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Praetor Of Nemesis

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Everything posted by Praetor Of Nemesis

  1. Forgot: Back from Pakistan.

    Sorry I didn't say that I went.

  2. *Sacrifices iMac for the Bunny*

    Now you're dead twice.

  3. I shalt ne speculate! What is it? ~
  4. its a faik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!1!1! What kind of name is Tez? Sounds like PEZ. ~
  5. Hippie fad: 0.o


    Kopaka The Fiomechanical

    The list goes on...

  6. "I find your lack of faith disturbing." "And I find you disturbing!" - My friend and I. "Must... Resist... Stupidity Impulse!" - Cosmo "How was I s'posed to know the cookie was alive?!" - Angelica ~
  7. Your face muscles aren't as strong as mine. ~
  8. Are you sure?. TMN [bunda style comment]
  9. Mine starts the 13th.

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