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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Zeddy

  1. I think a general topic like this would be better suited in the Official one, or one of the multitude of talkbacks in the news forum. Closing..
  2. Overall, I'd say Teridax, mainly because he was the real "big bad" and a darn good one, too. As for the second option, I chose Krika. Third would be Vamprah, but since these two didn't have much character development I made my decision based off of the sets.
  3. Man, $60 for three of the coolest sets... I'll probably still get them but I'll feel guilty for the next few days. I might get the LoSS, even though I'm afraid of spiders, but I really liked the Visorak and this one reminds me of them, so... Question: do all the Toa come with gold versions of their masks and the little spider things? Lol nevermind looks like they do
  4. I said private. If I was from somewhere else where people actually knew what LEGO was, or where it was more common to be a proper fan of anything, really, I might have gone with "public".
  5. That one's the BZPower font, I think. Check out Charlie Brown. It doesn't seem to be the exact one (it's a little.. bolder) but IMO it's a close enough approximation. You might also find other fonts similar to it (this one is inspired by the Namco font).
  6. No, I'm Batman. And I'm ready for this movie. ()
  7. Speak is a bit of a stretch, but I hope to be fluent one day. I've been learning it for about two years now.
  8. Zeddy

    Fandom Name

    There doesn't need to be one, but that doesn't mean there can't be.
  9. I said that I liked the story, because it's simple and familiar enough (a quest for collecting some relic or the other) and still exciting for old fans, and easy to get into for newcomers. As for the reboot, I'll always have a soft spot for the Toa so I like that they're returning, but it will still take me a while to get used to the fact that this is in fact a reboot. All in all I think the Toa are a good link between the old and new story.
  10. If you ever need a topic title changed, remember Forum Leaders have the ability to do so. No need to post a new topic. Dupe topic closed.
  11. Zeddy

    Fandom Name

    From here on, I'm going to refer to us as "Bioniks".
  12. You'll find plenty of discussion in the several other topics about Bionicle in 2015. It looks like a reboot, but you never know. You can continue in those topics ^ Topic closed
  13. I'm a little bummed they're not releasing the MoC in set form.. though there's probably still hope in the form of an unannounced set or in the next couple of years.. IMO it's one of the best looking masks out there. Of course there may be some piece of information I've missed?
  14. Haha, yeah, I was kind of shocked to see all the positivity flooding in. Not the usual response when it comes to anything new that's announced. It's a nice feeling. I have to say that I'm a little disappointed that Artakha wasn't the one wearing the MoC, but oh well, it's a reboot.
  15. Right you are. Check out the various news stories, too. Topic closed
  16. Everything about newTahu is great, but for some reason the silver feet are bothering me. D: Ruins the flow of colour IMO Edit: I'm seeing a Rahkshi staff piece in use in Kopaka. Has it been out of circulation or has it been used in other sets since ~2003? Also lol why is Onua "Onya"?
  17. I feel like this is a thing on basically all Internet forums and isn't unique to BZP. I think I've seen people get nitpicky about grammar enough times that it doesn't phase me anymore. I'm not gonna try and use perfect grammar everywhere on the Internet because I have to do that enough for essays/midterms and I'd like a break once in a while. Yes, I think when you're have a discussion or something being coherent is important but that does not always mean being grammatically correct.
  18. Hm.. I mostly like where this is headed. The art could have been a little more, idk, refined? But if I see more of it I think I can get used to it. I like the fact that they're going back to the bare bones of the 2001 story and with a new spin on it. If the story is completely different it's gonna get a little tricky keeping all the canon straight, especially with the same characters (in name, at least). Also tbh the "Mask of Ultimate Power" seems a little gimmicky lol
  19. I didn't want to make a whole topic about this, but it's still interesting so I'll just stick it here. So as most of you know, Velika the Po-Matoran is actually a Great Being in disguise. I was completely floored when I discovered this fact 3 days ago. What you may not know, is that in Russian and some other Slavic languages, "velikij/великий" means "great" (as an example, Great Britain is "velikobritaniya/Великобритания"). Which means Velika is literally derived from the word "great", and this should have been a major hint as to the characters true origins. Now I know in the Official Velika Guide topic (it exists lol), Greg said they hadn't planned this reveal way back in 2006. So it could just be a coincidence (or maybe he was lying ). But it seems too perfect to be a coincidence, especially seeing how the story in the past has been littered with these little hints everywhere. Though I suppose it is possible that they randomly picked a name and then decided the character's fate after they discovered its meaning. Stranger things have happened. (i apologize if this has been pointed out before)
  20. Of course it is happening inside your head, SPIRIT, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?

    1. SPIRIT


      So I just imagined Bionicle being back? Typical me.

  21. I definitely would like to see a line targeted at girls. I guess the only thing I can see being an issue is that the line would just have a lot of pink, purple etc. ("girly" colors) as the sole indicator that it is a line for girls. We don't need to play into the idea that pink things are for girls and blue for boys. What I would support would be Bionicle/Hero Factory like figures that may be shaped a little more "feminine-ly", and a majority of the characters would be female. Like just switch the genders around. However, in an ideal world we wouldn't need separate lines for boys and girls, but just one line that represents both groups equally. I also agree with the above point that commercials should feature girls and boys both playing with lines such as Hero Factory or whatever.
  22. This was the thing I was most worried about, that there will be a large number of new fans, but they won't be flocking to sites like BZP, or really anything. They'd either just play with friends or perhaps go to more "known" sites. But who knows, maybe I'm just out of touch. BZP is still a small fraction of the actual Bionicle fan base. It'd be great to see more members, definitely. I don't know how much the atmosphere will change but it'll be nice to have more discussions and whatnot.
  23. I like it, but apparently it means "man" in Japanese? This may be a reach, but is it possible it's just a placeholder name till they finalize on the story details?
  24. Just when I'm not in the country, this happens. I'll definitely be checking it out next year, though.
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