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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Roa McToa

  1. May thanksgiving go super schwell for y'all KIE. I am going to my friends place down the highway, cause my bro and sis'nlaw couldn't come up with my lil nephew. They were gonna stay for over a week, but Evan had to take the Ecuador contract to secure his job (the are laying people off). So he is off fighting fires in Ecuador till after x-mas :(


    May the tryptophane make ye sleep well!

  2. I definitely haveto agree with you there. All of these boats are wood hull ships. They were in service before the 64 quake. It's interesting to see whats out there, as there are quake pics out there, and one is of a boat called the Celtic thats been beached by the tsunami wave, and I was told that it is still in service to this day.




    This location is less than a ten minute walk from my house..... Now theres a harbor there......

  3. Yeah, dusk really stinks for pics. Although, it does capture a rather ghostly appeal.


    I plan on making a detailed entry about the boat yard and all the old ships there, with good crisp daylight pics taken on a tripod. Just waiting for that bluebird day that happens to be on a day off.......

    There's even WW2 trooper ships, yanno the kind that can go up to a beach and drop off troops and tanks jeeps etc. Very cool stuff. Lots of old fishers and crabbers, as well as sailers and more modern boats that are there for work.


    The boats pictured here will probably never be seaworthy unless some rich dude comes along and decides to restore.


    Its really a cool place to visit, and is just a short drive across the bay from my home.

  4. They use good plastic on these sets. You can use them for bowling games when they are rolled up too. They hold up well to being dropped, and to moderately rough play. You can build mocs with this stuff, but anything that you can build is more or less on the lame side. They are more meant to be stand alone figures.


    The Split Shifter set shows some of what you can do with these, as the set is two shifters with some extra parts that can be formed into a two pilot vehicle with another robot. I'll have to take pics of it built in both versions with the moc I made out of the spare parts.


    Tradakk, I think the set you are talking about is Scar & Dorn. The shifter is grey and green, and was one of the first ones released. :)

  5. Ya! The video on their website is really cool, and shows that the Neo Shifter universe is way different than the bionicle universe. The lore, the land and the purpose is totally different than bionicle. The figures are said to be "bionicle-esque", but do not share the same style of connection system. Where bionicle is based on ball sockets, neo shifters have a peg to socket setup for all the limbs. All neo shifters can fly in their story, and they can go into outer space too.


    I don't think there are any special powers behind their masks. I think that the mask is their face.


    and bunda, wait till I get the others. I saw pictures of the web shifters, and they look way too awesome! :o


    But don't get me wrong, Bionicle owns this toyline as far great sets with quality, as well as being able to build anything you want!

  6. I have so much Lego CF, that it doesn't really matter to spend some on a few cool action figure robots. :) I really need to sort out my mass hoarde of Lego before I buy anymore, plus they only come out with one batch of these per year, unlike Bionicle sets which have two big releases in a year.


    I am a toy lover, and just because it aint lego doesn't mean it isn't allowed. I think there is an official Neo Shifters topic in COT too....

  7. I really think MB has something here. Neo shifters are now in their 3rd release of new sets, and they keep getting better. I am eagerly awaiting the web shifters, as I want to play the web games associated with the toys. Internet interactive for the win!


    I'll take a pic of all my shifters so one can see the evolution of these toys.


    Bummer on the missing part, oh well, it happens in Lego too....... They sent the rubber to you for free right? I am sure MB has a replacement parts service like TLG.



    And nobody said ya HAVE to like em 5. :P tee hee

  8. I have also heard that on the knights bus kit (harry potter methinks) that set had varying shades of KK2 purple in it. The fact that the plastic starts out clear, and is filled with colored plasic makes consistency more of an issue. This is seen in other colors as well. Some pieces being more transparent than others.


    Purple was abolished because they couldn't make a batch consistently anymore, plus cause its not a huge seller, like turquoise.

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