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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. LOL, I've known of the JP4 for at least a year now. The plan is to have Grant and the kids back in the story, and if what I read so long ago still holds sway, the plot is on Isla Nublar and will have the shaving cream can. So yeah. ~EW~
  2. I like this the most. Take me for an example: I have no powers here on BZP, no titles above that of a donor , and am not exactly that active, but I posess alot of respect here on these forums. I nam a prime example of what you said, Omi. :-) Very true. Spreading the mold would only make matters worse, and guess who'd be at blame? Not you, but the member who defiles respect and goes his own way. If they had a problem, take it up to authority (and as you are an authority over yourself, you bare the person to go to.). Naughty naughty! I see ego! Baaaaaad ego... Plus, I am awesome too. Let us share the awesomeness throne, shall we? ~EW~
  3. LOL, that seems like more of a suitable size. And yes, FYI I am currently typing another respectism essay of the philosophy in general and will be posting an ecological presentation shortly, as inj within a few days. Thanks again! ~EW~
  4. *Looks over pile of scattered bones* Oopsies! Dis I break bonesy?


  5. Congratulations! You have just won the EW Seal of Awesomeness and Other Traits! Disclaimer: This award was created by EW Syndicate Inc. to celebrate the busyness of the said memeber, named bonesiii. This award does not under any circumstances denote any other specialities other than those of wesomeness and other traits, and does not, under any circumstances, make the said prson any better, smarter and/or cooler than the awarder. This award has been awarded under the circumstance that the awardee feels no ego after reciving this award and it can be taken away if any ego is seen. This award was given with a good heart. This award is given by way of EW's new laptop via a dialup internet connection. Some restrictions may apply. Not available in most blogs. Anyways, do you think that you could make a seal for me? I want to make sure that the coast is clear before I send any templates... I have yet to ask Swert, but Zenith has no time... Anyways, no need if not. You lead a far more exiting life than I do! ~EW~
  6. Numa Numa = Dragso Din Tae, the song that goes Maiia ii, Maiia huu, Maiia Hoo, Maiia haha! Song on that really popular viedeo site that I cannot name on BZP, if you know what that is. But, knowing you, you will not know what I am talking about... *sigh* THAT is logic! :P


  7. EmperorWhenua


    Well, today I was sitting by the window and suddenly our watchdog started barking and a big, boxy brown truck came rumbling up the driveway. I snapped out of my trance, slipped some flip-frops on and raced down to greet the truck. Upon returning to the house, I was carrying a good sized box and a smile. I soon opened the box and much to my surprise I found an Omi in the bo-- Wait, that was a dream!.. Anyways, sorry... *guilty face of daydreaming* I oppened it up and found an obsidian colored slab of a computer (HAH! No second boxes for me, Bix! THAT is coolness!) Soon the laptop was on the table, papers and contents all over. And now, about ten hours later (six of them gaming...) I am now typing a blog entry on this beutiful new keyboard and laptop with a wireless mouse! *squeallysqueal!* Still, I only have dialup... But in any case, this lappie is far more powerful than out home Win XP; the graphics are twice as good, the speed ten times as fast, the abilities three times as strong... It puts the PC to shame. But then that PC has always been a shame of mine, so no surprise about that. Sorry, no pics as I have no decent digicam, but still, this laptop is certainly going to be used alot by me and enjoyed much! Hrmm. I have nothing more to ay about my life right now. Oh! Yeah! I DID order LSWII yesterday! It will ship next moth, thanks to Lucasarts having it sold out right now, I had to do a backorder. Night, guys! ~EW~
  8. Whuut? Swerty's bithday? And I missed it? Dayingitt! Anyways, happy (old) birthday.


  9. I theorize Kopaka drank a Red Bull. Whaddayathink?


  10. Vez, he asked us to stop. Respect that.

    Guten tag! Vie gehts?


  11. I think he just wants to be able to PM. :-P


  12. LOL, you are welcome here if your car breaks down en-route from Portland to California. I just cannot help how you ended up in my dream, though... ~EW~
  13. I can still PM, too. It seems all these silly members do not know what they are talking about the "PM disabling"... :-P


  14. Okay, for those who are unhappy with the present time disabling of the PMing system, I have a golden piece of advice for you: Get Premier! For win, it is the best way to show your appreciation of BZP and a way to get your precious PMing back just for you. Now, puh-leese stop complaining! *whiiiine* Now... what else to say... Oh, yeah! A couple days ago I had the strangest dream. I (you will never belive this) dreamt that Omi (yes, Omi) somehow had his car disabled here in Southern Oregon and we took him in for a couple days. There even was an interstate lane that was designated for "Premier Members" in which we could not drive in. When I woke up, I just had to wonder about the dream as it was just wierd... But yes, I did indeed dream that. Err, other than that, me own lappie is on its way and will be here in the morning! *squeal!* ~EW~
  15. All over our upstairs was once a breeding ground for those pellets, found in every nook and cranny and under the pool table and the curtains. Literally, there were groups of twenty in a small area. And when I am too lazy to go and pick them up and reload, then my mom gets angry, even though we have no indoor pets. They are just so annoying ( to her). That was when I had just gotten my machine pellet gun. LOL, I wish my dad was like that, but he is sadly (and never really was) the kind of person you could have much fun with... I will NOT get into that now, though... ~EW~
  16. *Takes berry pie and throws it into Lazok's face as I fall "accidentally" on the floor* Hey, Lazzie! Happy birthday to you! I had a surprise for you, but it seems you already have it!


  17. I think that "real music" is not rock, but rather orchestral classical. Caude Debussy FTW!


  18. In four days, I will miss you...


  19. "I've been calling them Nuva Nuva. But it's more of a joke on Pizza Pizza than anything."

    That sounds frighteningly like Numa Numa to me...


  20. If it is ice cold outside and pouring down rain that would make you a sponge in a second, indoors is the only way. My parents care more about the BBs all over than anything else, and Drew's parents really only have worries if little Drew gets hurt. Plus, Drew was wearing a thick parka and a hat and goggles for protection, and I just had a fort, so he could hot have gotten anything serious (though I came close to a headshot several times due to a few random shots...). "Dad? Is that a yellow ball in place of your eye?" ~EW~
  21. Hi!

    Me knows nothing about Halo.


  22. Shpam ish good. At lesht, in profilesh... Zen would agree wif me.



  23. Today Drew and I had an indoors Airsoft war. He had a decent blowback spring Glock pistol, I had a semi-automatic electric pistol that could just cream him. Which I did do. Whenever I could, my gun went *WHAPapapapapap!* and his went *pop*. It was fun! ~EW~
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