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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Roa McToa

  1. I have many many alternatives for making flexible parts other than bahrag knees..... , but yes, those pieces DO rock!
  2. well, I CANNOT build anything until I get home sunday. All my parts are at home, ALL of them. So I have to build it by monday evening yes? Yessss..... So when you say no ball sockets, that means no ball joints period, or just the sockets pieces?? I can do that... he he heh e I have sunday evening, a lunch break monday, and part of the evening to make something...........it shall be interesting. Another timeframe in which DV has more time to build than I..... Bwahaha
  3. I still think you did a good job DV. For some reason, I kinda like your moc. I think with more work, and use of grey parts, it could be way cooler. As far as mine, the only thing I hate about it the fact that when you use those black balljoints, they tend to fall off. The light grey ones are far superior. I'll probably end up switching out the waist and shoulder joints for hordika brains for strength. Its practically animateable as it is, but those black ball joints are a bit of fail. Its kinda rare to get ones that actually stick. This was fun DV, we should work on some collaboration mocs.
  4. Roa McToa

    Dragon Wip Anybody?

    hmmmm, an intersting WIP you got here. The legs are cool, but dont really strike me as dragon legs. They are almost to humanoid. Try adding a foot to the end of the "foot", making a double knee. They'd work good as back legs that way. The head is an interesting start. Usually when I build a large rahi, I always finish the head first. I feel that is the most important step so that you can scale the body to fit the head. An improperly proportioned model just looks bad. Keep working on it, and take Bundas suggestion on some new colors. Many of those parts you used on it come in some awesome colors, so experiment a little. If you ever want suggestions, feel free to ask me. I'm always willing to brainstorm with my BZ buddies.
  5. You have two whole days off, lucky DV I have to build in crunch. Although, I do like building at night, and sometimes I have to bust out the good coffee for an all nighter... This is gonna be fun! It'll be interesting to see what we come up with in the time were given May the Epic Battle begin!
  6. How fortunate that you got this up lickety split, as I have only today and tomorrow to build this. Expect to hear from me tomorrow. and I love hat you included bionicle glue in the color restrictions!
  7. BBC #38 2nd place, Kukorahk BBC#39 1st place, Bioniwreath BBC#43 1st place, The Pit Scourge BBC#45 1st place, Roa & Kohaku BBC#46 2nd place, Bionic Fridge with Bionifood My last one got 4th, very unexpectedly at that. I wub Koruuda Consider me in for the votez
  8. I guess I'm the first to sign up, so I have 72 hours from this post, or 72 hours from when the next person signs up? Either way, I'll bust out a moc for ya's.
  9. Roa McToa


    XD OMG that is aweseome Seran. Thats totally me in the little grotto by the creek playing with bionicles with curious onlookers
  10. I missed all y'all! I am eagerly awaiting BBCC#50, it should be really good!
  11. Hey everyone! I know that many of you have been wondering why I haven't been online much over the past many months. Circumstances made it impossible for me to be online regularly in the past because I didn't have internet in my home. I had to travel to anchorage (130 miles away) to do any real work on BZP. I became rather disheartened, and had to make hiatus from this grand site. Well, the tides have shifted, and are flowing in my favor now. I have internet, and its FAST. I am hereby announcing my full time return to BZPower, and my presence in the forums will be known again. I am pleased to be back, and am able to help whenever I am needed! My topics are going to get upgraded, a new chibi topic will be created, and a new trials of terror movie topic will be created as well! Stay tuned for awesome happenings, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about building, or about BZPower. Cheers to all, and its great to be back!
  12. Go ahead and put me on the list. I am game for quickawesomemocage.
  13. Roa McToa


    I figure they will be up when they are up. Tufi is a busy gal, and I'd do it myself if I really knew how......
  14. Yes, my moc is definitely inspired by Arpy's bugblatter beast. Mine is a lil bit bigger, and the body is a bit different than his. My crude instructions were hard to decipher, but I may take another stab at building his Bugblatter beast the way he did it. I do build system. That spaceship is a bit of a revisitation to what I used to build as a child. I have as much, if not more system than bionicle. I'd give it a safe 50/50 ratio, with bionicle being the dominant building set in the quonset..... Its a fun display, and I've gotten lots of comments. They are being displayed at an Antiques/Collectibles store that features a "Collection of the Month" every month
  15. To anyone who lives in Alaska, and especially Anchorage, my Trials of Terror creations will be on display at the Pack Rat Antique Mall in downtown anchorage for the whole month of April! All my giant rahi, and as many characters as I can fit in the case will be there! So, if you happen to be close by, why not take a look and check out my spiffy creations! New models, and new revamps are going to be displayed here, so if anyone happens to Take Pictures, they get extra kudos bonus friend points from Roa. I'll post your pictures in the kaiva-nui topic as a sneak peek of whats coming! There will be information detailing the collections presence in the Anchorage Press for April! Enjoy! EDIT: The collection may possibly be on display for ANOTHER MONTH! I will make an official announcement if this happens. I also took some pictures. Granted, its hard to get good pictures through glass, but you can see all the characters in there! Enjoy! CLICK FOR GALLERY!
  16. My movie takes time, andits awfully frustrating to film, then change your models and have to film again. LOL I am still working on my models, and they are getting to where I can actually animate them, and be satisfied with the results! Brickfair here I come!
  17. Well, looks like I cannot attend brickworld this year, because my cousin is getting married, and I'd rather attend her wedding than a brick convention. But, I may/will be sponsored to go to brickfair and do some demonstrations and seminars, as well as showing my Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui display. So things are looking brighter every day, and I should be able to be fully back online again within a few months. I am at work as I type this, so I have to cut it short. Catch y'all on the next entry!
  18. Hey everyone. I would like to apologize for my recent absence from BZPower. I have had a lot of things going on in my life that have caused undue stress upon me, and have made me unable to do my duty to BZPower recently. I was dealing with having a heater down in my house, so it has been really cold, and somewhat miserable in my home. $820 later, I got it fixed...... The woes of living expenses... Oi! No worries, I have not left this wonderful forum. I have been thinking about BZPower a lot lately, and am dying to get an internet connection in Seward so I can get back online. Not having my own internet access makes getting to BZP somewhat difficult. I have to drive to the library to use the internet, and I am not able to do any uploading of pictures to update my topics, not to mention the time limit they give you to use the computer. I have been building a lot of creations, both Bionicle and Lego, and have been expanding my horizons. I'm going to build a minifig scale tool rental shop like the one I work at, and it will be loaded with tools, heavy equipment, and of course, the very people that run the place (theres only 4 of us...) My giant rahi are going to get some improvements so they are more sturdy for animation. I've also built a new style matoran for my main characters for T.o.T. Apaka now has totally awesome human articulation, with fingers! I'll rebuild all my matoran to this new style, and build some more that are the scale between them, and the protector style matoran. Apaka is as tall as a Toa Mata, but still fairly short compared tot his Toa Kaiva self. I'll be back when I can folks. Times are Uuber stressful and tight right now, so I'll come in when I can! On another note...... I may be going to Brickworld.................Sponsored........ -Roa McToa-
  19. Roa McToa

    Moc Display!

    I'd have to build Kukorahk first before attempting a full face mask. I like to keep my parts bins open for giant rahi, and trials of terror mocs. That, and I could wear a bionic gauntlet to work.........
  20. Roa McToa

    Moc Display!

    Blue Diamond..... I think that is an awesome idea! I don't have enough for a whole suit, but I could easily make a power gauntlet....
  21. Roa McToa

    Moc Display!

    Wow thats awesome Czar! It's really cool to have your models out on display, because it really brings new light onto Bionicle. If I saw Dan's picture, I'd know who he is, being that I have met a ton of people at brick conventions, but I am really bad with names.
  22. Roa McToa

    Joke Gifts

    The best joke gift I ever received, was this. The box was all wrapped up nice, and you could hear something shaking inside. I opened the box, to find two styrofoam bowls taped together with three pine cones in em, stuffed into some newspaper. Upon further digging, there was a gift certificate taped to the inside of the box. The reaction.........Priceless!
  23. Roa McToa

    Moc Display!

    If anyone here lives in Alaska, I have a display of some of my mocs in Seward at the public library. I am displaying Boruka and Mirkatuva, Kokata and Mukaia, the Pit Scourge, Roa and Kohaku, the Toa of Kaiva-Nui, the Bionic Fridge, Vakatu, Paruvak, Morkron the Reikia of Fire, and some random matoran. So far I have recieved many complimentson the models, as no one up here has really ever seen anything like that in real life. The display will be there until about a week into January. I'll have a new display up in another month or two. I'll be sure to take a picture upon my return to Alaska. As far as my current vacation, I got a few nice little gifts for Christmas, but none of it was Lego. So, I went and splurged a bit on some self gifts. I found a Monster Dino kit at walmart for $50, and I found a Brutaka at Bi-Mart. I also got Mantax and Ehlek, and I ordered the entire 2008 collection from shop@home. It will be waiting at my PO box upon my return to Seward. I am eagerly awaiting my return to AK.
  24. Zieon is my boyfriend. His actual name and middle name is John Carl (JC for short) but after getting divorced, he went through a meltdown, and started life as a new person, hence the name. He's very spiritual and metaphysical.
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