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Night Terror

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Night Terror

  1. Just my traditional January posting --




    If they're fake, they're fake, okay. If they're real, they're very obviously not final box art. And either way, WE'LL FIND OUT... in like... five or six months? If people absolutely need to madly dwell on Bionicle's future, they should await the new serials and look for early releases of Shadows of the Sky :D




    Wrong, we'll find out in a month, when the toyfair comes :P

  2. Thanks for the description Greg. Kanohi Shelek of Silence? Sounds cool. And Kirop... And looks like every Shadow Matoran has a difference ability, like Av-Matoran. (Cool quotes, BTW.)


    Thanks again :D


    EDIT: Little question: Shadow Matoran special abilities are only accesible when combined with the Makuta right?

  3. Those are fantastic news, but... When you say that no info until July, It's because is in July when Shadows In The Sky gets released? :blink:


    And that your products of next year are great, it's something that you guys have been able to see in BZP for months :P (Heck, everyone is gonna get a set in 2008)

  4. * Perfect, done and ready? I hope that there's nothing like the Karzahni wallpaper... (Heck, from where does the chain come and why has he two left hands?)

    * So... Dark design to fit the year?

    * Let me guess: It's the Phantoka T :P

    * Another thing done, less to do... yet.

    * I don't know If that's going to be a Minimovie or what, but please: Put them on Quicktime to download! We love CGI videos!

    * So... BionicleStory 2007 will be nothing compared to BStory 2008? (I mean, guess that's a lot more than this year)


    So by Dec. 12th you need ALL 2008 or just Phantoka themed? Well, I want to see It! I hope I like It, and If I don't do... Well, I don't belive I won't. Thanks for the update Bink, hope you're not very busy :)

  5. Well, I think I used the wrong word, sorry. But, what I meant, is that things are showed with a little more of detail. (I know that 12 pages aren't enough to tell very very well the story, like back in 2001-03, where even extra scenes were given.). But you know, sometimes, there's so many action there, that It's even hard to understand what's going on until the third time you read It.

  6. I can imagine the situation...


    Drunk1: WHat have you told me? Hip! What? Hip!

    Drunk2: That's what--Hip!-- I should ask you. Hip!

    Both: I'll take that bottle and--

    You: 50 Dollars that number one wins :P


    On the other side... GIVE ME MONEY....


    Adventurer: No

    :crying: :P

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