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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. Also, I just checked his posts, which say that he actually owns one (and probably at least one other) BIONICLE figure, a green one. He's apparently not a very interested fan, as he seems unsure of the name. It seems to me that he probably is a BIONICLE fan himself, that for some reason became ashamed of his interests, and in a moment of anger and stupidity sent this ridiculous lie as a veiled personal complaint. Noone ever came home with a broken collarbone as he claimed (unless he himself did), he just did this to make you feel as ashamed of BIONICLE as he currently was.


    - :vahi:

  2. The saddest thing about it is that the member who sent you that PM is never going to read this entry, and therefore never going to learn the abominable error of his wrongs.


    It's sad that there are people who are so unfeeling that they will try to manipulate their siblings in this way. Noone should try to ruin another person's enjoyment so that that person "fits in." It's a senseless practice, and evidence that this member did not feel sorry for his brother, and rather felt ashamed. That is a sick and disturbing fact, but it is the obvious truth.


    If the member's little brother reads this, let him be aware that he has earned our sympathy, and that his older brother most certainly has earned our contempt.


    - :vahi:

  3. im holding back the urge to say pwnt in all caps w/ twelve exclamation points.

    i was too, but that would incredibly mean to the poor little thing. :P


    I think before I came in I saw my neighbor's cat nearby...:fear:...j/k :P


    THA'S NOT FUNNY! :angry:


    I won't let yu be meen to the amaminals!


    - :vahi:

  4. I think I'll judge this one. While it will be fun to enter, I feel this contest will have a lot more entrants than last time, and I think you could use the extra help. Hope you judge as well, Bundalings-- an three-person judging panel would be nice.


    - :vahi:


    EDIT: I just noticed the header for the Lemon Club content block. I like it.

  5. And who in their right mind would read a story without a happy ending?
    The trilogy I'm writing has probably the most depressing ending possible.


    Seriously, I cannot think of anything worse.


    Does that mean nobody will read it? :o




    It was sarcasm. Do you think, looking at the theme of my blog, that I was serious when I said that?


    - :vahi:

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