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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. Who's to say that this really is Karzahni? After all, it could very easily be a mutated form of the member of the first Toa team we've been hearing about. After all, he was said to be green.

    Then it would be even worse. :P


    I agree. Then again, there are other options. Like I mentioned, it could be a prototype that has not yet been recolored (after all, the prototype Pewku and Gukko were green as well, so that they would be easier to recolor digitally). Or possibly Toys R Us has pulled a Scholastic on us and made up a name on their own to satisfy an informational void. Although this would be disgraceful on Toys R Us's part, at least we wouldn't have to blame Lego for this so-called "Karzani."


    I fear that we will end up having our fears made real, and for the first time LEGO may have disappointed me with a set. However, I would be a fool to even consider not buying this set, at least for the Matoran and pieces. And of course, we can count on Greg to make up a storyline excuse that somewhat softens the impact of this blunder.


    - :vahi:

  2. John Smith. :P


    One Of My Friends Made That Name Up. It's An All-Purpose Name.


    But Do Eustace O'Reilly. Bets Of Both Worlds.

    Not only the guy with the Jamestown colony thing (NO HE DID NOT MARY POCAHONTAS that was actually another John) but isn't that also the guy who came up with some important Capitalist theories?


    No, the capitalism guy was Adam Smith.


    I'm thinking Nowai O'Reilly. But that sounds like a girl's name.


    Is it a boy or a girl owl? :???:


    - :vahi:

  3. Who's to say that this really is Karzahni? After all, it could very easily be a mutated form of the member of the first Toa team we've been hearing about. After all, he was said to be green.


    It seems to me more likely that this set was mislabeled, since they spelled it wrong. However, as a mutated Karzahni I wouldn't mind too much. It is also possible that this is a prototype pic for which the colors are not yet final, although I am not sure that is very likely. One thing's for sure, this guy will be fun to draw once I get the set.


    If this were a day later, we might have had some doubt as to the authenticity of this set. However, I suppose we ought to appreciate this set, since it is an ingenious build, regardless of what it is intended to be.


    - :vahi:

  4. I'm very sorry about that Aanchir, my dad didn't allow me on barely at all for the past few days, and I have been using most of my time as I said, for school and chores. But happy belated birthday dear? Once again I feel awful about that, and I am pretty guilty for not doing other needed things this week.


    So glad to be back for awhile. :)


    It's okay. I've had trouble getting on BZPower sometimes, and I realize that a member as important as you has a lot more to do when he or she is available. No need to feel guilty about it.


    - :vahi:

  5. I'm actually glad you've been busy. I was afraid you were ignoring me when you forgot to wish me Happy Birthday yesterday :( . But now I know that you had a reason, so we're cool :) .


    You like big bands and jazz? I get the idea you'll like Mike Oldfield's music more than I had anticipated! (Granted, it's not really jazz, but it's pretty jazzy in some parts. I ought to find a site for you where you can buy some MP3s of his music.)


    Glad to see you again!


    - :vahi:

  6. He didn't beat me to making this entry, if that's what you're talking about. I made an entry about it yesterday. I just decided he should do it today, since I didn't have time to Snicketize a birthday speech, and I've really lost the ability to make a long, serious entry .


    But if you're talking about being born, then yes. He beat me to it. :D


    - :vahi:

  7. What musical was it? My school did Smokey Joe's Cafe. I'd like to know what other schools did.


    Oh. I suppose I ought to spam like everyone else.


    maramarlarde ftw! rihtg bac atchoo


    lol i is being a noob lol


    - :vahi:

  8. Lyichir and I got Bionicle World two days ago. Although everyone complains about Karzahni's picture, the pictures are actually rather good overall.


    I'd tell you what my favorite of the new locations is and why, but that would require posting spoilers.


    I'll keep watch for when you get around to posting that new art.


    - :vahi:

  9. I know, but I'm really hoping I can get an entry in about Mike Oldfield... He's a great musician, whose work you have to check out. If you are ever looking on the internet for good MP3s, I recommend Tubular Bells, Tubular Bells II,Tubular Bells III, andVoyager. Given the sorts of movies that interest you, particularly action films such as Pirates of the Caribbean, I believe Voyager and Bells II and III would interest you.


    If you find a site that has them at reasonable prices, I can tell you which tracks on those are my favorites, in case the whole albums are too expensive.


    The problem is that an entry about Tubular Bells would require a passage in Sebald Code, since opportunities like that are only occasional. Soon I should have an entry up about something else, though. Maybe Fintastically Fredericksburg... What is it? Wait and find out! :evilgrin:


    I have some MOCs in the works as well, but they are nowhere near completion. As for Artwork, I really am hoping to ink some of my drawings, but I would like to wait on a few reviews.


    - :vahi:

  10. I got mine at Borders. It wasn't in the normal Bionicle section, so you might just want to ask a bookseller.


    Shine, if you meant Karzahni, then, yes, he was drawn poorly. Especially since it was blue and green. Any black and gold MOC is better.




    His mask is cool, at least. Kudos to the artist for that.


    - :vahi:

  11. When I had braces, I would get them in whatever color scheme matched one of my latest Bionicle sets. I've had Gold+Dark Red (For Toa Jaller), Dark Blue+Gold (for Brutaka), Red+Dark Red (for Hakann), and Red+Orange (for Kalmah). I always get the red and white canister sets, while Lyichir gets the green and brown/yellow, and our little brother gets blue and black. We divided them back in '01, so that each of us got a bright color (red, blue, or green).


    I'm waiting for the faces to firm up so that I can carve them more precisely. I will them be able to give you pics of Aanchir and Lyichir, then request a drawing for the first time!


    - :vahi:

  12. Those sets sound impressive, especially the Titans. Can you tell us how many there will be, or is that forbidden ground?


    You mention Artakha-- Is that in reference to the place, or has that been officially chosen as its ruler's name?


    I'm impressed. I'd die for a job like yours. (Not like that would get me one, or that it wouldn't happen anyway :P )


    - :vahi:

  13. You know how in dreams, you can sometimes tell that they're dreams? You are experiencing the action, but it feels more like you're in a movie, having all of your decisions made for you? I had a dream like that once, and my mind even told me what it was based on: a cross between Final Fantasy and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Or so it seemed...


    Upon waking up, I realized that it had absolutely nothing in common with either of those stories, and I still am wondering why "Final Fantasy" jumped to mind, since I have even played a Final Fantasy game! :P


    I've had weird dreams before, but that one was pretty funny!


    And don't worry. The rest of us likey your art.


    - :vahi:

  14. I love debates like this. Bonesii, could you poke your head in the "Why Does Everyone Hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic? Upon reading this, I worry that some of my posts may have been unfairly biased, despite the great amount of effort I put into preventing such a thing from happening.


    Anyway, I fail to see how many of these arguments correlate. Some people claim to be 2001ists, some to dislike 2001-styled sets at this stage, and some to prefer MOCs to sets in general. As I said in another blog recently, this doesn't make anyone a bad fan, nor is it the sole factor in determining one's opinion.


    I am still unsure of my standing in the Bionicle community. I have likes and dislikes as well, but I buy pretty much every new BIONICLE set I see. It is not because I am giving in to an obsession; it is because, like I have pointed out in the aforementioned topic, I can never tell exactly how good a set is based on pictures. You (or at least I) have to own it, to examine the MOCability of all of its pieces (because, as has been pointed out, BIONICLE is a creative building toy as well as a line of action figures), and to put your normal notions of what makes BIONICLE what it is so that you can determine whether this is a good set. After that, you can proceed to determine whether it stands up to comparison with previous sets.


    I look down on people who will refuse to give any set or line of sets a chance, particularly those who judge based on pictures alone. To think that there are still people who refuse to buy any of the Inika, or worse, the Piraka! To quote a poem that adequately describes the situation:

    "So oft in theologic wars, disputants, ere I ween,

    Rail on in utter ignorance of what each other mean,

    And prate about an elephant not one of them has seen!"


    Just remember that BIONICLE isn't just what it was in '01, '03, or whatever year you prefer. BIONICLE is the movies, the books, and the sets, good or bad. BIONICLE is the Toa Hordika, the Toa Inika, the Toa Mata, the Voya Nui Matoran, the Toa Nuva, and anything else we may or may not like. To say that a set is not true BIONICLE, or that a member with different preferences is not a true BIONICLE fan is a serious offense, as is putting those words into another's mouth. Like Star Wars or any other long-standing fan outlet, as time goes on, people will express dissent over the changes that time impels, but we have to accept that change happens, and give ourselves at least a chance to change alongside the things we hold dear.


    With all due respect,

    :vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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