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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. *Sneaks into profile, glomps, then dashes away.*

  2. *Sneaks into your corner and abruptly glomps you.* =P

  3. *Sneaks up and betrays with energy sword.* Yay! I took the lead! =D

  4. *sneaks up and pokes.*

  5. *Sneaks up and tackles.*

  6. *Some powerful kind of pokingness.*

  7. *Squashes Jordboy1 in tight hug instead.* Good?

  8. *Squeeee!*

    And yes, I've seen it. I just haven't gotten to updating my profile yet. =P

  9. *Starts discoing with Jordboy and ToaLewa31.*

  10. *Stuffs EW into a refrigerator.*

  11. *Stuffs EW into another box.*

  12. *Swings guitar necklace before SZ's eyes.* You... believe... Ed.... would win... you... believe... Ed... would win...

  13. *Tackles both Tahu01 and Uepari.*

  14. *Throws bunny slippers after you.*

  15. *Throws fruit at Onuki.*

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