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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Roa McToa

  1. We all hit potholes in the road of life, some are just a lot bigger than others. You learned a valuable lesson that you will carry with you for the rest of your life Omi. Trust only friends, and those you love and love you back. Things will get better, they always do. Pain lasts in the heart, but how long you let it last is up to you, and you alone. Only you can make it a rainy day in your world.


    Lessons learned, you have found out what is truly important in life.


    Giving up is not an option. I have been there, and wanted to do that, but everytime I thought about it, it scared me to death. I was saved from myself only recently, and am forever thankful for this.


    Starting over is hard to do, but it can be done. I have faith in you buddy, you will persevere through this tough time in life.


    Be wholesome and pure, and things will look brighter.

  2. sounds like what I did to my bed tonight, but it was just dirty clothes stacked on it....


    I usually tru and keep my art projects where I can work on em.... but in my house, space is a hot commodity, and right now, I have a lego tornado to clean up....


    Yeah, sometimes I take over the area in the main room, but it tends to tick off my roommates and their friends because they have to step over me and everything else to get to anything.


    Ooh, a Lego tornado, that sounds fun, though slightly dangerous! ;)



  3. You are like a younger brother to me Omi. If you ever need any help advice etc, you can always talk to me. I have seen and heard a lot in the short time I have been on the planet, and would be happy to give insight. :) Life is good, and then it gets better!

  4. Can I get my lanyard back? I left it in Portland last time. :\





    I have your lanyard KIE


    I beleive it had Nuparu on it? Could I send you one of my Hahli's instead? :3 I took a special likeing to Nuparu as I wore him to brickcon. If you say yes to this, you will get a special something made of Lego for your wedding cake! :D


  5. Oolichan is the native name for these fish. And yeah, they are so good! Plenty of people around here say they are gross cause its herring, but for the most part, these people have not tried it.


    A plate of 10 fish disappears fast, and you feel warm and satisfied afterward. The warmth stays with you all day, making it an excellent food for the winter months. If I ever do the Polar Bear Plunge here in Seward and jump into the bay in the middle of winter, I will be sure to eat plenty of Hooligan and drink some cocoa. Good high energy food and drink.

  6. lol, you guys are funny. they can be cooked without heads yanno.


    Its cool, you grab the head, and slip a fork behind it and run it down the spine and all the meat just falls off. Hooligan have no scales when you harvest them, just smooth delicious skin that crisps when you fry it. They are an oily fish, and are very creamy and buttery tasting. Unlike any fish you have tried, guaranteed.

  7. lol, this entry is kinda funny zip, cause both of those are custom creations. Something that is not "custom" is a lego based design. People like to build "Toa" figures. While its not the most original idea to build a toa, everyone applies their skills differently to come up with their own design.


    Something thatg is not "custom" is simply a lego build with different colors or armor.


    Creativity in any other form=custom



    Woot yes! It's been a long time since I remembered how to do this editing thing.


    Anyway, no, it's not just limited to Lego designs. Anything that has been overused on a MOC, ex: DV's lower arms, shouldn't be considered custom. Originality is in the design, not what you are building.



  8. Massively Zeddy, Massively!


    This guy is a keeper methinks, and I feel that I will know for sure when we meet. He woo's me with sweet lovements daily, and speaks of trust and companionship in a way that makes me melt inside and get all gooey.

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