allow me to better control the force of the gravity shifts. - Disintegration must be tweaked. It will keep its power, but I will fix the actual disintegration part into not being so random. Massive item damage instead of random instant destruction sounds better, I think? With the new animation system there will be a small delay to the power firing as well, so that means you can see it coming and try to dodge. Right now it shoots of of thin air with no warning, and that's half the reason why it's so powerful. - Hunger is also devastating, but it's designed to be. Try fighting any player with a projectile attack, however, and you're screwed. Fireball, Fragmentation beam, Rock Throw, Ice.. all powers that stop a Hunger Rahkshi in its tracks. You can even push it away with Magnetism or outrun it with a Kakama. Plenty of options to avoid close-range fighting with the master of close-range combat. - In video games, all healers and defensive powerhouses are annoying. That's just how they roll. As you say, they got no other power. Just keep wailing on them and they die. Be cheap and freeze/stun-lock them to prevent the burst healing from taking effect. Bots activate their secondary power once they reach <25% health, IIRC. This heals them for as much as possible instantly, but at a higher EP cost per HP. So keep them stunned to prevent this from happening. If it does, however, they usually have no EP left afterwards.
  11. Attention squad members: I have updated my blog post (link in sig) with fancy sprite images of y'all. Yes, I remembered capes for those of you who have it. Yes, I customized some weapons based on your descriptions. Yes, I had to guess some eye colors. And finally: Holy Gadunka, Trakuda is carrying a lot of stuff for a Matoran.
  12. IC: "They did. Our dear deputy looked about ready to throw him in the lava, but as the goody two-shoes she is, she just told him to never return." Mevi sighed. "She essentially gave me the clear to put him out of his misery as long as it doesn't happen within Ta-Koro. I was thinking about actually hunting him down, once we've settled other matters. What do you say? Will you come with me once you recover?"
  13. IC: Madrihk looked at the remaining members of his team. With himself, there were two Toa of Ice, and one each of Plant Life and Electricity. "I think it would be beneficial to mix up our elements a little," he said. "Vompran, you and Kethrye can go find some supplies. Voriki, you're coming with me. I think I know something we can do." As they distanced themselves from the others, Madrihk spoke quietly to Voriki. "Voriki, you strike me as the kind of person who wouldn't object to skim the edges of morality a bit. If not, I apologize, but trust me: I've been there myself, and I can tell. Now, the situation here is that we have next to no money, but a dire need of a lot of stuff. So here's my proposal: We locate a back-alley weapons merchant. Once we get to browse his wares and are certain that he has what we need and no one's looking, we knock him out as silently as possible and take our loot. Hopefully the others will be back as we return with our stuff, and then we leave before anyone take notice. Deal?" Madrihk's mind was suddenly filled with doubt. If Voriki objected, what could he do? He would have exposed his less noble side, and that could compromise the trust of the others. He could only hope his intuition about the purple Toa was right. OOC: I can't remember if Kethrye told us his name or not, but I'll assume he did on the way.
  14. Correct, he can't enter the village without the guard trying to take his head.Twiak's lucky to be alive, honestly. If this was Fallout or something, there would be no mercy.
  15. I do believe I am staring at a pumpkin right now, good Sir. I will advice you to not spread such falsehoods in my vicinity again. ()
  16. IC: "Fine." Mevi turned to look at the cannibal. She noticed the blood still around his mouth and shuddered in disgust. She gripped her halberd just a little tighter. He murdered several of my colleagues, she thought. He tried to eat a friend of mine. If the deputy will not carry out justice, I will. But she would wait. Wait until he was out of the village. She was a scout, she was certain she could follow him without being spotted. Unfortunately, she was just a Matoran and they were a pair of Toa. She wouldn't have a chance at killing him. And even if she did manage to ram the sharp metal pole through his head before she was noticed, it would be the end of her as soon as the other one saw her. Was it worth it? Mevi wasn't sure. What she was sure of was that she would not let the murderer go unpunished forever. Wait a minute... murderer. Mevi suddenly remembered what they had been doing before the fight. She, Tarotrix and the guardsmen were going to search for another murderer... she wondered if the guy they sent to the cable car would be back soon. But first of all: she would go check on Tarotrix. OOC: Just assume she finds him and asks "how you do", Zombified Vampire Werewolf.
  17. IC: "Junk on the surface, gold within," Madrihk said. "At least counterfeit gold." The group strolled down the main street, passing by several small shops selling mostly useless stuff. "Now, I'll be honest: We won't be getting much out of these stands. But in the back alleys, I bet there are some nice things. We don't have much money, though, so either we need to do some work for what we need, or we... obtain it through other means. Let's find out what we need first, though. I was thinking spare weapons and some healing items, like 'Volo Spheres. Possibly a few more doses of this." He withdrew a small, airtight pouch from his bag. It appeared to be filled with liquid. "Lehrak poison," he explained. "I got it off a dead Rahkshi I stumbled across. It's very effective for weakening larger Rahi, But I only got three or four doses left. If we are to survive an onslaught of Makuta, we really need every edge we can get."
  18. OOC: Would elementally created crystal even be worth anything, considering the Toa can create it out of nothing? IC: Mevi couldn't believe her own ears. "Y-you are letting him walk?" she exclaimed, seeing the deputy releasing the infected Toa. "He murdered a Matoran! He keeps talking about killing and eating! Even if he won't be let into Ta-Koro anymore, what's to stop him from attacking and... eating others?"
  19. IC:Mevi looked at the scene unfolding in front of her. The infected Toa was still babbling about eating people. She hoped his captor would push him into the lava and be done with it. He was a crazy murderer, and he deserved nothing better. She didn't voice her opinion out loud, however, given the previous reaction to it. Instead, she glanced over at the guy who had been with him, who apparently was a lot less violent. For a moment she wondered if the two were friends, and that he was dragging the infected around to find a cure or something. He had shouted something about not killing, after all.The Ta-Matoran stood tense, waiting to see what would happen.
  20. IC: "We're going there to get some supplies and equipment," Madrihk said. "It's the best place to get goods, I've heard, as long as you keep a low profile." He showed his trusty map to Kethrye and pointed. "After that we're going here, between Le- and Ta-Wahi. The woods there hold good resources, but it's so far from the villages that Makuta has full control there. We're about to change that." At this point, the boat was reaching the crude dock by the shores of Xa-Koro's small island. The village looked like it was thrown together from whatever spare parts that could be found. Madrihk spotted Matoran from all tribes scurrying around, as well as members of other species. Many had seen the boat approaching, and were already observing the squad in silence. The team leader jumped off the craft and helped pull it ashore. "Help me seal it off with ice," he said to his fellow Toa of Ice. "I don't want to come back here and find that it's been taken by one of the misfits that live here."
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