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Lazzy the Spazzy

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Blog Comments posted by Lazzy the Spazzy

  1. Rising Moon@ Oops, I was going to explain it later but never remembered to. Fixed. XD


    And for now, just points for reviewing other Story Fit stories. Maybe if this gets off the ground I'll start giving out points for reviews in general.


    ~Monday~@ There's no deadline; you can take as long as you need to complete these tasks, but the longer you take the more tasks there'll be since they'll be released weekly regardless of who's done and who isn't.

  2. I fifth Nuhrii's opinion. Rather than having a whole slew of elements, I want to see the existing ones fleshed out first. I'm averse to having elements "canonized" and being given prefixes and colors...I prefer the freedom of choosing my own colors and prefixes. Once it's canon, it's a bit more difficult to interpret elements our own way, and while it would be nice to see prefixes for other elements like bones suggested, I'd actually like the elements better without all the extra details. Maybe that's just me...I'm sure a lot of people want to see the official prefixes and color schemes. xD

  3. Love the new premise, twisting it around so the Jedi are the "villains" this time.


    NPC's been taken care of, links and stuff. I agree with the suggestion to have a few key planets/locations of interest in the post itself, at least to provide a place for members to start off their characters.


    Maybe something about gameplay? Is this a sandbox? What's the level of freedom, how much of the story will be up to us, etc.


    That's basically it.


    P.S. Thanks for the help Robo. I've been having trouble with what to call CHEEE...EEEN! Once again I am led to acknowledge the importance of ellipses.

  4. Oooh, ouch. Asking permission from parents is always the hardest part. gl with that.


    Yeah, I agree with Omi, flights are dumb. I used to vomit all the time. Now I almost vomit, but my stomach is just strong enough to hold it in but also keep me miserable. =\

  5. Casting my vote for banner number one. Personally, I think the text in number two distracts from the rest of the image, and seems a bit out of place besides. You could always put that text underneath the banner in your sig anyway.



  6. Huh. Interesting.


    I read a theory very similar to this about a year ago, but I didn’t take it seriously…looking back, I suppose I should’ve.


    Oh, and did Mata Nui just jump from planet to planet, or does he have some sort of propulsion?

    It’s not my place to say, but my guess is, being so big, he can generate a tremendous amount of force to “push-off” from the planet he’s on. After that, since there’s no resistance in space to slow him down, all he has to do is push off of space debris—asteroids, maybe—and travel through space for as long as he wants.


    Though, if the planet Mata Nui was on was so huge as to be able to hold him in its oceans, that must be an awfully big planet…I’m not sure it would even exist. Being so big, the planet would probably be a star instead. Though, that idea doesn’t really hold ground, since the BIONICLE universe is different from ours.


    Once again you’ve astounded us Greg. Great job.

  7. *applauds* Great speech, Greg, and it served its purpose. It rang home to me, at least…even the fans have some say in Bionicle after all. Kind of strange to think that in a few years, the receptive readers and fans of a storyline could actually be the most active people in keeping the storyline going.


    I wouldn’t be sad if Bionicle ended. As long as LEGO keeps churning out great storylines and sets like they did with Bionicle, we’ll always be entertained. And sometime, maybe a decade or two into the future, one of the fans on BZP might get a job in LEGO…and even help bring Bionicle back. Though I guess that’s wishful thinking.


    Whatever the case, here’s to a great end of the year.

  8. I'm a wannabe/had-been Joe (regular Joe? :P ), who's going through the transition to a Tom.


    Basically, I originally did not buy sets because I began to dislike clone sets. I didn't mind in 2002, with the Bohrok, but back then I was still in grade school so thought different colors were the same as different sets.


    Not so now. Now, I would like to say that I am not buying sets because I refuse to do so, because having clone sets and re-using Inika builds (Piraka torso and/or Inika chest armor for three years in a row now) bores me. However, the reality is I'm not in control. The rest of the world is.


    I'm growing up, I'm at the age where I have to start to think about college now. My dad's teaching me how to drive for my learner's permit, I'm doing applications for intern, I'm studying for AP and SAT Subject tests, all that jazz. I simply don't have the time to spend on sets.


    So I'm afraid, in my case, you probably wouldn't get me back as a buyer even if you scrapped the clone sets. I was very excited about the Barraki last year, as they were unique, and I am excited now about the Makuta, but I can't buy them. I don't have the time to go to the nearest Toys R Us (one hour away), and I don't have the time for them even if I do buy them.


    In short, it's great to see that these changes will possibly be made (or have already been made), but unfortunately I won't be around to enjoy them. :(

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