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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Everything posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. IC: "They're based in a mountain range in the north-east of the Northern Continent. Makuta Krika's territory. I am concerned that if their murderous tendencies towards Skakdi are nor curbed then they might head to the source, as it were, and go to Zakaz," Johmak explained, "The war there is...delicately balanced but balanced enough to not spread beyond the island. If these six get there the situation will get only worse and who knows what chaos might erupt."
  2. Yes you are, and she is approved
  3. I'm kind of tempted to make a Po-Toa version of Ahab, name my spaceship the Peequod and make a faction dedicated to hunting down and killing Mr. Crunchy. Yes I know that didn't end well for the actual Ahab but hey, he didn't have the power to control rock with his mind
  4. IC: "No, your people are Rahkshi who have more of an insight into how the Hand thinks than anyone else in the-in my organisation." Johmak paused for a moment, but pushed on before anyone could question her minor slip. "You are better qualified than anyone else we have to assess the situation and take action upon it. You're less weapons and more...the right sized screwdriver for a screw thats out of joint." She knew it wasn't a particularly good metaphor, but she hadn't been expecting this and hadn't prepared anything in advance. "If you're going to stick to the line of not being weapons, perhaps you should decide what you are instead. And think on whether telling that to the Brotherhood is going to have any effect." IC: Palma was done, the physical damage had been healed over. Char was now back in one piece. But with that kind of extensive damage there was no telling what after-effects there might be. Loss of blood and all the essentials it carried had been known to have unpleasant consequences that defied all attempts at healing them. Couldn't fix what had been completely destroyed after all, it was like trying to glue ash back together into a tree
  5. Approved Approved A Panrahk with a meteor hammer, your original inspiration for the game. Should've known you'd find a way to insert that concept into the story somehow. Heh, I wondered if anyone would remember that
  6. IC: Johmak placed the crystals on the table, then withdrew a lightstone from her other hand. "These images are of a group known as "the Hand of Spiriah". An extremely experienced and effective unit that the Makuta gathered in place of any Hagah team. They are, as you may have guessed, every one of them Shadow Kraata." She held the lightstone to the first crystal, some quirk of its internal edges and facets turning the light into a projected image. A Rahkshi, black and purple, the colours of adaption. His stance seemed relaxed, but you tell from the way he held his arms and the staff in his hand, the way he was standing, that action could come at any second. His orange eyes were narrowed and gleaming even in the hologram, innumerate thoughts passing through his mind. "This one is Reach, the leader. While in Spiriah's service he demonstrated a keen cunning and adept knowledge of strategy. if he's managing to keep his team off the grid then he clearly has not lost that edge." The second crystal revealed a Panrahk, burly and heavy built. The image seemed to have been taken as he was falling through the air, his legs bent and braced for landing, his arms spread for balance. A long chain was held between those stretched out hands, the links spiralling out beyond his grip, a three-pronged weight on either end marking it out as a meteor hammer. Closer inspection revealed his brown colouring was covered in light grey scars and scratched. The veteran of many battles, this on. "March. One half of the team's muscle. He has mastered his power in such a way he can use focused blasts to boost the power of his steps or punches. Basically he can rocket-jump himself through the air then explode himself right through you. This enhanced mobility and strength makes him a nightmare to meet in combat." The third one was dull grey, an Invulnerability Rahkshi. In contrast to the tense Reach and kinetic March this hologram seemed almost relaxed, leaning on the enormous morningstar he was holding as though in a friendly chat. There didn't seem to be any trace of malice in his gentle yellow eyes but he was subconsciously threatening simply due to his enormity. He possessed enough sheer size and muscular bulk that he could have given any of the heavy Rahks at Corpus a real challenge. "Flack. The other half of the muscle. While he's more of a straight line type of fighter, he's frighteningly strong even for your kind and of course his innate powers make him the next best thing to impossible to actually stop. Especially since he often works with our next one." Fourth crystal, fourth Rahkshi. Probably white originally, but now dirty and discoloured with time and damage. There was something rodent-like about him, not in physical appearance as he looked like any other Kurahk, but maybe in the way he seemed a little bit more hunched, or how he seemed to be trying to hide behind the vicious-looking halberd he was wielding. His eyes were blood red and squinting in suspicion as though the hologram disapproved of even being here. "Vex. He and Flack have never been seen without each other, they seem to have a strange...symbiosis we think. We have several reported cases of Vex using his anger powers on Flack rather than any enemies, driving his partner into a frenzied rage that he will start taking out on anyone around him. Because he wasn't quite dangerous enough before, now he gets to be a berserker as well..." The next Rahkshi was bright and gleaming gold. Weather control. He was wielding a longbow, nocked and ready and seemingly pointed right at the watcher. It seemed he had not appreciated being spotted by whoever had taken this image. The spikes on his back were a bristle of spines that wouldn't have looked out of place on a porcupine...and then you looked closer and saw that each and every one of them was an arrow. Rather than carry around a quiver, he'd just turned his back into a pincushion and stuck his extensive arsenal within constant easy reach. "Fletch. As far as we can tell he's what passes for the group's second in command. He's the one Reach seems to trust the most at least, and the one usually sent to scout ahead. Given he managed to discover our scout and came close to killing him I think we can assume that makes him a reliable pair of eyes at the very least." The sixth and last Rahkshi could almost have been a re-run of Reach, only he was a lighter purple and rather than a plain quarterstaff he carried a fan axe. But he had the same thoughtfulness evident in the same orange eyes, and the same way of standing that implied he was only waiting for the right time and place to leap into action. "We don't know too much about this one. From what we have recovered of Spiriah's documentation, he's called Peek and is indeed a mind reader. But he seems to function more as support than assault for the group, tending to lurk at the back and not get stuck into a fight. So our assessment of what he can do is...limited, I'm afraid." Johmak withdrew the viewing crystals back into herself but kept the lightstone, noticeably keeping its beam away from the trio of escapees. "In the past we had no issue with the Hand. They were not too much of a threat or problem, barring the occasional raid on a trading caravan whenever they wanted food. From what we can tell they've actually been keeping their...hunting grounds, for lack of a better term, relatively free of other bandit or mercenary activity. Something of a help in the chaos Icarax's campaign left behind. The problem is what they've started doing recently." A seventh crystal manifested in her free hand. The others were clear diamonds, this one...not so much. A ruby, deep and bloody red. She passed the lightstone under it to reveal... Skakdi. Four of them. All kneeling in some parody of a bow with their arms held out from their sides, strapped to some framework of sticks like scarecrows. They'd been tortured, all of them. Cuts and slashes, bruises and broken bones, someone had visibly put all four of them through the wringer, and the pools of bodily fluids at their knees meant it had been done while they were alive. But the most disconcerting thing was their faces. Like the rest of their bodies, the Skakdi's faces had been cut up but it was not random like the rest of the torture. This had a definite purpose, someone had a design in mind. The victim's faces had been slashed in such a way to enhance their normal toothy grins into ragged maws, with more cuts created odd flukes and fins along the sides of their heads. It took a few seconds to realise what this was, but helped if you remembered this was being done to Skakdi by servants of Spiriah. Whoever had done this had tried carving their heads into the shape of a Jutlin. "This was the latest of five incidents. We started to catch on after the third when the murderer's skill at sculpture began to pick up and we realised what the implications were. We think that, after so long without orders from a Makuta, the Hand are starting to go slightly mad. If they go completely rogue they are going to be a very real danger to anything and anyone they come across. We don't have the manpower to go after them now, and it sickens me to simply wait until they become something we have to respond to, because who knows how much damage they'll do until then. This is where you come in." She eyed each and every one of the three escapees. "I'm hoping the Hand will react better to other Rahkshi than they would to a Toa or Matoran, for example. And that you might be able to predict what their next moves might be, seeing as you are in a similar situation. You're all Rahkshi keeping your distance from the Brotherhood. I would like you to investigate, and if the Hand does look like it will become a real and present danger, to neutralise them however you see fit. Though I should warn you, if you end up deciding on trying to take them in a fight...you're going to need more Rahkshi."
  7. The attempting to "bring happiness to others to use his skill" thing is the knitting I assume? Not the knife-work skills? Approved Approved I'm going to have Fog tag along once I find out whether I have to wait for a Palma post. Its hard to keep track of Fog, his name is too short for the search bar I think he would have got healed up before the issue with Chat though. It happened reasonably before the event and really would have been minor enough that it would be a quick fix
  8. IC: "That would be a fair assumption," Johmak confirmed, "We are a smaller operation than the Brotherhood, we have not got resources to burn as they do. If we are going to devote time and energy keeping you off the grid, it is practically a necessity that we see some benefit from doing so. Otherwise our efforts elsewhere will suffer and we will be the worse for it. Our initiation for you would be fairly simple." Six diamonds, clean cut and gleaming, manifested in her hands, pushing out through the other silicone shards Johmak was made of. "If you are still interested, that is." IC: It was a tough process, but with Palma's expertise at work Char was clearly and visibly getting better, as organic tissue began to reform and metallic armour started growing back into shape. IC: Excecution done, Icarax began to stalk back to his new office. Do not wander too far, he advised...everyone, really. Telepathy really carried. I will have business for you all shortly...
  9. Why? Its exactly what I've been referring to it as this whole time. There's even been references to the Porters carrying around sacks of the needed grains when we had a couple of characters go investigate the kitchens. The whole point of the stuff is that its cheap and easy to prepare so it can be procured and produced en masse, its not exactly the patchwork of chemicals you seemed to believe it to be. As with Bleach, Spindle now has a dissonance between certain sections of the profile. Like, why would his Makuta try to find a use for Refectory food then just outfit Spindle with with a method for spraying plain old regular Refectory slop? If this Makuta disliked Spindle showing originality, why make him all the more unique by giving him the hosing system and the new paint job? His system for spraying the stuff seems to be built into him, which was fine when he was spraying a gas, but now he's got to deal with a very thick and viscous liquid there's no way he's going to squeeze that through when he's so skinny. Sometimes you need to do more than just make quick changes, Ghidora, you need to keep the whole profile in order
  10. And approved Again, questioning how you're turning what I have already pointed out is essentially porridge into chemical warfare. Thats some kind of sorcerous alchemy you've got going on there You mind clarifying what kind of visionary range the sensors give? I know you said in another post that it was dependant on how she moved them, but I'd prefer it in the actual profile Approved Kind of weird but nothing really wrong, so approved Assuming you're talking about the one called Bleach, I think you'll find the colour was pretty much the only thing I didn't have a problem with. What I disliked was the nonsensical explanation for his height, the addition of some strange mind-healing device with no explanation to how it worked (and yet another nonsensical explanation for why he had it), and the bio that contradicted itself about three times. But hey, the colour was fine
  11. IC: "If its any consolation, not moving the head was the right thing to do." Palma was taking a good look at the wound, night-sensitive eyes having no trouble with the dark crevices and orifices of a body. The blackish-green ichor leaking everywhere was giving her a little trouble though. "You could have done a lot more damage if you'd pulled the whole thing free. Removed pressure and blockage to important blood vessels. Now, if you could stay clear, I need the space..." She started work on Char, laying hands on the student to pass powerful healing energies into her body with surgical precision, aiming it at the right places to stitch the right things back together IC: Icarax looked at Subject, an obvious contempt on his face. You make no attempt to defend yourself. You demonstrate obvious physical and possible mental flaws. I think I would receive no objection if I were to label you as a failure. Normally in this position I would just have you stripped of rank and banished from my sight, but you have no rank and would be sent right back here if I evicted you. Since I cannot strike at your Makuta you have no family I might torture. You yourself would, I suspect, be able to endure any physical punishment I could lay on you. So, I feel I have no other option but my current choice. He raised a hand and the one-way screen became fully opaque again, the Makuta's iron will reshaping the Gym to his desire. And then he closed his hand into a fist. With that gesture Subject's box prison abruptly imploded, shrinking at a phenomenal pace...and with a sickening crunch... IC: "Perhaps I dd not make myself clear. I am Johmak," the pretender Rahkshi explained. If she was relieved that Era's interpretation meant she could use Matoran then she didn't show it. "At present my own name is all I am willing to tell you. The...order that I belong to chooses secrecy as its first line of defence. The fewer people know who we are then the fewer people we have trying to stop us. It has made us, over the centuries, very good at hiding. A qualification that I understand you are currently very interesting in using to your own benefit."
  12. Could have sworn we already had someone called Shrapnel. Might be confusing it with your own Sepulchral, they've got a few similar syllables in there... Not too keep on allowing that camera system, to be honest. Just seems like it makes it a bit too easy to avoid any incoming attacks because you can't not see them coming now How the heck do you turn the Refectory's gruel into tear gas? Its basically porridge, its got nothing in it that would turn into a poisonous or even just noxious vapour. I'm also going to point out that, even if you could, Spindel's profile makes no mention of him being any good at alchemy so he has no way of actually replicating whatever eldritch processes his Makuta employed Going to have to say no to the magic microphone that can replicate any sound a person might ever make from only a few vocalisations. I always dislike it when they whip out one of those in movies, just smacks of laziness. This one earns extra ire for being conveniently invisible. Might I point out though that Leviathan is a shapeshifter (which I'm guessing is what he uses to shrink down when in disguise so people don't immediately recognise him?) so write something in his bio about him studying anatomy and it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that he could just morph his own voice box into a shape that lets him sound like someone else
  13. But Master wouldn't be creating the fire. The sword would be. All he has to do is create a sword, something that's solid and unmoving as you say, but make sure its imbued with fire elemental powers. And bam, you have a sword that spits fire
  14. IC: Icarax peered into the box containing subject, looking the Rahkshi over. I suppose this must be done properly, if I am to be stuck here in the role of babysitter. You, boxed one, your silence in this matter has thus condemned you. If you have any words to speak, any defence to give, I suggest you employ them now. The Makuta never took his eyes off of Subject, the smouldering coals that burnt behind his mask clearly having their own ideas about the phrase "innocent until proven guilty" and wishing the first three words of it could be conveniently ignored IC: Vlad would have to wait for his physio as Helkyre and Char were currently taking up all of Palma's attention. "What happened here?" she demanded, looking at the nearly-bisected kraata that was Char, "What did you do?" This was more than just the guilt-slinging that was going on in the Gym, this was information Palma needed to know. You couldn't just stitch someone back together and let them toddle off all fine and dandy, she needed to know what blood vessels had been severed, what infections might even now be coursing through the wound, how much damage had been done to the surrounding flesh and whether anything would need to be surgically removed from it to prevent clotting... IC: The snacking at the House of Grossh was interrupted as a stream of what looked like fine sand started pouring through the skylight. Black but shimmering and bright, it moved with a will of its own, ignoring the currents of air and heat, spiralling down into one of the vacant chairs around the table where the tiny crystals started to solidify into a tangible form. It looked like a Rahkshi, if you had decided to carve one out of snowflake obsidian; almost entirely black apart from the veins and patches of pure white that blossomed and grew on its hunched form. "Greet to you," the stranger said, making a crude but spirited attempt to replicate the student's personal language, "Name that is mine is Johmak." "You could have just picked a Rau as well," Grossh re-entered the room, "We have quite a few to hand." Johmak showed him a quick scowl. She was making an attempt to reach out and didn't appreciate being undermined. "I am offering of the helping hand."
  15. I think that kind of depends on what "has the effects of the real thing" includes. Because it sounds from that he could create powered Kanohi/Kanoka, enhanced weaponry (sure he can't do firearms, but who needs to if you can manifest a sword that can spit actual fire), an army of robotic minions (it says his telekinesis only works one thing at a time, not the creation thing) or some sort of deus ex machina device ("lucky I happened to know of a magic rock that absorbed elemental energies thus rendering those incoming attacks useless!") It seems a bit more advanced than what is basically a Green Lantern power
  16. Approved Will get around to updating Venom's when I figure out which direction I want to take her in. As for the future of the Liar persona... stay tuned. I'll update the links in the first post to these Rahkshi do need to eat, yes. They're not perpetual motion machines, I don't think even Bionicle can break physics that much. They probably don't need to eat very often though, and are certainly capable of going without the three meals a day we puny humans tend to require. I think the Matoran on Metru Nui only needed to "feed" about once a year, but they had a proper station for energising them. Eating using your mouth is supposed to be kind of inefficient (which is why people look down on the Skakdi for doing it) so eating isn't going to be an annual thing for the students though. Normally RPing tends to gloss over the everyday stuff like that. Even when you've got human characters you don't see them eat as often as they should be, and they pretty much never need a bathroom. Similar logic applies here really, only at least there is an actual reason behind it
  17. They are metal and you could lift one if you had strong enough magnetism powers. You're probably looking at about level 5 in terms of kraata powers, though a level 4 would be able to push one around
  18. IC: Icarax followed Sliver again. But those eyes he'd grown continued to watch the fight, flowing round his head like leaves on water. I am going to assume the traitorous elements are inside the box. Had you plans in mind for what they might do once you open it up? Any defence or counter-attack for what I assume will be an immediate escape attempt? IC: "I'd suggest you go ask Icarax," Suvak suggested, "Either Tridax already received the new suits and our new Headmaster can just give you one, or he can do a better job of fetching you one."
  19. And approved. Welcome aboard
  20. IC: [Olari, Muaka's Den] She had been about to argue against Xara's advice, hoping Zakaro could create some vorm of barricade that would force the cultists into a chokepoint, but then there was a flash of light, and there went the telepath and his mech. That was one of their big guns down, and the prisoners inside clearly didn't have anything of its like to take its place. The Rahkshi was right, they needed to fall back. Olari reached out with hr elemental power, tendrils of magnetic force reaching out to seek her allies. Those from her team who still survived, those from the prison who were obviously fighting against the guards, anyone who was just trying to get clear, anyone who looked like they'd prefer to be at the Bionifight facility rather than here. She swept up as many as she could, hauling them up in the sky so she could ferry them free. "Xara! Lightning as bright as you can not hot as you can! Give me dazzle cover!" IC: [Hollis, Muaka's Den] The Turaga stumbled for a second as he stepped out of the prison. For a moment he thought age was catching up with him, but as his fall took a distinctly more upwards turn he realised he was in the grip of something determined to drag him off. Well, away from the prison was alright by him, so you'd get not argument or struggle from this Turaga IC: [Venga, Wilted Forest] After returning to the ground and releasing Ferez, Venga picked up one of the shovels Miril was dispatching. He purposefully ignored the complaints of the Xian and just started off in a direction, any direction. They were all as good as each other. He began hovering again, to avoid any noxious pools IC: [Jorth, Bionifight] Still leading his...prisoner didn't seem the right word. Associate? No, not that. Ooh, "the diplomat" that would do. So as Jorth led the diplomat towards engineering, he started mumbling under his breath. "Hear ye, hear ye..." Because drawing a crowd seemed to be the diplomat's point, might as well at least try to play the role
  21. Apologies Arctic, been a bit pushed or time. Having to make posts from my phone while at work, which limits my ability to keep track of posts. I assume, Dragon, that he thought his BZPRPG profile was all he needed here? EDIT: Looks like a yes to that question. Cykron, Corpus Rahkshi has its own profile form. It can be found in the first posts of either this topic or the main RPG
  22. IC: As the Rahkshi trio waited in Grossh's gleaming dining room a few servants and journeyman apprentices started bringing out small plates of food. Just simple snacks really, things that could easily be brought out of storage and thrown on a dish with no preperation. The three of them may have been unexpected guests but they were still guests which meant a certain degree of hospitality was owed them IC: Icarax followed Sliver towards the Gym, carefully eying the chaos that had erupted around Illusive and Vlad. Eyed it so carefully that two more eyes grew over his usual ones, a pair of snake-like slits that flitted back and forth taking in every detail with unblinking attention. So. What is going on here? His telepathic question pulsed out from around him, ripples that brought attention his way
  23. Given how long TSTW! ran wasn't everyone in it at some point?
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