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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. There once was a lemon and it was magical.Twako Was in the garden picking lemons for a lemon pie.

    He picked The magic lemon,Then said "oh one bite won't hurt". So he bit the magic lemon.

    Out of nowere lemon-nui was staring at him, and said "This may HURT a little". A giant lemon fell on him and light expoaded it.A toa was standing there all yellow and said"Im Twako, Toa of lemons"And then disapered.


    Word limit is 111 words, JC. This story is only 80.


    - :vahi:

  2. I would have thought you were serious. Most people I know hate Windows with a passion.


    I actually like Windows. I know Macs have better graphics and whatnot, but I'm satisfied with what I get from Windows, which is what I'm most used to.


    - :vahi:

  3. Good idea. Of course, if we put it a wee bit later, we'll have more people on, since more folks will be out of school.


    - :vahi:


    Ok, sounds good. Start spreading rumours about it...:P




    Actually, later isn't necessary. I thought you said June 1st.

  4. We should probably start doing some more Lemony things, actually...a few Challenges now and again isn't really enough.


    Let's wait until after the Challenge and think of more fun stuff to do...:mellow:




    You did once suggest an International Lemon Week. We need to decide on a date so people can start making banners.


    - :vahi:

  5. I'm amazed! This is the third blog contest I've won!


    Hmmm... new content block? I'm not sure...


    If I decide on something now, then change my mind, could you edit the content block to be something different? Right now I'm thinking a link to my blog, but I'd rather find something that would interest the folks who read yours...


    - :vahi:

  6. As I said before, this person owns at least one BIONICLE set. He was probably ashamed of himself for liking BIONICLE, perhaps due to getting into a situation similar to but less dramatic than the one he describes his "little brother" getting into, and he sent this PM in a moment of weakness.


    If this member has not left as he said he would, I would like him to know that, while he has reason to be ashamed of this choice he made, he will still be welcomed back to this site if he makes amends for his actions. I hope sincerely that others will agree with me on this, for he most likely was not thinking when he sent this PM, and at some point he may want to come back, but may fear a backlash from those whom he offended.


    - :vahi:

  7. People have the right to think an MOC didn't deserve to make it to the finals based on their criteria. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't have made it, however, and certainly doesn't justify a post I saw from Darth Vader stating that he would have nulled in protest against the Leviathan having made it to the finals had he not seen one particular MOC. There is no way to justify such an action, and it pleases me that he had the reason not to go through with it. After all, the idea behind voting is to vote for what you like best out of what's given, and protesting with apathy is a fruitless endeavor.


    - :vahi:

  8. She loves someone named Christian, huh?


    I suppose now all you can do is write her love letters in his name until the two of themare married with your assistance, after which you're both sent off to war and he dies defending France. Then continue visiting this Roxane Ashley every saturday at the convent where she has taken up residence until a wooden beam is dropped on your head, you go to see her in spiteof your head injury, and you finally confess your love.


    Or perhaps this is just a Cyrano de Bergerac pun made to lighten the mood. But whatever. :P


    But seriously, I feel sorry for you, dude. Why does this seem to be happening to everyone on the site as of late?


    - :vahi:

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