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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Everything posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen


    1. -Absorba-


      I'm just worried that Pinkie Pie will burst out of the computer screen while I read LNU's comics. Fourth wall is nothing to her. O_o

  2. DON'T WORRY SWERT! I'm sure someone who is going to Bricks Cascade will save you ;-;
  3. Proudly one of those people!Happy birthday Avtomat Kalashnikova!All kidding aside, Happy Birthday Akaku!
  4. Table was somewhat rushed, but I thought it looked okay Thank you, and glad you liked it! Thank ya very much. Well, if this one impressed you, then this new comic should as well! Little more advance to the plot =PSo yeah, new comic! Enjoy!
  5. Just a heads up, we have a video which while it's main focus is BioCraft, it does talk about future TTV endeavors. Check it out if you're interested guys!
  6. Can I come with you to the shooting range?And you can't kill Venom. It's impossible.Sure thing! And of course I can... Incendiary bullets Yeah, I really enjoyed making it. And I won't sue you, but Kahi might! Thank you!New comic up! Fun thing Alena wanted me to do I should have another one up soon.
  7. This was an amazing comic. This really sets up the tone for the next one, which I hope will have the fight scene with the Vahki thing and Vohon. Also, I REALLY love that design for Vohon. Vahki cam was also a great touch XDReally enjoyed this comic, and am always eager for the next.
  8. To everyone waiting for another update - Wait no longer! Here is another update for your enjoyment!
  9. Oh my Mata Nui you watch Castle too?!
  10. I thought you'd like that After the episode was over, I thought I'd ask him if he'd do that quick shout out. Glad you enjoyed it!
  11. With staff permission to make this post and allow this topic to be revived due to the forum downtime, I am happy to say we have a new comic maker interview up! It's with old time comic maker CyberKN! Go check it out!
  12. I must say, congrats on the soon-to-be graduated! Fair warning though - Don't move to CA. Prices on everything are through the roof, and you'd more than likely find a nicer place in I guess Minnesota or Iowa, but I don't know those states very well. Either way, congrats again! -LJ
  13. I demand my mangosteen with one AK-47 and 7.62x39mm rounds. Lots of them.But regardless, congrats on 300! I'm amazed, however, that you didn't make a THIS IS SPARTA joke. Of course, now that I mention it, I'm sure face palms will abound But still, kind of interesting to see Mr. Razor Vahi back for an appearance. Of course, he messed everything up, but ah well.Keep it up! Everything looks great =P
  14. That guy at the end looks awesome. I forget its name, but it is still really cool. I can't wait to see the possible fight scene!Glad we got character introductions. I didn't know that the blue one was a Turaga until this. Also, I notice there is some new armor on Vohon, which looks great.And then me, sprawled by the side of the road. :PGreat comic as always, and I am very excited to see more!
  15. Yeah, it was either The Rise and Fall of the Toa like Tavakai linked above, or Kanohi of Humor by CyberKN. The link of which I am not sure where to get. LJ
  16. I can look it up. And I can give ya a ton of awesome sites talking about it via Skype or somethin' if ya want. LJ
  17. I personally have never compared myself to an animal before, cause I just look at Chinese Zodiacs. It's really fun looking at them, and how they play over into peoples personalities. But if I had to choose... Maybe a cat or an eagle. LJ
  18. It is civil, but I swear one day someone is gonna snap at that whole "discontinued line of children's construction toys" thing. I need not remind anyone, a lot of the people here are adults.Also, as a friend mentioned elsewhere, it'd be fun to see roles reversed. Sprite comic makers make hand drawn comics, and visa versa.And I agree with Venom.
  19. I prefer sprite comics myself, but love to see really well done hand drawn comics. I do sprite comics cause it's what I am good at, and I don't have a scanner for anything hand drawn.: Little unsure, but wouldn't this be better as a poll?
  20. I personally love real guns more, but me and my younger brother have something over 40 Nerf guns. We stash most of them behind the door. LJ
  21. Considering for the past three weeks I've had back to back entries about real guns, howsabout Nerf guns? Anyone like those? : Here is a picture of me and my younger brother Speeder's collection. Due note, there are a few missing, but that's most of them.
  22. How interesting that certain people check my profile nearly every single day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mesonak


      doo da doo da doo

    3. Soran


      They probably think you're an entertaining person.

    4. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      I know I sure do! ;)

  23. Thanks to a friend, I'm going with Samus as well ;-;Well, I've read this comics for a little bit now, and they are in fact really good! I still LOVE the uniqueness of having an ask comic series. Sure, I may not be a fan of the pink pony (death to all that is pink ), but these are still very funny! I'll be back to read more soon!(also, that was awesome with the history of the chopsticks. Dunno if it's true, bit I hope so cause that's neat ya put it in there!)
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