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Blog Comments posted by Javi

  1. I thought it looked interesting too, even though a lot of the news sites made it sound like it won't look all that much bigger than the regular moon. Still - it's really bright out today and the sky is clear - so I invited my girlfriend over to watch it. :P Should be a fun day..sorry it's cloudy where you are, though..
  2. Hah, uhm...I used to swear a lot...but I've gotten out of the habit lately...cos I realised I don't really need to most of the time, and I can still get a point across without sounding nasty. I just avoid even using "replacements" - heck and darn and dang and freakin and such - cos I really think those sound weird when you say them out loud..so, yeah..it's rather unnecessary, except when you're quoting something or someone.
  3. I got contacts last year..and I remember how difficult it was those first few weeks..but y'know, after a while you just get used to them, and in a few months, it wasn't even a problem. Really beats wearing glasses - glasses just look terribly misplaced on me...I would like laser eye surgery, though, if it wasn't so expensive...cos then you could see anytime, whenever, wherever! Even at night! I dunno, it seems exciting..
  4. Nono, you all have the times wrong - it was 10:22 when he posted that. :) EST's the only time that matters...I thought everyone knew that.. ;D


    Sleepless nights really suck - sorry, Brickeens...'least there's always people on here to talk to. :P Hope you got to sleep by now..well..you're prob'ly gonna wake up in a little while, actually! Timezones, man..

  5. Hah, I enjoy youth group...mostly because it's an hour with my girlfriend..:P I'm sorry that you don't enjoy it, though...I agree with the guy up there, 'bout it being a place to get away from judgment. I mean, that's what I expect from religious activities, anyway. Sorry, I didn't really read the comments carefully - but was there a reason for you to not just stop going..?
  6. I perfectly understand. Love is great, at least for now.


    That's..rather negative-sounding. :P But yeah, it is nice right now.




    Oh my god congratulations Javi!! Wow. Even though I haven't really spoken up I'm still watching your blog and following your escapades, and this is quite the development!


    Hah, thanks, Protosteel! ^_^ I think that's the most positive reaction I've gotten from anyone. :P


    Congratulations! You've now passed the boundary of any help I can give you. :P


    :P Well, we're pretty comfortable with each other...and apparently she likes me as much as I like her..so this part really isn't all that difficult so far. She's very mellow - I'm not scared to hug her or hold her hand or anything. Thanks! =)

  7. With anything creative - your own opinion doesn't matter. :P It's your audience that's important. In any case, I don't think many good artists actually like what they create..but the self-criticism gives you that push to do better..so really, it's a good thing that you hate the stuff you make. xP
  8. And welcome to the new year right back, Javi. I've actually been wondering why there have been no entries from you in a while.


    I'm glad that life's working out as it should-- with its ups and downs, and with its unpredictability.


    Also, @songwriting:I'll bet you've already surpassed me; all I can ever seem to write is parodies, and rather bad ones at that.


    Yeah..there's actually been one thing on my mind that I could have blogged about..but I feel like a terrible person for it. :P And odds are most people would agree with me on that.


    It's how things go, isn't it? Makes you wonder what's coming next, even worry a bit..


    I've been writing songs for three years now. :P I'd suggest writing an original piece, even if it's terrible..that's the only way to start. Then just keep writing, and eventually you'll improve. I didn't write a song I actually liked until last January..and after that one, my songs really started to get better.

  9. Well, just don't dwell on it for too long. I've been puttering around with asking one girl I know out for years now. After a long time of consideration and realizations, I realized that not only is she just not that interested in me, but that there are so many others around me that I could take a liking to, who could share the same feeling. People I'd never thought of until I gave up the idea of "It must be her." A lot more ways to go and different people to meet than I've realized.


    I know the feeling...I've never spent years thinking about asking a girl out, but it certainly takes me weeks...or months. But yeah, sometimes you really do have to just move on if you realize there's no mutual feelings. Which absolutely sucks.


    speaking from personal experience on doing the same(yes i know im a guy :P), that might mean she actually likes you.


    I know. Same thing with her avoiding talking to me...but it seems so much more likely that it's a way of saying she doesn't like me.


    If you're giving up, I say might as well go for broke and lay all your cards on the table. What's the worst that could happen? Worst case scenario, she says "no", and you can get over her. Best case scenario, she says "yes", you get married, and name your first born son after me.


    Then again, what do I know? I'm just some guy on the Internet. You do whatever makes you happy. ;)


    True. I was just remarkably depressed on Friday; thinking about it again - you're right. Might as well do something if I've decided to do nothing...


    Spirit would be a great name for a kid, by the way. Assuming it's in the sense of being an attitude of inspiration.


    SPIRIT is a god. Everyone should name their kids after him.


    Go for it. Pretty much worst thing you can get is no. Unless you're me.


    In my case, I got no then 2 weeks later, said person is dating my best friend. Sorta sucks, but you have to accept some things. If they were meant to be, they will.


    That's terrible - I'm sorry. Though for the record, unless your friend didn't know you asked her out, that's a pretty nasty thing to do...


    And I know it always seems as simple as the worst being no...but I always think of what it's going to be like after that. How I'll feel, how she'll feel/act...I believe part of my problem is over-analysis.


    So today, I say I'll ask her out. Come Friday, I'll probably decide not to...but we can hope my small shred of confidence might survive the week.

  10. GRAND CHAMPION! i salute thee.


    good luck in pursuing your girl, mate.


    Hmm. It was nice - we won grand champion at our first competition, too. Good way to start and end the season.


    And thanks.



    In this case, I'd have to say "go with your gut", despite the fact my advice doesn't matter anyway. :P


    Your advice matters plenty. :P You give good advice.


    But going with my gut is rarely a good choice for me - because my gut says "she's gonna say no, give up". ;D

  11. Don't worry; if you're truly the better person, sooner or later, she should realize it. :)


    But talking to her more sounds good.


    I hope so...


    I'm almost ready to give up on texting her. I don't think she's carried on a conversation since I first got her number...



    Wow, enemy stealing your girl? Well, I'm afraid I don't have much advice for you here, seeing as I've never had that happen -mostly due to the circumstances-, but I can offer this: if this person truly embodies evil -from your description he does :|-, and your friend goes for him? You don't want her. Granted, the 'Devil is sly' rule applies, but he can't just hide his personality if he's truly spending so much time with her. If she goes for a ***** of a guy, then you don't need that person by your side.


    He's my own personal evil. Girls seem to like him a lot, though. I have a really close girl friend who really likes the kid - every time I bring up something he did that annoyed me, she'll completely ignore it and tell me "not to make fun of ____". So if the girl I like sees whatever it is that my friend sees in him...but I certainly wouldn't judge her as a bad pick of a girl for liking a guy I happen to hate.

  12. Of all your latest entries you've made, this is the one I can relate the most to.


    Of possible causes to your depression, have you been overthinking things lately? Cuz I've gotten into the same situation by seriously evaluating my life, and being unhappy with what I got. XP


    Happiness is overrated. :P


    Actually, my true belief is that you're never truly happy; there's always something annoying you, or depressing you, or something of the sort. You're never going to have that "day of sunshine" or whatever, so your best option is to be glad of good things when they come.


    Of course, I wouldn't know. My advice could be completely wrong, and telling you to trust me would be illogical, since you barley know. So instead, the best thing I can tell you is to trust yourself. :)


    Possibly...it's comforting to know that I have emotions, anyway. Even if it's just sadness, I haven't felt much of anything in the past few months. I think it's probably just that I'm so worried about messing things up with this girl.




    Oh, I know. And usually I am...it's just that somehow, by the end of the day, I always end up feeling miserable.


    Hah. If there's one thing I'm positive I can't do, it's trust myself.

  13. Lucky you.


    Any tips for me?


    I'm certainly not the right person to ask. :P But honestly, I think the best thing you could do is try to let her know that you don't just wanna be friends...I think maybe flirt a little bit, make her think about you as a boyfriend? Seems like a good idea to me, anyway.



    You lucky guy. :)


    Don't worry, I'm sure things will turn out fine.


    I really hope so. :P

  14. Strange...I was planning to go for something along the same lines.


    I found red colored contacts for $30..pretty steep, but ah well. Colored contacts would really help make costumes look pretty professional, wouldn't they? I just wanna dress up - haven't worn a Halloween costume for a couple years.

  15. I wish I wasn't so scared of rejection, or I'd ask out the girl I like now...ah, well..

    Blech, I feel you there. I got the same terrible fear last year when I did get rejected. Wish I could help you, but I still fear it.


    Maybe, someday, the two of us will find people, or find the courage to ask out the people we like now. :P


    It sucks to have the first girl you ever ask out reject you...it completely ruined any confidence I had in the area.



    brotha, you gotta go for it. just tell her how feel, but not necessarily ask her out.


    That seems a little awkward..read the new entry if you care.

  16. My favorite from Collective Soul is December..I don't think I've even heard Shine.


    But yeah, I love '90s. Sublime and Nirvana are two of my favorite bands...and most of the ones that are high up on my list were '90s rock/grunge bands. But there's still a ton of great music from the '00s if you know where to look (it's mostly indie stuff, really). The biggest part of my iTunes is the '00s. Cage the Elephant, The New P***********s, Arctic Monkeys, Beck, and The Veils are some to check out.

  17. I think sexism shouldn't be an argument anywhere, anytime, to begin with. :/ Same thing with racism, or religious prejudices. It's ridiculous - "Why can't we all just get along?" I mean, really...people are people are people. People aren't black are white are male are female are Christian are Muslim are atheist...
  18. My first post was pretty miserable...I tried to post some stupid topic. And I wound up posting the first message of my topic in some other topic. :/


    But yeah, it's kinda fun to laugh at yourself when you look at how you acted even just a few years ago. Too bad you can't do that in real life; it'd be fun to look back at me a few years ago.

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