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Praetor Of Nemesis

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Everything posted by Praetor Of Nemesis

  1. Absolutely hilarious. Lol. ~
  2. You do know I could Photoshop a pic of that to say anything, right? ~
  3. Welcome to BZP, Sylex, nice name, by the way, ask me if you need anything, I'll make you a banner and avatar if you want.

  4. You already have a PSP, and a PS3 is basically a huge version of the PSP, with Blu-Ray, Yadda Yadda Yadda. Sony could have done a LOT better. ~
  5. Jack actually means Donkey, so anyone called Jack does have a pretty bad name, no offense BCJ Jack and the Beanstalk? ~
  6. UR AVS GONE!!!!!!111!!!!!!112

  7. You don't need to outline it with the pen tool, I NEVER outline it with the pen tool, I stink at Vector. Just use the Quick selection or something. BTW, what is the rude motto? ~
  8. It's not $300, it's $299.99. Or you could just say $300. ~
  9. Praetor Of Nemesis


    I don't speak Latin. ~
  10. He's still active... wow.

  11. Praetor Of Nemesis


    *Takes out AK-47* Go to the wardrobe, NOW ... Good, now unlock it... And get Exo out... ~
  12. U R BUNDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I have glow-in-the-dark green ones. ~
  14. Then you can use Photoshop Express, which IS a free version of Photoshop, search around for it at Adobe.com

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