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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. I personally wub math. *runs to minimum safe distance*. But I'm sorry about your blog, Lady K. I wish there was something I could do. Maybe we can chat on Messenger soon, though.


    Some people have all the luck. I get up at 5:30 every day except weekends. But hey, I'm a slow starter, my school starts at 7:45, and I like to have time to check out BZP before school. I guess I should be grateful.


    - :vahi:

  2. OMG! Yu asploded Lady K's headzorz!


    But anyway, nice job on the comics. I'm surprised you were able to get both Lady K and Turakii as regularly appearing stars. This must be the first sprite comic series I've seen do that. (Of course, I've only read around 3, counting this one :P ). I'll make a full review in the topic once you have enough comics for me to get a better understanding of the series's overall humorous style.


    - :vahi:

  3. Congrats! I didn't actually vote, but if I had voted, I would have definitely voted for yours (which are some of the most adorable MOCs I've seen since the start of the contest). Enjoy your prize! (That is, if it gets settled that it goes to you.)

  4. Ah well. I've had something similar happen. At least I have a real girlfriend now. (Or at least, a girl who's made it clear that I can make my feelings for her public. I think that's pretty good evidence that she likes me.


    But promise to me that if she gets married to someone else, and later dies, you won't start devoting your life to researching the lives of her misfortune-bound kids. That wouldn't be cool.


    So keep that in mind, as well as the fact that a lot of people are going through that this time of year, what with both proms and the end of school fast approaching. Your time will come.


    - :vahi:

  5. Hydraxon's hands and weapons look weird, but he looks waaaayyyy better than a mere Inika. Even Umbra was unable to claim the same degree of beauty displayed in Hydraxon's design. Granted, his legs and feet could use work, but the same and worse could be said of Umbra. I cringed at his design.


    I realize that since my main creative outlet is drawing, I have a different view on which sets look best (Kazi, for instance, drives me insane), but if people would look at things as do they would realize that most of the time, the flaws and benefits of a set's design balance out.


    - :vahi:

  6. So, how come my zamors aren't multiplying? I ought to have a billion by now!


    What? No, you can't have them! Factory defects or not, the plastic Tribbles are MINE!


    Wish I had been awake at that hour to chat with you guys. (Although, to be honest, it's pure luck that one of the only classic Star Trek episodes I've seen happens to be "The Trouble with Tribbles.")


    - :vahi:


    EDIT: Somehow I quoted an entirely unrelated entry in a different blog. It's gone now, thank goodness.

  7. Oh well that clue was helpful. :P


    Though I guess it is isn't totally obvious, I just guessed this person be on BZP since you pointed this out clearly, on BZP.

    The clues are not intended to be helpful from the start. They will become more helpful as time passes.


    Wait, so you've found a girlfriend that is also a BZP member? But I don't understand why may 31.


    Sorry, I don't get it.



    May 31 would be the day of the 41st clue, the clue by which all will be revealed. For all to be understood by June, does it not follow that the last day in May would have to contain the final groundbreaking revelation?

  8. Lady K, you're writing a songfic? I can't wait to see it! :)


    Sometime we ought to collaborate on a story of some sort! I just figure, since you're so good with dramatic/action scenes in your epics, and I can't write one to save my life, we might be able to come up with a pretty good story together!


    Actually, to be honest, I've never been able to collaborate on something as creative and spontaneous as a story, although one member has asked me to write a story with them. I was forced to decline, given that it had battle scenes and a song I didn't know.


    I'm not really sure about the quiz question, though. Really doesn't bring any particular character to mind for me. Maybe it would if I actually heard the song.


    EDIT: Wow, a prize? I guess I have to pick, then. I guess... Zaktan? I can't really see how it would fit him, but I figure he'd be one you'd write about. Plus, he's almost the only logical answer noone's guessed.


    Also, please try to mind your commas. When I first read this entry, I thought you were telling me that Turakii wasn't an answer choice! :P


    - :vahi:

  9. Same reason most of my older art is CGed. The "printing it out" method is okay, but for some media, such as watercolor, you need paper that is at least a bit thicker and more absorbent in order to make your colors look right. However, even that is preferable to damaging the hard copy.


    While we're on the subject of art, how much longer till you get up the next tutorial?


    - :vahi:

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