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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Roa McToa

  1. When I have a sore throat like this, I take plenty of throat medicine, and I also take colloidal silver hydrosol. It helps to kill off the bad virals and bacteriums without taking a toll on you like antibiotics. This supplement is available at any natural foods type store in the supplement dept. It comes in a bottle, and is a clear liquid.

  2. He wants to build a lego model really badly. He thinks it is so awesome that I am so into Bionicle and Lego. He was an avid builder as a child. I will do my best to bring him outta the dark ages (chances are he will be diggen it hardcore!). Who knows, if things really work out, I might not be going to conventions alone anymore.... :3


    He does a lot of really cool stuff, and we share a lot of interests.


    And yes, Hat. Hat indeed. LOL at least he has a full head of hair, unlike the last one :o

  3. The trophies are for the individual mocs themselves, regardless of their story. As far as shipping goes, check with your local post office, or at usps.com.


    I am going to toss in a signed by GF Bionicle Comic for the winner of the large bionicle moc, and some goodie uncommon parts for other prizes.


    For the attendees, I might just reassemble my manas and bring em along to play with.....

  4. nope, dolphins are porpoises. Whales are cetaceans. At certain times of the year, you can whale watch from the beaches here and see gray whales. If you go further out, you will find harbor porpoises, Orcas and humpback whales


    I am going to be in Kauai in November on a family vacation. It'll be so fun! :D

  5. Workin' on it. The problem is, I've run out of ++ pieces and +O+ pieces, among a few other small things...


    Roa, if I were to send in the MoCs with other pieces used in different colors (like obvious orange) would you be able to replace them? They wouldn't be in hard places, and I would tell you what I needed ahead of time. I wouldn't want to keep them, but just for the purpose of the fair, would you do this small favor for me? I'm wanting to buy more pieces, but I'm not sure I can in time...



    I have lots of those randomly strewn in my tubs. Let me know how many you need in each type, and I will dig them up. Please be expedious though, so I can get to them in time.


  6. You can do this rather simply. Take your plastic egg molds and drill/cut a hole big enough in the peak of the egg to pour the jello into. Be sure to tape the sides of the eggies so they dont fall apart before curing. Use a small funnel to pour the jello into the eggs. Place them in an egg box to cure, and voila! non messy jello eggs!


    I guess another alternative to filling the eggs would be to dunk each half into the uncured jello and clip em under the surface. Thing with that is that it is short lived, cause the level of the jello gets low.....

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