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Praetor Of Nemesis

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Everything posted by Praetor Of Nemesis

  1. *Thaws Scorpions and unleashes Evil man-eating-ice-resistant-superstrong-superfast Jaguars.* ~
  2. µ→¤®£βπΩ≥℗№∏↕∞fffi↘↗їјѓҐґẄ‽℮℠™Ωⁿööö ~
  3. [IMG=http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm52/Xaarthok/BZPower/antinewbbashban.png] ~
  4. Schmoppeldaswedasdwertabbaburger. ~
  5. I made this on a mac. It has it's uses. It's faster, and using some programs/installing is easier. Still, they aren't perfect. -Taipu- (really Bunda) Still, PowerPoint's made by Microsoft. ~
  6. *Flies out of pit of beam sabres before touching the ground, pulling KK:SE and Eranok with him* *Throws Icy J into a pit of hungry, Man-eating giant Scorpions * ~
  7. I don't see my name on the list, so again, count me in. ~
  8. Dekar1252, that might be considered spam.

  9. You're pretty good for a beginner with PS.

    Ask me if you need any tips.

  10. "Newb-Bashing" is wrong, "Noob-Bashing" however, is fun. Count me in. And can I make a Banner? ~
  11. *Helps KK:SE and Eranok* ~
  12. Because of the dratted 'fanbase'. Apparently kids nowadays love stories where all the characters get blown up using massive, oversized cannons which are far too heavy for posing. And too simple to build. *Friends hold back Eranok who is enraged* Gah! Must take anger out on pillow... Why must so many lttle kids make up the fanbase, if more older kids made up the fanbase BIONICLE would be more darker and my style because I think that's what a lot of people want, Raise hand if you want BIONICLE darker. *raises hand* *Raises hand* ~
  13. Happy Birthday, even though it's tomorrow.

  14. I could do graphics for your game.

  15. For Mac, you can get ComicLife, my friend uses it. ~
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