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Blog Comments posted by LewaLew

  1. I would be shocked if Fates fails internationally. And, while I've been avoiding spoilers as best I can, it sounds like Corrin is one of the most popular characters within his game (moreso if he is a she). As for the future, yeah, we can't tell yet. And no, his dragon form doesn't spoil anything. It was already in the trailers. Omega Yato, I don't know, but people have told me that doesn't really spoil anything either.


    The ballot apparently only affected two characters: Cloud and Bayonetta. (He mentioned that Cloud was the most requested Squeenix character.) I'm sure Sakurai noticed, otherwise Geno and K. Rool wouldn't have gotten Mii constumes. But apparently only one character was going to win, and that was Bayonetta. I'm sure he'll keep some of those characters in mind for Smash 5, but that's no guarantee, either.


    They haven't built the rails for that train yet. But the tracks are being mapped out on the NX Railroad. Choo-choo!

  2. There were plenty of people who wanted Corrin. For Smash 5. We didn't think that it was even possible, so many Corrin fans didn't even vote or campaign for him. Sure, there's a ton of others I would have wanted more, but this is fine.


    I think K. Rool and Isaac suffer from a lack of appearances. Obviously, with the way DLC has gone, there are virtually no "rules" about who can and can't be in Smash, but Sakurai does seem to be avoiding retro characters unless the characters themselves are classics--not just their games. Duck Hunt and Little Mac match that. K. Rool, unfortunately, hasn't even appeared in a DK game since the N64, and he hasn't appeared in the DKC series since Retro got a hold of it. Isaac, meanwhile, was only the main protagonist of one game.


    As I recall it, Sakurai once said in an interview that he almost passed on Ganondorf because he wasn't sure if he was likely to appear in another game besides OoT. But as a Ridley fan, I wouldn't take Sakurai at his exact words. He's dreadfully inconsistent.

  3. It's hilarious that all of these characters that people have been pining for for years are Mii costumes. I try not to have fun in others' disappointment, but just the fact that there are so many strikes me as funny. It helps that my favorite character didn't even get that, but a Ridley costume would have been pretty ridleyculous. Unless they were to make a quadruped Mii.


    Nah, it would still look ridleyculous.

  4. I can't remember enough from the books. All I can remember is that I didn't like some of the things the characters did, even though I liked the characters. Like Jacen Solo becoming Darth Caedus. Skywalkers turning to the dark side was old.


    In the movies, though? Hard to say. I don't hate Jar Jar as much as most, or ewoks. I'd probably go with Jabba's monkey-lizard. And Darth Vader agrees with me, if his comments about Crumb in his comic are any indication.

  5. Majora's Mask definitely features some confusing dungeons. They're fun, but still difficult to solve. I would probably say that it features the hardest dungeons of any 3D Zelda game, particularly because Great Bay Temple is about the only water temple that is widely considered harder than Ocarina of Time's Water Temple. It's still my favorite Zelda game though.

  6. I love Fire Emblem, and I only just picked up the series this past summer. If you're looking for a cheaper taste of what Fates is like, try Awakening. It's probably my second-favorite portable game behind Kid Icarus: Uprising. And yeah, the pricing model is a little funky, but that's because there are essentially three different stories. It's not like Pokemon where the three versions are virtually identical.


    I'm guessing that Federation Force is still too far off for them to show off anything. Besides, given the backlash it's gotten, they should probably wait until they have something that can people can get behind.


    And, yeah, I'm still wondering where Zero Mission is also. If I wasn't certain that it's going to come out on the VC eventually, I would just buy a GBA cartridge and steal my old GBA back from my little sister.

  7. I haven't been able to try a Paper Mario game yet, so I was kind of hoping it would have more elements of that series to give me a taste of it. My brother's already warned me about Sticker Star, so I won't bother with that.


    And yes, the SE is a must. I'm glad I was able to preorder it. I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. I think the only thing I could be more excited for is if they were to announce a Wii U Kid Icarus: Uprising sequel.

  8. I would agree with you on that. Of course, given that the typical (as you put it) baddonkey characteristics correspond with Western culture's ideal physical male, I don't think that people really notice when somebody compliments a guy's appearance. It's always disguised as "wow, Aquaman looks [baddonkey]!" They're saying he's a hunk, but it's not obvious.


    On the other hand, muscular females are the ideal to only a minority. Therefore, Western comics have associated strong women with--oh, how to say it?--ample femininity. After all, the main complaints about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman are that "she doesn't look Amazonian." They don't actually mean that (Just look up what Amazonians were like in mythology). They mean that she isn't . . . sizeable enough.


    So there are parallels, but it's far more obvious with women because feminine physical standards don't align with what superheroines would logically look like. (i.e. more Rhonda Rousey than supermodel)


    Unfortunately, I don't keep up with current Marvel comics. Too many indigestible events. At least my library gets DC graphic novels, so I can keep up with them. Still, I doubt the problem will ever be completely gone from modern comics, no matter what Marvel or DC do.

  9. Ah, I see.

    To be truthful, though, I have seen many social media comments admiring Aquaman's physique. And Green Arrow deserves note also, since (like Aquaman) many of Arrow's promo images featured him shirtless, and many a fangirl has commented on them. Maybe someone should ask Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina what they think of those two.

    Personally, I'm just really happy that they gave Supergirl a costume that doesn't emphasize her physical traits. I'm no ardent feminist, but I do despise the constant objectifying of women in media. I'm glad that the movies treat Black Widow the way they do (particularly Captain America: The Winter Soldier), in contrast to Marvel comics which so often treat her and other female superheroes as eye candy. They haven't even commented on it except for her debut in Iron Man 2. Hopefully Supergirl will be the same way.​


    At the same time, I hope they don't go too far in the other direction and make the show all about how the protagonist is a "strong female character," as Agent Carter does with Peggy Carter. I don't care about "strong female characters," I care about clever, interesting characters, female or otherwise. If Supergirl strikes an MCU Black Widow style balance, it'll be great. Same goes for Captain Marvel.



    EDIT: Sure, fishers. Though what I had in mind was more of when so many dismissed Hero Factory out of hand from the first promo image. (Granted, I would say they proved to be right, but back then, it was presumptuous.)

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  10. To be fair, most of what anybody knows about Supergirl is what she looks like. Until Marvel brought more minor superheroes into the mainstream, all most people knew were Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the DC Trinity. Now there's Iron Man, Thor, Green Arrow, the Flash--for cryin' out loud, Ant-Man got a movie, and he's getting a sequel! Supergirl do the same for her, but I can't blame him for not knowing anything besides her appearance since the show just started.

    But in that case, he should have just kept his mouth shut. If all you know about anything is what it looks like, you don't know enough to discuss it.​

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  11. Haha, you should see the blogs sometimes. Actually, no, because none of that was any good for anybody.


    Still, I don't remember BZPower being all that bad until about 2009. Big shakeups like the move to Bara Magna and then the cancellation took their toll on the fanbase. I still remember all the backlash that came for Hero Factory when all we had was one solitary promo image.

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  12. I like Other M. It could have been better, definitely, like using a wiimote+nunchuck instead of just wiimote and it could have eased back to only Metroid Fusion levels of linearity. It was by no means a bad game, though.


    Of course, it's the story that everybody rags on. While I will say that it was poorly executed, I think it had a lot of great ideas that unfortunately were not given the treatment they deserved. I also think it had the best portrayal of Ridley outside of the Zero Mission manga and the least boring version of Mother Brain in all of the games. And it had Anthony Higgs, too, who is probably the best new Metroid character since Rundas. And they were smart enough not to kill him off like they did with Rundas and the other hunters so he could still be used in the future.


    What I'd like to see is a game with Prime style map design but with a third person perspective like in Other M. And with a story that is balanced so that it's not all scanning like in the Primes, but also not an obscene amount of cutscenes like in Other M. Also, they should let a writer write the story and give voice direction instead of a videogame developer. That way the story will be better executed and decent actresses won't be told to be monotone for no good reason.

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