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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Everything posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Along with the TTV episodes, while it may be a TAD late, we have for you all a Comic Contest Coverage, right here for your enjoyment!
  2. Thank you all very much for the posts! Sorry for the long wait, but here is a new comic! Don't get pinched!
  3. To avoid any mishaps, it would more than likely be better to PM Invi =)Little update: Movie still coming along nicely. I'll see about releasing some pictures of character skins, certain locations, etc etc at some point soon. Thanks everyone!
  4. Very glad City of Wretches won! Congrats to the other two entries, and I am very glad to have participated, it was a fun contest!
  5. Most of the time it's random selection. I go through what is on the first page of the Comics forum and pick one.
  6. Great new comic. I loved that sword toss, and it seems like the new Toa will be an interesting progression in character! Eager to see more!
  7. This sounds like something awesome that you'd dare people. I'm scarred, yet it sounds fantastic XD
  8. After already one deadline bump, making it a total of two months to work, not to mention how close it is to this deadline, I don't honestly think another bump is needed.
  9. Absolutely wrong. Depending on the graphics, style, story, etc, I'd go as far as to say some sprite comics take longer than hand drawn comics. Please note, I am NOT talking about professional works by people such as... Leah Gallagher, or Randy Elliott. I am talking about things such as what you made, or Kakaru. Most of them, sure. But think about the things that they have drawn from. A lot of those were more than likely original. Bionicle masks are original, but to Lego. By drawing them yourself, you already have the designs mapped out for you. And yes, I can.And I sure as Karzahni can compare. There are in fact a ton of things that comic makers sprite themselves. There is also backgrounds, weapons, etc. You came into this forum not knowing what you are talking about. They have a ton in common. Sprite comics are a different form of art work. Would you go to InnerRayg and say "Hey, your sprites aren't art work even though you made them."? Again, comic makers make a lot of things themselves. I suggest you go around forum and look at some decent sprite comics before you make crazy assumptions.
  10. Anyone who uses sprites can make a comic pretty fast, sure. But that's because they're using kits they didn't make - a lot of their work is done before they've even started. And I see a lot of sprite comics even use photographs as backgrounds, and I doubt the creators even took the photos themselves.People who want to create something original (AKA people who draw their work or whatever) have a lot more work to do, and if they want to do a full blown mystery, it's a fairly large undertaking. For stuff like that, a month isn't a huge amount of time. Sprites or not, it still take a while to make a comic, depending on it's quality. Unless you've MADE a sprite comic before, please don't go saying it's a fast way of making comics.Most people now a days don't make as nice of quality work, at least not up to the standards of before. Doesn't mean they didn't take a while. I personally don't see much of a difference between sprites and hand drawn, cause the thing is what's been hand drawn here isn't completely original either, if you consider the mask designs. Sprites are made by others, yes, but they were also made FOR others.I see it as a fairly two way street here. I think both styles have their own respects and their own strengths and weaknesses. They're both Bionicle comics, and have a lot in common. It's both artwork with a different way of displaying it.
  11. It takes three to become a "Toa Kaita." Two would just be a fusion, and I'm not sure if that'd even work without use of the Staff of Fusion.: Unless you already do, you should look around BS01 for anything you may be forgetting/don't know. They have a lot of info.
  12. Do note, this IS a sprite comic. I didn't really get most of it, but it's a neat looking style.
  13. If I'm Jet Li... Then it's time to get the rest of The Expendables! Venom can be that guy with the AA-12, and Meso can be... I've never even seen that movie.Glad you enjoyed it! Can't wait to get the others out!
  14. Member name: Eljay: Toa of MangosteenEntry name: Mystery TheaterEntry URL: Part 1 | Part 2Thumbnail URL: Entry topic: The Lazy Life of a Comic Maker 3.0
  15. At 10:51 MST, we at The Three Virtues and Pandemic Panda have officially finished filming BioCraft: Chronicles. Now what lies ahead is post production editing, filming, and CGI. But this is a huge milestone, as it means we are almost complete. Thank you all who have continued to follow the project and support us in our endeavor.
  16. I'd have to agree, an extension would be helpful. Maybe at least a week and a half?
  17. Glad to have gotten this out! I hope that people enjoy some insight Tav gave, as it's quite interesting (well, maybe only for comic makers, but still ). Hope everyone enjoys the episode!
  18. Dearly sorry about the long absence! BioCraft has kept me very busy, but here is a new comic! Happy Valentines day!
  19. Chances are, you got someone who had no clue what a Battera was. The only pictures we have of the Baterra are those of the comics. Otherwise, no. Prototypes wouldn't have been made for 2010 if as far as they got before Bionicle was cancelled was the story planning. Basicly, there are no pictures of any sort of prototype set of the Battera. Never have, nor will be. If there is something that can prove me wrong, then you're gonna be hard pressed to find them.Greg once said that each year's story is based around the sets released that year, so that would likely mean the set design process comes before the story is created, most likely because LEGO sells toys, not stories, making the sets more important.Weither there were any prototypes or not, the pictures don't exsist. They either never exsisted, or have been scrapped long ago, with Ahkmou.
  20. True, but 2010 wasn't a year that the set/artists had much time to construct anything for the Battera, I'd believe. Like Sumiki said, the Stars were basicly all that were composed and worked on. To me, this seems like a case of Ahkmou, who was planned as a 2008 set. I heard that the plans were scrapped, so this may be the case here as well. Regardless, I personally doubt they'd even go so far as to make prototypes, but alas, I may be mistaken.
  21. Chances are, you got someone who had no clue what a Battera was. The only pictures we have of the Baterra are those of the comics. Otherwise, no. Prototypes wouldn't have been made for 2010 if as far as they got before Bionicle was cancelled was the story planning. Basicly, there are no pictures of any sort of prototype set of the Battera. Never have, nor will be. If there is something that can prove me wrong, then you're gonna be hard pressed to find them.
  22. Alright, now where was it said that there was ever a prototype?
  23. BioCraft: Chronicles filming going well and work is getting done. Amazing how being organized gets things done without taking years.

  24. If you can prove that the Baterra was a planned 2010 set, then I'm sure you'd also be able to prove there was a prototype. I've never heard of either being in existance. Ever. Add on to that the fact that if they made a prototype, not only would we somehow get pictures, but it would more than likely be a set. I currently can't think of a set that has a prototype, and not been made. Not to mention that the Baterra weren't even a big part of the story, OR that the only planned sets in 2010 were the Stars, and you have right there a non-exsistant prototype. Unless you can get proof that they had planned a Baterra set, I can't imagine pictures of one.
  25. Thanks once again to everyone for posting! Here's another update, and a look at Po-Koro! http-~~-//vimeo.com/36162817
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