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Blog Comments posted by Ichthys

  1. Who would you say is cooler:


    a) You.


    bee) The Guy who was the mastermind behind the concept of FF, for whom without, you would not have Project Final Fantasy or many other things with which the mankind entertain themselves with.


    c) Kopaka


    Or the more obvious choice...


    d) The epitomy of coolness...Me... Lol :P


  2. Yeah...I can see it now.


    Scenario One:

    Samus and Master Chief face each other down, in a deserted stretch of desert...Master Chief flashes his Assualt Rifle. Samus flashes...Every gun known, and unknown to man.

    "Ha ha!", she states gloatingly. "Now...Face the wrath of the...Hmm...Just a moment. Let me decide which gun I should use..."

    Master Chief gets a one hit kill headshot with his Assualt Rifle.


    Second Scenario:


    Samus and Master Chief face each other down, in a deserted stretch of desert...Master Chief flashes his Battle Rifle. Samus...can't even find her guns.

    "OH FREAKIN' NOES!!11!!" Samus yells loudly. "Why do I always lose my huge weapon arsenal every game?! WHY?!"

    Master Chief performs a BxR, and kills the overated bounty hunter.


    The End.

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