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Blog Comments posted by Ichthys

  1. Ok, yeah, I know...This may be a bit extremist but...Could it be...


    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

    Could it be...

















  2. The prize will be a metaphorical trophy symbolizing your ability to point things out. :D




    :o :o :o :o


    Creative Play is actually a small bussiness that sells lawn stuff?


    Is that it?


    I have no idea. It's killing me. Is there a typo somewhere? Is that it?



  3. Is it the Vs. Thing on it? *Grumble* Stupid Cancel Edit button being where Complete edit is on the forums... I know! Is it the fact that you can't get the Neo Shifters in the dropdown? Or is it the afct that it says for figures, Bionicle and not Bionicle and Neo Shifters? And I have 3 of the sets listed for BIO! (Jaller, Ehlek, and Pridak... Ehlek snapping like crazy :annoyed:)


    You could yesterday night. It's changed, so that's not the problem.




    Do we get a prize if we guess it?

    Y'know, as motivation?

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