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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by LewaLew

  1. Looks like an Ice Climber zombie. Popo, to be specific.
  2. I had forgotten that someone had the name "Lucina" here until I saw that blog directly above mine in the list. And now I wish that there were some name change fad where everybody was a Fire Emblem character. But then I'd be second-guessing my choice of Lon'qu, when I could have also chosen Hector, Gregor, or Donnel. Nah, I would have just chosen Lon'qu anyway.
  3. LewaLew

    forwards to the past

    I will consider it happy only if the Cubs pull off a 2004 Red Sox style miracle. Until then, I will sob, wondering where my hoverboard, self-tying shoes, and Cubs World Series championship hat are. I'm not too disappointed about Jaws 19, though. Especially since we're getting Star Wars VII instead.
  4. A gold Kakama. Looks kinda fuzzy. Might be a watercolor painting or something.
  5. I thought making Miami finish in last place in the National League was enough to handle that problem. WHYYYY, DOC!?
  6. I have IMAX tickets for the 18th, the night I get home from college, and my brother and I will engage in many "aw yeahs" that day.
  7. Even now that I just visit, my routine is essentially the same. That is, I go straight for S&T, scan for interesting topics, then scan the main forums page for interesting topics, then check the blogs for interesting entries, then leave. Or refresh, if the Cubs are losing terribly and I don't want to think about it, like tonight.
  8. This is Lon'qu from Fire Emblem Awakening, who is definitely my favorite character in that game, because he's like what Batman would be if Batman stabbed people, had a phobia of women, and didn't dress up like a bat. When Fates comes out in the west, I might change to whoever my favorite character from that turns out to be. I'm predicting Arthur, but his son and Odin will probably come close.
  9. "We've mistakenly altered the space-time continuum to prevent the Cubs from reaching the World Series!" "What, Doc?" "No time to explain!" Doc and Marty better fix this. When I wake up tomorrow, I expect the Cubs to be up at least 2-1 in the series. And I want my hoverboard too, but first things first.
  10. LewaLew


    I forgot Thulox and Morak even existed.
  11. Worst line in G1 BIONICLE? I don't recall many of them. I suppose the one where Vultraz referenced The Wizard of Oz.​ Worst character(s)? I never liked Sidorak. Thanks, Keetongu! Worst year? I'm not counting 2010 or later, since those were special circumstances. My least favorite has always been 2005. I hate forced conflict among the heroes, and hordika venom is essentially that in liquid form. Worst set? Since I can only honestly judge the ones that I own, I'd say Phantoka Lewa. I really only bought him for his character. Worst wave of sets? Once again, I can only dish on the ones that I bought from, but I'd say 2008. The toa that year were just plain ugly, and continued the stale Inika build. At least the villains kept up the Barraki's more unique builds and appearances. And the vehicles beat out playsets by a mile. I would say 2006 for that reason, but I can't blame 2006 for overusing Inika builds because back then they were actually novel. Worst serial? I'm only going to focus on ones that actually finished, so I'd say Brothers In Arms. But the only reason I say that is because I didn't care much for Mazeka and Vultraz and because I only remember the good serials for the most part. I barely remember Brothers In Arms. Worst idea? Take your pick from a grab-bag of all those introduced during the last two years. Granted, I like some, even the controversial psionics element. But I think much of it was unnecessary. Worst thing-of-your-choosing? Bullheaded fans who find excuses to argue--not discuss--everything, even if all they've seen is a promo image. But that's not unique to BIONICLE by any means.​
  12. Well, LewaLew came about because I was eleven, liked GaliGee's stories, and didn't get the "golly gee" joke in her name. So I took my favorite toa and added a syllable beginning with the same letter and got LewaLew. But wait, there's more! My next name was Seanp12-KJ Trainee because I had started writing for KanohiJournal and I was really happy about it. After that came Little Big League because the staff had decided to do a mass name change, this time based on movies from 1994. Angels in the Outfield was already taken, so I chose the other baseball movie. Next was Slugger Barbie. That one was part of a Barbie-themed mass name change, but this time we didn't get to choose. I simply logged on one day and saw that I was Slugger Barbie. Next was Llambdalolllamaphobia. Another staff name change, this time based on phobias. I wanted to do a wild and wacky one, though, so I made up a fear of the letter L and put pound signs in place of all of the L's in my posts. And capital I's also, since they look like lowercase L's. Then came the monster-themed staff name change, and I chose Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. You folks probably know what that one's from. After I left BZP, I started changing my name every time that I came back for a visit. The first time I changed it to Sohcah - Toa of Trig. because I was taking a really boring algebra class that semester and I thought it would be funny. And Trigonometry wouldn't fit in the allotted space. Next came Lewigi. Because it was the year of Lewigi. Now I'm Lon'qu, because he's a stupid awesome myrmidon from Fire Emblem Awakening, which is probably my second favorite 3DS game behind Kid Icarus Uprising. He was one of my best units in my first playthrough, and I love his attempts at behaving aloof at all costs, even when his phobia of women is terrifying him. He also has really cool critical quotes, like the one in my sig. In short, he's a total boss, so I mugged him and stole his identity because he's so cool.
  13. LewaLew

    So, the Cubbies

    Which is either a prophecy or the newest jinx in the line of billy goats, black cats, and Steve Bartman.
  14. For me, this depends heavily on nostalgia. When I was young, my favorites were Alpha Team, Adventurers, LEGO Island, and BIONICLE, in that order. Without those first three, I wouldn't have bothered with BIONICLE. While some newer sets were probably better, the themes themselves never connected with me like those ones did.
  15. If you're referring to his storytelling and writing abilities, I would say it was appropriate to the target audience. If you're referring to his choices with plot, that's another issue. I believe that Greg Farshtey was at his best and his worst when he was free of LEGO's overall story. Time Trap is still my favorite of all the BIONICLE books, and it's one of the few that was unconnected to the broader story of that year. On the other hand, his serials often rambled and some were uninteresting. Many people also criticize his focus on his favorite characters, but I don't see that as a problem. BIONICLE has a huge number of characters and everybody has his own favorites. I don't blame GregF for focusing on Vezon so often--if left to his own devices, it only follows that he would write the characters that he knows best. And for side stories like the serials, why not? He'd always been restricted to whatever characters were in the sets for a given year before, no matter how much he hated writing them (such as the emotionless Vahki, who I can agree would be a real bore to write). However, I do think that he needed someone to advise him on some things. I do believe that the books and comics were a far better quality than the serials, primarily because they had to go through approvers. The serials underwent far less scrutiny, and suffered for it. Furthermore, as GregF became less connected to BIONICLE, his writing and his canonization decisions became poor, which makes sense since that wasn't what he was being paid for anymore. As a professional writing major, I've heard my teachers tell me repeatedly that rewriting is the most important part of writing. In those latter years, I believe that GregF became less involved in scrutinizing his serials for poor plots and characterization. Therefore, even though he was off the leash, we didn't get more stories like Time Trap. In summary, I don't think Greg is a bad writer. I believe he simply did not have time or incentive to produce better work when it wasn't really what put bread on the table. EDIT: I forgot another issue I wanted to address. Some people seem to take issue with his problem with redemption stories. That's more of a philosophical difference, but I don't think it's a black mark on his writing skills. Krika is one of the most interesting characters of the later years because he applies that philosophy to himself. It's similar to Darth Vader's philosophy after his defeat by Obi-Wan. He submitted himself to the Dark Side, and there's no turning back for him. Granted, Vader did eventually redeem himself, but it was in death. Krika came a step short. He tried to convince Gali to leave, due to his fatalistic philosophy, but didn't die then. Only later, when he tried to convince the other Makuta to escape. Besides, Greg showed he could write a redemption story in BIONICLE 3. Granted, he wanted Matau to turn instead of Vakama, but I've always liked that bit of character development for Matau. It's just unfortunate that Vakama had to have a hordika-induced character derailment to make it happen. Still, at least there was the venom to explain Vakama's change.
  16. If I remember correctly, the Krakua contest was advertised in the LEGO Magazine. The Certavus contest was just on BZP and BS01. Therefore, it was a piece of canon from a contest that was only open to our community: a fraction of a fraction of BIONICLE fans. That, and the whole thing just becomes monotonous after a while. Back in the days of the Rahi and Toa building contests, canonization contests were novel and rare. They became stale over time.
  17. They're making me really happy and frustrated at the same time. Oh, and I'm poking around here again for the next few days. And I changed my name to Lon'qu, because he's a total boss.
  18. I doubt that the backlash would cause that much trouble. BZPower has always been the minority of the fanbase, and remains so. Besides, even BZP seems to have accepted the jungle change.
  19. I don't think so, and I wouldn't support it. If they do, it should be far fewer, and should be advertised to far more than the BZP fanbase.
  20. . . . You're no warrior.

  21. I disagree, for many of the reasons named above. Besides all that, G1 is finished as far as we can tell. In my eyes, the canon doesn't matter anymore. We can do whatever we want with canon and it will never be contradicted in the forseeable future. The only canon that has any bearing anymore is G2 canon.
  22. It was nice dropping in for the BIONICLE celebration party, but now I've got midterms to worry about. So long again, folks.
  23. This is the main reason that I doubt this idea. Constraction doesn't lend itself well to smooth, clean looking creations. It's blocky and often rather clunky, which is a major complaint many people have been having about the new Toa. The only way I could see something like that happening would be something along the lines of Galidor, but given the utter flop that was, I don't see it happening. (Nor do I want it to.) I can picture some new limb and torso pieces that use smoother designs, possibly incorporating some swirly Celtic-looking designs for armour rather than mechanical-looking shapes. One thing I was unsure about when I did my own concept was whether the characters have tools/weapons. I'd lean towards "yes, kind of"- they certainly wouldn't be enormous and bulky like the Bionicle ones, but I think a magic wand, staff, even the odd sword or bow if it fitted the character wouldn't go astray. And the success of toys like the Nerf Rebelle suggests that some girls might even appreciate a blaster or two. I don't suppose you have any concept sketches of your idea? It's hard for me to imagine any constraction set that could look smooth while also retaining full posability, particularly on at the joints.
  24. I think that's just a funny coincidence. Greg's beard is significantly different. I shall still insist upon calling him GregCheF anyway.
  25. He is definitely 100% not. I'll laugh so hard when he does. And what reason do you have to believe that both he and the Lego employees at NYCC lied to us when they confirmed that he won't be doing so? Greg said he didn't know if he would be writing the books. I believe, I may be mistaken though, that at NYCC they said that they haven't chosen writers yet. I have certain reasons to believe why Greg will be writing the books. Then please share them, good sir, for the sake of discussion.
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