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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. You can always get a normal 'ol CD player, like I have. :P


    *gets pulverized*



    I only have have a CD player as well. :P


    I'm never getting one of those fancy things that store music, or whatever all that means. :D


    I am alike in that aspect. I would get an MP3 player, but I would be sad if all my well-collected CDs suddenly became obsolete. Plus, I have no way of paying for music I get online.


    I wonder if Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells, TB2, and TB3 can be purchased for download. If so, I might get an MP3 player myself.


    - :vahi:

  2. "Courage" and "Staying Alive" should not be grouped together. There are very few criteria that all known chroniclers have had, but one we know is "a willingness to face any dangers for the sake of keeping a chronicle. If you recall, both of the chroniclers we've known well have willingly gone into the Mangaia. Noone forced them to, but they did anyway. I doubt putting yourself at such risk qualifies as "Staying Alive"-- in fact, it borders on suicide.


    I admit, Taipu doesn't qualify in the "courage" aspect at all, seeing as he fails to recognise danger. However, Kapura seems very well-equipped for the task.


    Also, you said that it is not a job for "crafters and artists," or something along those lines. I'm sorry to break it to you, but Kopeke is infact an ice carver-- very close to those two roles you eliminated. He's more of a handyman than an adventurer.


    Also, Hahli had little to no carving experience, so you might as well cross that off your list of criteria.


    - :vahi:

  3. I don't even know what ellipses are. Oo


    An "ellipsis" (plural "ellipses") is the little "..." symbol. It means "etcetera" or indicates a break in speech.


    I'd love to use more ellipses... Generally I have more trouble with parentheses (as demonstrated here (see, I told you so (This isn't the worst it's gotten, either (it's especially troublesome when you have to close the parentheses)))) (see what I mean? (okay, I'm done ( :P ))).


    I hope march first comes soon...


    - :vahi:


    I have to say it, Aanchir, you definitely win the prize in parenthesis usage. I've never seen them used that way before...


    That's not even my worst. I believe I've got a blog entry that's loaded with them.

  4. I am usually most comfortable with CGing these days, mostly because even if I mess up and can't undo I still have the hard, uncolored copy to start over with. However, I will consider breaking out my watercolor pencils if I end up needing to color any artwork soon (maybe even my AC13 entry).


    One more piece of advice is not to use lined paper for anything other than sketches. While good artwork looks good on any paper (except wax paper or sandpaper :P ), lined paper drawings are nearly impossible to color well in any medium. Trust me, you don't want to end up like me with a massive binder full of lined paper.


    Graph paper is especially good for sketching because it helps with both vertical and horizontal proportions. Again, you don't want to use it for final drawings.


    - :vahi:

  5. I have none in the original French, and do not know French anyway, but some friends of mine have a few Tintin comics in Greek :P .


    You know what annoys me? Wikipedia said a movie would come out last year, and it didn't. I know you can't always trust Wikipedia, but I believe they actually cited their source, implying that one was in the works at some point.


    And Beliwa, have you read Asterix in Belgium? There's a funny little allusion in one of the panels.


    - :vahi:


    EDIT: While searching for that image, I came across this image from Tintin and the Picaros as well. I had never noticed this one before! Not only can you spot Mickey Mouse, but Asterix as well!

  6. However, keep in mind that Kapura is confirmed to be an official character, since he appeared in BA#1. That makes him one of the only official characters yet to get a decent shot at the spotlight.


    I voted Taipu, but as a failsafe if Taipu is not official, I listed my second vote as Kapura. Your evidence makes me almost wish I had voted Kapura from the start :( .


    - :vahi:

  7. OMG! Beliwa likes Asterix too? This is like coincidence central today!


    I collect Asterix books myself, ever since I read those of my uncle (who collected them when he was young).


    Someone should make some Asterix/Tintin fan topics in COT!


    - :vahi:

  8. OMG! You like The Adventures of Tintin as well! Most people I talk to have hardly heard of the show, much less the comics! You must be the second friend I met prior to learning they were a fan! (A friend of mine used to be a fan. He lives in Georgia now, though, so I don't see him as often anymore :( ).


    I've been thinking of changing my username, and a name that has crossed my mind is Cuthbert Calculus. However, Lyichir won't hear of it, and it would probably require that I renovate my blog ("Pimp" is overused :P ). I don't want to do that, and risk the loss of my loyal readers.


    Anyway, I have the whole series on some disc format. It's like DVD, except that if you pause , fast forward, or rewind, it sends you to the very beginning. It's entirely in English, but with ads and subtitles in some foreign language (I think Korean or something).


    Do you own any of the comics? I have a reasonable collection myself.


    I am astounded that a member I know so well is a Tintin fan and I never knew! I suppose that happens, though. It wouldn't be the first time.


    - :vahi:

  9. I thought I heard on the radio that Fairfax did have school on Presidents' Day? :???:

    Stafford and Culpeper do, but I was pretty sure Fairfax was on the list. Maybe I'm just hallucinating, though. :P


    Anyway, I try to ignore topics like that. I prefer the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask?)" topic.

    - :vahi:

  10. I remember in the second grade, trying to explain the color magenta to a classmate...


    I had a bit of a speech problem, and they probably had some sort of listening problem, because they heard "Bazenta" and would not listen to another word I said. They were too busy laughing.


    Anyway, nice meeting you, Melnay.


    - :vahi:

  11. The zamor launchers were too much, it's true, but Ehlek tools would be just fine if they were used differently than they were in Ehlek. Even better if they were to use them in a different color.


    Of course, these are just prototypes. The color could still change on us.


    - :vahi:


    Actually too much freshwater from melting Ice caps will stop the gulf stream and warm water cant get to Europe, or something.

    I've heard that before, and basically, it doesn't make sense. They say warm water will stop going to Antarctica, and so it will freeze a lot of stuff. But if the atmosphere is getting warmer, all the water will get warmer (and so will the ice). If all the water is warmer, then there is no dilemma as far as cooling goes. Anyway, I found an article on global warming for you:


    The Facts

    Practically all atmospheric scientists (the author included) agree that global warming has occurred. The raging debate is over how much of it is caused by man and whether global warming will be harmful. Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling, climatologists and critics of greenhouse warming hype,5 write, “In the broadest perspective, global warming is a very real thing, undeniable from surface temperature readings taken over much of the planet in the last 100 years.”

    The amount of warming since 1880 has been about 1.2°F (0.67°C).6 However, a certain percentage of this warming is likely due to natural fluctuations, especially on the sun.7 From about 1300 to 1880, the Little Ice Age8occurred, in which practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding. There was less energy from the sun during the Little Ice Age and more volcanic activity, which helped cool the surface of the earth.9,10 It is possible such natural long-term climatic cycles caused half of the 1.2°F (0.67°C) rise.

    Meanwhile, since 1880 the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about 30%. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, have also increased. Researchers desire to compare how these greenhouse gases affect the climate in relation to CO2. So, they convert the buildup of other greenhouse gases into CO2 “equivalency units.” In other words, they change the climatic effect of the gases into one measure. The climatic effect of these greenhouse gases results in an increase of 30% in CO2 equivalency units. The increase in all greenhouse gases has the climatic effect of increasing CO2 by 60%, which increases global warming.

    One Problem

    Climate specialists run computer simulations using the above-noted formula, in which they double the amount of CO2 and see how much the temperature rises. These simulations are based on estimations and assumptions and not exact figures. The many types of simulations predict a temperature rise of 3 to 10°F. Unfortunately, many politicians and environmentalists take such imperfect climate simulations and claim them to be fact. This is problematic. It is no wonder we have a greenhouse scare. However, if all the greenhouse gases have caused an increase by 60% CO2 in equivalency units, and man has only warmed the atmosphere about 0.6°F, then these climate simulations are much too sensitive to the effects of CO2



    *Article has been edited so as not to violate religious rules. If I missed something, please tell me and I'll edit it out. Original article by Michael J. Oard*


    Personally, I would rather see global warming then global cooling, but that's just me.


    Seriously, think about it: If the ice caps melt, we would not just have northbound currents. We'd have currents in both directions, which could possibly cancel each other out. In theory it works just fine, but I won't say it is definitely going to happen-- just that there's always a chance that it will. I'm no scientist, but I do read the newspaper, so I have some degree of understanding about what's going on.


    EDIT: And it's not the gulf stream we're talking about-- it's the North Atlantic Current.


    - :vahi:

  13. Not that magnificent...now, the Red Terror Line, They were cool...


    Unless, of course, You haven't read the SW Essential Guide to Droids and this is all meaningless. *Sighs*


    I haven't even heard of that book. Sorry about that. HK-47 is just totally awesome in my eyes.




    I have, but I don't have it. I have essential guides to Vehicles and Vessels, Alien Species, and the one about weapons (I forget the exact name).


    - :vahi:

  14. I don't get why its called Global Warming.

    The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



    That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


    Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well, although scientists often dislike the movie because it exaggerates the timespan in which such an event would happen and then pass by, since the film takes place over the course of about a week. Really it would take many years for such events as a complete shutdoiwn of the North-Atlantic Current to take place, and it is obvious that over such a long period of time the temperatures would fluctuate a bit. That's why scientists hate the movie. It makes the idea of global warming seem too impossible for many to believe.


    Anyway, I didn't click because of the title alone, but it helped.


    Sorry if this sounds like a political rant, but I'm only trying to express that there is no definitive proof that it either exists or doesn't. Anyway, if you think I can rant here, you should see the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic in collectibles. :blink:


    - :vahi:

  15. I played Halo once... for about 5 minutes. I was at my school's Latin Club Lock-in, and Lyichir was in the bathroom, so I took the controller he had been using. I wasn't any good anyway :( .


    I've never owned a non-Nintendo console, though (unless PC counts), so I haven't really had much of a chance.


    - :vahi:

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