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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. Congrats, Arpy! Your story really deserved the win!


    Of course, now that we've had an MOC/artwork contest and a writing contest, it might take a while to come up with a new contest, but I'm sure Bundalings, Seran, and I will cook up something eventually. As for right now, I've got my mind on something Seran and I once discussed in a PM. Seran, if you don't remember what I'm talking about, PM me and we'll discuss it further.


    Enjoy your shiny new banner, Arpy! Wear it with pride!


    - :vahi:

  2. But I have all these messeges I want to keep and I only have 200 max. ;-;


    I know what to do!


    If you have messages that are just continuation (ex. one of the convos we had), then you just keep the one that has the most continuation off of it. The rest just say what the longest one says. That's what I do, so I have 50 instead of 50 bazillion. :P


    Or you could ignore me if you already do that.




    I do that too!


    - :vahi:

  3. Aye, that's me.


    The guy holding the chicken is my 'guy-friend'. Not boyfriend, cause we're not dating. :P


    Anyways, he's been working at a fast food place called Chik-fil-A for a while now, and he keeps complaining cause his manager is really mean. It's a majorly-chicken restuarant. Thus the chicken reference.


    Gotta love inside jokes.




    I <3 Chick-Fil-A. Glad to hear you get it up north; until recently it was a primarily southern establishment.


    - :vahi:

  4. But I have all these messeges I want to keep and I only have 200 max. ;-; I'll find a few I can delete. But first, I'm re-PMing everyone.


    Okay. I'm sorry about seeming impatient; I had forgotten about how much of a blow you sustained when your Premier Membership ran out. It's just that I saw you on BZP yesterday and wanted to have an IM conversation, but there was no easy way of getting your attention when your inbox was full. :(


    - :vahi:

  5. Good grief, are you STILL in school?! It's June already! Classes down here end the week of Memorial Day!



    Emphasis on "down here." :P When I lived in Houston, we got out in the middle of May... and started in the middle of August. Up here, we start in September and get out in the middle of June...


    Same here. School ends tomorrow for me. Well, not counting any days I spend making up work.


    - :vahi:

  6. i was bullied for liking bionicle once.


    Really? I got really popular in my school for liking bionicle.


    Anyway,Greg, That person is probably just trying to destroy bionicle to get people to like something that he likes that usually, no one thinks is good, something like Mega Bloks, which tried to leech off Lego's fanbase.

    That's a terrible assumption. It is clear that, whether or not this member is telling the truth about his brother, did not send this PM for the sake of a competitor. It is more likely that, for some reason yet unknown to us, BIONICLE was affiliated with something that hurt him emotionally, and therefore he has placed the blame on BIONICLE. He seems unwilling to answer the PMs we send him, or perhaps just new to the system, so I suggest we find some other means to figure out exactly why he joined and why he sent this PM.


    - :vahi:

  7. I neither know the song nor have the time to translate it back, but it looks great. Except for one noticable thing – would the title not be Americanum Crustum? Given that crustum is a neuter noun, the adjective modifying it must be neuter as well.


    Your name needs to be ablative! :P Aanchire Rachira Temporis...


    I've heard about the Latin banquet before, from my mom, interestingly, who had one at her school... But my school doesn't have one. (Not enough people, for one thing.) I have mixed feelings on whether or not I would want to partake in one, but it must be fun to attend...


    Ah, but it has to be feminine. Not sure what it is? You seem to realize that it's a song. Now what songs do we know by Don McLean? Come on, a google search is all it really takes... :P


    Anyway, I wasn't really trying to translate my name, since I only put it there to conceal my real name. If so it would probably be Aanchire Rachira Temporis, as you translated it.


    Anyway, I'm in Latin III, so I didn't have to be a slave. Unfortunately, not all the slaves showed up, so Lyichir and I had to share ours with the whole Latin III class. But it was fun. Lyi and I made it hard for him. To start, we asked himto address each of us by name whenever we spoke to him! Also, the seat next to Lyi was missing the actual plastic seat, so it was basically a platform on a pipe, and we made him sit there for a while. :lol:


    Cum omni debito respectus,

    :vahi: Aanchir: Rachira Temporis

  8. Guys, I just recieved a PM from this member, and the way in which it was written leads me to believe that, while the author was not of sound reasoning when sending this PM to Greg, he is serious about this problem, and in no way deserves all of the disrespect he is getting here. Please try to sympathize with him, so that we can help him to find a more effective solution. I know that Greg and/or the staff may feel reluctant to allow this sort of PM, but realize that it would be nobler to help this member and ask him his motives than to flame him for something he did not think before doing. He has flamed noone, he has merely asked Greg to stop writing for Bionicle, albeit in a way demeaning to Bionicle. Let's pull together and try to discuss this peacefully.


    - :vahi:

  9. 2) If the account was created specifically to tell me about this, why was it created 12 days ago, and includes posts in the BIONICLE-based creations forums?


    I think you mean "hypocritical." Hippocratic is that oath doctors take, named for Hippocrates. Hypocritical means "judging people differently than you judge yourself or those whom you favor."


    - :vahi:

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