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Praetor Of Nemesis

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Everything posted by Praetor Of Nemesis

  1. Vahi. Cricket. English (First is Urdu). BBC# 49 You already have. ~
  2. UAE? I live there too!

  3. How much Wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck Wood? ~
  4. No wai! Six and a half chucks, I'd say.Wrong, 42. ... trick question! No. Seven. Wrong, 3. Today. No. Eighty. No. Four.Actually, 57. Soon, very soon. Sure? Ya rly! -Taipu- (really Bunda) ~
  5. Meh, Nu Metal'still Metal.

    And you should see the new LP.

  6. Why do your Pic/Ban/Av only show Tahu's Knee and Chest?

  7. And, just getting Photoshop doesn't make your work automatically better, you have to learn to USE Photoshop, I've seen some horrible things done with it.

  8. How much Wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck Wood? What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen European Swallow? How many pairs of glasses do I have? When is my birthday? How old am I? ~
  9. I understood The Ten Rings when they were speaking Urdu, subtitles were a bit late. Nice MOC. ~
  10. LP is actually classified as Nu Metal.

  11. Very interesting point of view here, Greg. It's very close to real life events . ~
  12. I know everyone is entitled to an opinion, but putting "Linkin Park is pure fail" in your banner might anger/offend some people.

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