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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. You want my protection? How much can you pay? Kiina
  2. Wondered how the rest of G2 would have gone. If Ekimu had donned the Mask of Ultimate Power.
  3. Very nice-you've captured the style perfectly, and it's an excellent reinterpretation of the Bohrok. Everybody seems to go for Tahnok for G2 revamps...
  4. Overall an excellent piece of work. I'd personally contemplated something along the lines of the "gods" Makuta referred to for my own entry, but couldn't think of a good idea for it-love how you tied everything together.
  5. A neat model and concept-I know a few people have postulated the Mask of Ultimate Power as being more than just an absurdly powerful mask. I agree with most of Supreme King's feelings as well, though I'm not bothered too much by the silver-the Mask of Ultimate Power did after all change from gold to black upon activation, so another color change doesn't seem all that bizarre.
  6. A pretty nice piece, considering what you had to work with-recalls Metru Nui Legacy's Turahk model.
  7. Yeah, of course were Taipu not such a nice guy he could break in and say "if you're so rugged how come you make ME do all YOUR digging?" or "Because Kolhii and riding a crab are so rugged." Then again, if he really wanted to get back at Onepu he'd let Jaller know that Mr. Purple Pakari has been hitting on his girlfriend.
  8. In a bit of a Voltron drought at the moment-I've heard rumors of a season three trailer but haven't come across anything official yet. And of course the live action movie is still a ways out, so no help there.
  9. Darth Maul was actually one of the few redeeming aspects of The Clone Wars in my opinion, though to be honest there was a lot about the series I didn't enjoy; Rebels was a vast improvement in my estimation. The introduction of his brother Savage Opress-though I love the name and his design-was harder to swallow; the old "enemy sibling you never knew about" angle is as tired a trope as it gets. Of course, the show wasn't the first Star Wars media to employ Darth Maul's return as a plot device, and his popularity was such that it's really just a surprise that Lucas didn't reverse his death earlier. Dooku was pretty well done in the show, but in a way it was basically to make up for how poorly handled he was in the films. The Chronicles of Narnia Less a change and more something I would like to see done, but assuming they ever get around to The Silver Chair film I would cast Anthony Daniels as Puddleglum. You're looking for a skinny British guy with a gift for doom and gloom-what better candidate are you going to find?The Big Guy and Rusty How's this for a blast from the past? Personally, I wouldn't have ended the show on a cliffhanger the way they did-I imagine they probably hoped to make more, but since that wasn't the case it would have been nice if they could have left things a little more tied up.In General Personally, I don't care for certain types of deaths that take place in a lot of series-I'm not talking violence so much as theme. Essentially they boil down to hero characters killing other hero characters for various reasons, i.e. "sparing" them from something, unlocking some dumb deus ex machina, and so on.
  10. Well, now that the season has fully aired, I think it's safe to discuss all the details. The revelation that the previous Master of Lightning was Jay's mother has me wondering more and more if Lou wasn't the Master of Earth. I also can't help but wonder if she might have passed away-likely while giving birth to Jay-and whether her passing was what prompted Cliff to leave Jay with Ed and Edna. The season also left me wondering if the Elemental Masters lose their powers when they're passed on to their children, given that Ray and Maya showed no indication of still possessing them: especially since they didn't worry about the Time Twins forcing THEM to retrieve the Reversal Blade. I also wonder how Ray and Maya are going to play into the dynamic of the show going forward-are they going to fill Wu's shoes to some degree while he's absent, or are they more likely to just be part of the ever growing support group for the ninja? Also, it could not be more obvious in my mind that P.I.X.A.L. is the new Samurai X, what with the elimination of various other candidates and Samurai X's role in the final episodes.
  11. Not be entirely surprised-they seem pretty dead set on taking over the entertainment industry anyway. If Lego took over Disney.
  12. Death by life in prison for his slaver activities. Kiina.
  13. It gets broken up after it is rapidly deduced that Gavla and Ahkmou are the ringleaders. Roodaka and Tuma form an alliance.
  14. I would like to join the Polar Bear Club. Strakk
  15. A more constructive outlet for his destructive energies. Umbra.
  16. This is excellent! A marvelous adaptation of the Inika storyline into G2. Now if only it were an epic and not just a short story for the contest...
  17. Yeah...plus, Revenge of the Skull Spiders indicated that the Spider Lord met a final fate when the Protectors brought the roof of his lair down on top of him and a sizeable portion of the Skull Spider army. Of course, even that novel failed to explain what had become of the various Okotans he had previously taken captive.
  18. In all seriousness though, it's amazing the amount of discussion the fate of a Lego theme can produce.
  19. Would be more exciting if we hadn't known about these guys for some time now. Some cool figs nonetheless; the most interesting element in my mind is Fenris Wolf. Of course in true Norse mythology-or at least what scraps of it have been handed down and reinterpreted over the ages-Fenrir is to be responsible for the death of Odin during the Battle of Ragnarok. Of course, the absence of an Odin minifigure in these-or ANY-Marvel sets makes it hard to know from Lego merch alone whether that's going to be anything like what happens in the film, though of course it's not like Marvel has ever been much for holding to the exact letter of Norse myth as we have it anyway.
  20. The LEGO sort Also the free kind. Well that was implied, but I was kind of wondering WHAT EXACTLY was being given away-but I suppose that's a moot point now.
  21. Thanks. However, you've told me what is great about it (if I understand you correctly), but not what's horrible. Oh, well...it's all kind of in one, to be honest. You have created an excellent tragedy-I love reading it even though it's ripping my heart out. The latest chapter is no exception-love how you wrote Artakha, and looking forward to see what you what you have planned for him.
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